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🧵 So I deconstructed a normal map

Altevice No. 966997

I deconstructed a normal map into its R, G and B components. Red seems to represent horizontal info, Green seems to represent vertical info, and Blue seems to represent depth/height info. With this I can essentially paint normal maps. Obviously not saying that this hasn’t been done before, but I don’t think it’s common today.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 966985

Why didn't we get free, non subscription, open source non pozzed 3d ai model reconstruction from photo? What about ai texturing and uving? What killed it? Let me guess - the EU?

You ai cultists are looking worse and worse every day - first it was 2more weeks but now its been years and still nothing.

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🧵 LESLYzerosix general

Anonymous No. 966945

The best anime sculptor started streaming again.

Any based annons willing to start recording his streams again?

Link to the shared folder made to store previously recorded streams :

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🧵 Blender General /BG/

Anonymous No. 966941

old >>962290

Blender general for generally discussing generation of degenerate blender art

Also blender 4.0.2 is now out. I hope you still aren't using that archaic 3.6, are you anon? ARE YOU?!
give moni to blender here so they can add even more geometry nodes you will never use

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🧵 WTF is this?

Anonymous No. 966926

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Screenshot 2023-1....png

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 966907

why doesn't blender get rid of its game engine? no one uses it and just creates a more bulky download

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pillar drawing.jpg

🧵 What did I do wrong?

Anonymous No. 966891

Hi sorry newfag here
not a 3d artist so should ask
so i am a player of this game and i used an avatar a lot, this avatar was seemingly corrupted and removed from the game
but my friend brought it back using a ripper store
well i managed to find the original creator of this avatar and mentioned my friend, he got upset and accused him of stealing assets (keep in mind it was always free in the game) even mentioned it was upsetting to a lot of people it was deleted but still my friend did a bad thing
idk anything about 3d modeling stuff so is he justified or just overreacting?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 966880

When working on personal projects, do you use a base mesh or do you start from scratch every time?

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tranny regrets PA....jpg

🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 966830

Why did he do this?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 966821

is closedgl still irrelevant

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🧵 /Questions bread/

Anonymous No. 966806

/Questions Bread/. Post your 3dcg questions here and hope for good answers. Lets'a go

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 966800

I accidentally moutwheel clicked off on my blender animation frame now it's fucked and my animation doesn't render. How the fuck do I get it back to normal. Ctrl+Z did nothing. I've looked everywhere and can't find an answer on how to put it back to normal. This is a dumb stupid question for retards I know but please help me. How do I get the camera back?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 966771

is opengl still relevant

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 966686


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 966678

>mfw having to "cook" a shitload of nodes for my very complex sims

You didn't warn me about this

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 966655

I don't have enough for all the 3d software and hardware I want to sub to. I just don't earn enough. Fucking sucks man. I'll never be like one of you guys with xx80 or xx90 series gpus with 4k monitors and every software. I'm poor as fuck.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 966606

What are your thoughts about pre rendered?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 966603

>finally read and understand the Joy of Vex

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🧵 Exploring Topology in 3D Art: Practice Exercises Thread

Anonymous No. 966562

Welcome to our thread dedicated to honing your topology skills in 3D art! Whether you're a seasoned artist or just starting out, mastering topology is crucial for creating clean and efficient 3D models. In this thread, we'll share and discuss various exercises aimed at improving your understanding and application of topology.

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🧵 How do you make good mats in Blender?

Anonymous No. 966532

I feel like everything provided by Blender is PURELY for realism,
I can't figure out for the life of me how to make picrel look any better, I've already improved and optimized the mesh as much as I could

How exactly are you supposed to improve materials? I've tried looking for preset and shit on marketplaces but I really don't fucking know
Could also be bc I need to use another render engine but I'm even more clueless about that

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 966513

>been searching for youtube videos on anatomy reference videos
>my feed is now populated with anorexia, eating disorder and other sick videos
>clear and turn off all history
>when I search for an anatomical term on the youtube phone app I get a notice at the top giving me a one click way to call a suicide prevention hotline

google doesn't want us to study anatomy. It's wrongthink.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 966507

>Phong/PN Triangle Tessellation.

is there any implementation/plugin for this on any modern dcc software? btw, this is NOT the same as subdivision surface. with subd, you'll lose volume as it would 'carve' the surface inwards. with this method however, the tessellated surface it generates will still pinned to the source vertices while adding more poly that follows the normals.

the only implementation that ive found is in Unity but as a shader. it would be great if we can use this for authoring 3d model inside Blender/Maya/3dsmax.

there's also a talk by Mihoyo at GDC about experiementing with this method to make their future anime cg model's silhouette looks perfectly smooth and not jagged (imagine the booba closeup). but ive lost the link to the talk.

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🧵 3D models for reference, for 3d printing

Anonymous No. 966503

Anyone got good reference files they can share for 3d printing? Mostly looking for male/female planar faces, but a full body models would be nice too.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 966482

The vast majority of you people don't even use the animation side of 3D Animation Software. You just make poor static models.

Think about that.