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🧵 Making a patreon game

Anonymous No. 920085

I want to make a commercial patreon.

The thing is, I'm 1MA, but I want to make a commercial patreon game.

But obviously my skills aren't the best.
I need skilled character anime guys who are willing to do coomer shit and aren't moralfags.

Obviously, you don't have to work for free.

I will try to make a prototype using my crappy indie AAA shit tier style.
Eventually when I get some interest from degenerates, and I can afford to pay someone with real skill, I will hire people.

But I rather hire degenerates from here, because, well, this is my turf.
This website has been my home.
I don't belong in another site.

Just leaving this here if anyone wants to eventually join.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 920068

>blender good
>cant drag and drop files in
Lmao who the fuck uses this dumb shit?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 920058

What makes you use Blender and not Maya?
Hey guys, i'm employed by Maya and make tools for them. I was gathering some info to decide how to improve my toolset MayaX and make it better for people who use other softwares.
I noticed many Blenders users still use it after all these years and wonder why use a limited tool kit instead of multiple ones to craft your work better
let's say i can make anything for your in Maya and change it any everyway (maybe even make the whole UI look like Blender if thats what you want).
what changes or feature can make you interested in using Maya?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 920049

Is programming involved in 3D? I like to program a bit, just started learning 3D

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 920036

Is it possible to optimize Eevee's VRAM usage? I'm making a very simple scene PS1 style with very low resolution textures but I keep hitting the 8GB limit and Blender crashes.

I only have 50 materials, 20 image textures and 70k tris, why tf is this happening

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🧵 Anyone want to make some game art?

Anonymous No. 920023

Hey 3dCG, I'm a game dev looking for an artist to team up with to make some indie games! I was working with another artist but he is not committed to the projects, and I haven't been happy with the small amount of work that he did complete. I want to work with someone new. I have a bunch of games that I'm working on, the coding is more or less complete but I need ART!

I'm willing to split any profits 50/50, but I need someone who can commit themselves fully to the job. Anyone here interested or have some advice for how to find an artist to team up with?

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🧵 Self-publishing on marketplaces

Anonymous No. 919994

I've sold my stuff before to other studios, be it assets, full environments, tutorials etc. I realize now that it didn't really benefit me long-term and so I have seriously been considering of finding ways to achieve some long term passive income, and ideally try to grow it slowly as time goes on. I don't need to make a quick buck at the moment.

I'm still being asked to create content for other publishers, but I know that I will put in 99% of the work in the whole production, while they will just take it and put it in their stores, earning a huge chunk of percentage off my hard work, giving them a nice income on the side without moving a finger, while I get scraps and some """fame""", which is actually questionable if it will even come. A lot of them have this tactic where they are low key telling you it will be worth it because they are well known in the industry.

But I've been hurt before with that kind of promise, where they say they will handle marketing costs, but really, that "marketing" of theirs is just sharing a post on their social media channels with a few thousand followers, which is kind of pathetic when you think about it. I can do that as well, I regularly get noticed by a lot of people when I post something on the internet, even though I don't have that much following.

So the point of this thread is that I've been considering to begin putting some stuff of mine on various marketplaces, some tutorials on Artstation and some environments on Unreal marketplace, and I've been wondering if anyone here has done the same and if they have some experience with it they would like to share. I know it can be hard at the beginning, but I've seen some people earning ridiculous amounts of money with it on the side.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 919979

>Open Blender for first time
>Completely lost in arcane and unintuitive interface (this coming from someone whose used GIMP and Solidworks)
>Google Blender tutorials
>184 video long playlist of 5 minute vids that poorly explain how to make some specific object
How am I supposed to learn this shit? I don't want to make a fucking donut, I want a simple guide on how to navigate the god-awful UI, and a concise explanation of what each tool does and what I might want to use it for. Preferably in text + pictures form, not some shitty video.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 919954

>submit bug report to 3d company
>submit bug report to 3d company
>submit bug report to 3d company

This is all I ever do these days, /3/. And I'm not even getting paid to test. Anyone share this feel.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 919931

So should I be worried about 3d AI? I understand 2d artists coping with MUH IRREPLACEABLE CREATIVITY and I get that and enjoy making my own stuff in my spare time but 90% of the comissions I get the guy just wants me to be a printer and copy his concept art 1:1 while 2d artists actually get to input their own thoughts on the subject

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 919899

this is a feeling

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🗑️ 🧵 Maya General

Anonymous No. 919874

Lets start Maya General to share our tips and useful stuff!

Looking for good addons recommendations.
Anything that also helps with Sceneprep that isn't bifrost would be good to know.

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🧵 How to make a perfect tutorial?

Anonymous No. 919862

I'll be working on some video tutorials and would like to know what do you think a good tutorial should and shouldn't have. If you have some good examples, please share them here.

Also, do you think having a tutorial without a voiceover would be problematic, even if the explanation is still cleanly explained with text? I'm leaning towards a text based approach personally because I think I can design it well and partially because... Well, I don't like speaking in a video and hearing my voice lol.

Besides things like being straight to the point, well rehearsed / edited video without unnecessary pauses, good video and audio quality, what else do I have to keep in mind?

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🧵 Why do people here hate Blender

Anonymous No. 919824

Hello, Im new here. Why the Blenser hate? OOTL

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🧵 I started blender yesterday

Anonymous No. 919794

Any feedback?
>inb4 auto smooth, I just wanted the polygonal look

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 919776

Animator bros, I found an amazing course on body language.

pls bookmark it.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 919742


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Anonymous No. 919732

Serious question guys, how did they do it?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 919684

does anyone want a perception neuron motion capture suit?

I have switched from producing 3D to 2D and just haven't used it, despite how fun it can be.

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🧵 Blueprints

Anonymous No. 919627

Do you anons have some complex blueprints measured in the metric systems i can reproduce in f360?

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Anonymous No. 919625

How does knowing that you will be made irrelevant by a consumer GPU in the next 5 years make you feel?

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🧵 Need advanced tutorials for Autodesk Alias

Anonymous No. 919600

I'm kind of a beginner in autodesk alias and looking for advanced tutorials. If any anon has torrents or any links please upload.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 919583

someone please save me. where is this imeris outfit from?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 919571

/3/ let’s discuss, what’s the best rendering engine for realistic renders? pic may or may not be related