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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Text to 3D model powered by Stable Difussion

Anonymous No. 921143

It's fucking over bros.
They now use a google paper to make 3d models from text and use Stable difussion model instead of the google dataset.

We won coder bros.
We made artists irrelevant.

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🧡 Help me learn how to sculpt the eye area please anons

Anonymous No. 921065

I'm a 2D artist that's been trying to get into 3D. Whatever attempt I've had to sculpt the eye sockets goes terribly wrong. Please help. If I mess up the eyes I mess up everywhere. What technique do you guys use to sculpt the eye sockets?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 921030

Sorry to kill a thread but I have a question to ask.
maybe you guys know.
What would be the best way to go about building a following online? specially twitter maybe discord, I know people say to tweet often but 3d being something that takes time would make that rather difficult.
My intention is posting some work and try to sell tutorials, get noticed, maybe even get a job.
is it even possible to get noticed for a job on games/vfx by posting on twitter?
IDK maybe you guys have some insights.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 920983

>3 weeks of learning blender
will I make it?

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🧡 Any ideas how to model/render a camera lens? (picrel)

Anonymous No. 920910

I am working on a cell phone design concept for my portfolio, I am using Rhino for a modeling and Blender for rendering. However, I got stuck on the lens part. How should I tackle this? Modeling entire lens seems a little complicated.

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Marge I’m confused No. 920903

New /3/ related toss just dropped

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🧡 Recommended books thread

Anonymous No. 920883

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 920877

Is it okay to bully beginner artists into giving up? I don't really want any competition for myself in the future. Does giving bad advices work better? Do you do this?

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🧡 GCAP Meetup?

Anonymous No. 920872

hello guys is anyone at GCAP? we should meet up at lunch tomorrow lol

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 920864

Sup guys. I don't know where else to post this, so I come to you. I'm in pursuit of a cool looking toon fur effect for blender. And the idea I have, is to create a bunch of particles scattered along the creature's body. And all of the individual particles adopt the vertex normal that it's nearest to. Resulting in each strand of fur seamlessly blending with the mesh.

It's kind of hard to explain, so if you have any questions, I'll try to answer them the best I can. But if you know what I mean, then the concept is actually rather simple. I just don't know how to do it. And apparently, nobody else can figure it out either. I've already looked around, and found this guy's question on stack exchange.

He has the same idea. And provides a proof of concept by baking normals into the fur. But what he and I are seeking, is something that doesn't require baking, and works in real time. So please, if you have any ideas on the matter. ANY ideas. I would greatly appreciate it.

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🧡 Gnomon links?

Gnomon links? No. 920861

I heard that they are pretty loaded with actual industry people doing tutorials. I'm pretty poor so, I kinda wanna know if there's a mega link to the videos.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 920849

Has the perception of Blender replacing Maya and ZBrush for professional work and not just being a tool for amateurs changed?
>3 years ago; absolutely no
>1 year ago; only for a few independent artist and small studios
how is it now?

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🧡 Retopology and other methods

Anonymous No. 920841

Hey I was wondering what the opinion of retopology is here and other people know alternatives.

A tip some person and guides gave me was doing retopology but i don't have that much experience with blender so ofc that will take awhile before i figure out shortcuts and such.
I tried remesh but the result was basically utter garbage.

I'm trying to turn a 'complicated' model of a mask into a simple version so i can export it to Pepakura and use it for foam model making. (it's a reseaonable simple model but just a lo

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 920839

Anyone developing 3d for VR? Got my VR headset a few days ago. Turns out I'm not prone to motion sickness. I feel like I just want to play more VR, but at the same time, I want to get a better job, so i have to stop myself and develop a whole bunch of things, probably with unity (open) xr.

Playing through some of the games I have been blown away even with quest 2 native games on its processor. It's multiple orders of magnitude better than any 3d movie I've seen. The last time I tried vr was about 10 years ago.

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🧡 AI and procedural generation in your workflow

Anonymous No. 920778

With all the advancements in AI, I have some questions.
1. If you have a job in the 3D industry, has AI/procedural generation been implemented into your workflow in some way within the last few years?
2. If yes, then how has it affected your job? Has it made things faster, or perhaps the entire workflow changed?
3. About how much time and money do you think is saved by using AI?
4. Lastly, do you think you job will change or become obsolete in the near future?

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🧡 It’s ogre friends Text to 3D is here.

Anonymous No. 920745

Text to 3D is here and honestly it looks better than I expected on the first go.

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🧡 How limiting are 24GB VRAM?

Anonymous No. 920731

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Furude Rika 3D mo....jpg

🧡 Sketchfab model help

Anonymous No. 920719

Excuse me, I don't know if someone is going to be interested in this, but recently, I found this model of Rika Furude; and despite being one of the best models that I've seen of her (the style gives me some Kyoani vives and the body proportion are way better than the rest of the models related to her + the colour palette used, unfortunately it can't be downloaded.

I wanted to try SketchfabRipper but the free version only works with low poly models, and it doesn't have access to all models which is very annoying.

So if someone can help me to get the model, I would be very grateful.

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Revenge For Stalin

Anonymous No. 920713


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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 920648

I would like to commission someone to model gun furniture so I can make my Unica 6 look like the above image. I would either be 3D printing the parts, or sending it to a company to make a resin cast of the model

Would anyone be interested, or can you point me somewhere I could find people to commission?

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🧡 I've opend the box..

Anonymous No. 920619

I applied to Ubisoft and got a job.

I applied using an Ai generated profile, do i take the job with absolutely no experience in /3/D?

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🧡 Is this the same animation?

Anonymous No. 920605

Let's see how sharp /3/ is.

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🧡 Generating faces?

Anonymous No. 920579

How do you people tackle the issue of making a face? I mean, making it from scratch may be the best option in some cases but then you will have to remember your custom topology every time, not to mention the whole material stuff, rigging, etc.

Face generators like FaceGen and Face Builder are hella expensive, there seems to be a web application which can give you something to work with but that one means you have to upload pictures with varying degrees of failure, MakeHuman's sliders may be of some help but sometimes they are quite limited in some areas.

So, any corporate secrets you wanna share for a more efficient way of creating faces from pictures?

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🧡 Going viral on social media?

Anonymous No. 920572

I wanna make short scary liminal spaces meme horror videos for my instagram page that can get me a nice following.

What do you guys suggest I should make if I want to grow quick on instagram? Or do I have to market myself on Twitter?