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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 920557

The radical left democrats very blatantly stole the 2020 election. Why do they still deny there being fraud, despite plenty of evidence?

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🧵 Best low poly character generator

Anonymous No. 920545

Man, I've looked and can't find a single tool to generate these meshes like similar to Vroid and that it exports some format to import in blender and texture.

>but why not do it
Because I don't want to fucking waste 1 hour into making them every fucking time, you retarded povertyfag.

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🧵 Midland 1F on trainz

Anonymous No. 920534

midland 1F

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🧵 You know we're something if a game dev ourselves

Anonymous No. 920526

With all the good talented members of this respectable board, why hasnt anyone collaborated on a project to make anything. You already know a company is average and not making there best, but plenty of proof of a single mooder out doing them. If you guys are as good as you say you are, I challenge you to show them what you're made of, imagine it as many users here making a game and one users is as a good as a whole company by themselves. We have the numbers and skill we could ship out interesting games and all get paid, could even make this a new jobs doing this, so what do think?

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🧵 Mobile sculpting / Nomad Sculpt

Anonymous No. 920517

I'm back with some mobile sculpts I've been making over the past month. Managed to get myself a pc put together so I'm also practicing on zbrush.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Is my portfolio good enough to be in the industry? No. 920500

I've been trying to get a job as a 3D artist for ages, I just want to know what I'm doing wrong and what I should do to/ know someone to get a foot in the industry.

I have proficient knowledge in creating game-ready assets, a beginner knowledge in rigging, and little to no knowledge in Unity or Unreal.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 920489

d/ic/ks have their inktober prompts, i want to see you faggots do a couple this year.

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🧵 Trainz models

Anonymous No. 920485

i dont know if this qualifies for 3dcg, but i made this locomotives in blender, and i exported them to be playable in trainz 2009

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🧵 Happy Birthday

3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 920466

One this day in 2006, Moot had a great idea.
16 years later, we are all 16 years older.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 920415

Want to make patron game don't want to make my own adult assets, everyone says use Daz3D but everything on Daz3D is ken dolls.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 920399

Uhh henlo what's the proper board to discuss traditional sculpting? This one, /i/ or /diy/? Not that i have anything to discuss, h-hah... Maybe some of you tried sculpting miniatures with polymer clay?

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🧵 Blender grease pencil

Anonymous No. 920376

Is it any good?

Is there a way to merge 2 strokes together? They are separate since in sculpt mode if you use smooth the lines will separate.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 920353

Is there any free 3D software (or a free blender plugin) that can do the thing in the picture? A surface controlled by 4 curves/bezier handles (or something similar).

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Super ACGVR.jpg


3v3ryb0dy No. 920350

TOPIC: 3D Video games

(The following list contains the names of 3D Video games that are considered lost or whose files still can't be found):

* “Superdimensional” or “Super ACGVR”
-Release date: Uknown

* “Misato Katsuragi's Information Plan” or “Katsuragi Misato Houdou Keikaku”
-Release date: 06/06/2009 - 05/06/2010

* “Sailor Moon Vr Dream Flight”
-Release date: 18/01/2022 - 09/2022

* “To Love-Ru Darkness: Gravure Chance”
-Release date: 01/2017 - 31/05/2018

If you have some information or data (Apk, files... etc) archived, please; feel free to inform us or to post a link here.

Thanks for reading.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 920311

>Adobe when they prevent you from accessing your perpetual licenses
>Adobe when you pirate their software to access your perpetual licenses

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 920291

You guys make fun of Cris, but he's literally the Leonard the Vinchi of this board.

He's not only a pretty reasonable artist (both 2D and 3D), but he's also an entrepreneur (he's making his own game), a programmer, an inventor (he's trying to come up with new ways to generate characters efficiently using AI), etc.

While his results so far aren't impressive, I respect his determination to keep trying new things and improving his work methods. I believe in the long term he'll accomplish his goal of creating a videogame.

Meanwhile, you guys just criticize him and the other anons who post their work. You shitpost about which 3D software is the best or the worst. You debate useless things. But most of you don't actually make 3D stuff.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 920260

Is there any free modelling software with an intuitive interface usable by someone who hasn't spend 200 hours watching shitty Blender tutorials?

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🧵 Blender eevee

Anonymous No. 920254

I think it is crap.
Why bother fucking with it if you can get a RTX and use Cycles?

Why fuck around with it?

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🧵 Motivation thread

Anonymous No. 920224

Hey guys I've been battling procrastination and I feel like I'm wasting my life
Each time I'm telling myself I'll model/draw/sculpt today and just end up wasting my day on vidya and other stuff
Do you have any advice on how to train every day and not procrastinate?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 920196
Expect to see a lot of lumpy assets in games soon

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🧵 A new 3D signature style is born today.

Anonymous No. 920163

Okay, I was sucesful into making an npc, how I wanted.

I failed in my last attempt.
But now I was sucesful into making what I wanted.


I do plan now on like using this style for all my irrelevant npcs and enemies that are more like fillers than being something the player should care about.

The major characters still will have my kind of good looking style, since their budget will easily be 5 hours for secondary characters and maybe 2 days for main characters.

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🧵 Nvidia developing ai to generate 3d models

Anonymous No. 920149

its over

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parametric define....png

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 920141

How do I learn sculpting-based 3D modelling as someone who's only experienced in parametric modelling?
I've used more technical stuff like Autodesk Inventor, Solidworks, and Sketchup a fair amount and the modelling process for them is very intuitive to me: creating 2D sketches, extruding things, constraining with dimensions, etc.
I try opening Blender though, and I'm clueless. There's no sketches or dimensioning as far as I can tell. No clue how to actually summon up more shapes (vertices?) beyond the initial cube it tosses in without any sort of sketch to create a face and extrude it. No familiar tool buttons like hole, fillet, chamfer, loft, etc. either. And without dimensions I suppose I'm meant to just approximate scale and sizes?
This is all very foreign and unintuitive to me.

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🧵 This is the final straw.

Anonymous No. 920117

Going to make a porn game with this style.

I no longer give a shit about anything.

Better get shit done in a SHIT TIER MEDIOCRE GARBAGE STYLE, than just keep dreaming about improving or other random BS idea.

Better get shit done quick than wasting my time idea guying.