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🧵 3D BBC porn

Anonymous No. 992000

What's the best software to use if I want to make 3D BBC cuckold porn?

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🧵 Oh yeah

Anonymous No. 991990

im thinking it game ready

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🧵 How the hell do you make Silicon Graphics-esque renders?

Anonymous No. 991879

I've been wondering this for a long time now. I know it involves NURBS modeling, image textures, and basic diffuse + gloss shaders, but that's about all. Is there anything I'm missing?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 991841

Anyone have good people to follow for renderings of ridiculously luxurious spaces? I love this shit

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 991758

What are some good courses that actually teach Hard Surface and Topology fundamentals? Every course I've tried so far has been focused on boolean stuff, which I'm not opposed to using but I'd like to actually learn the basics first before instead of just b000000ling everything, if you know what I mean.

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🧵 AI really is the future of 3D. There is no stopping it.

Anonymous No. 991751

Hyperhuman Rodin can generate 3D models from an image. Yeah the topology is shit but that doesn't matter. The first cars ran like shit because there weren't roads for them to run on. People assumed that horses would never be replaced since cars werent practical at that time due to fuel, terrain, maintanence etc. All it took was the infastructure to make them the better option. The internet is the infastructure that makes sure AI can only get better. Right now these 3D generation tools aren't usable in a professional enviorment but it is only a matter of time before the gaps are bridged and either way things like topology and UVs have been outsourced for a while now. It doesn't change the fact that you can generate a model like this with just a picture in a matter of seconds... There is no winning against that. It's just too useful for companies or studios. Butlerian Jihad isn't coming to save you. If you choose to die on the hill of artist cope you are going the way of the carrige and horse.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 991719

Really want to use this beautiful model as a reference but I'd like to have it on my machine first, and the author didn't allow it to be downloaded sadly. Anybody willing to rip it for me with Nsight or ninjaripper? After hours fucking around with Nsight I feel no closer to knowing what I'm doing when it comes to ripping browser models/textures.

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blender problems1.png

🧵 I'm an Idiot

Anonymous No. 991624

Ok I've been practicing some animation tests in blender, and got stumped with this specifically.

I'm trying to make a cube fall on another mesh surface, but it keeps going through.
I've tried the force field, collision, and rigid in physics, but still nothing. The block animation is fine, I just can't get the mesh to stay solid.

I've looked up tutorials, but nothing came up specifically.
Any ideas/advice?

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🧵 /wip/ - Works In Progress

Anonymous No. 991621

/wip/ - Works In Progress - High Level Edition

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>984984

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 991590

How come 3d max users haven't made their own teapot tutorial to compete with the famous donut tutorial.

If your software is superior then logically there should be a superior tutorial that shows you how to use it from start to end.

FYI. There isn't

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 991572

I'm really trying not to be a doomer, but how am I supposed to get into the industry when china is churning out thousands of students every year that can put out work like this? why would anyone me as an environment artist for american wages when can hire like 5 guys overseas for the same price? how could I realistically even compete? do I try and segway into a more technical like tech art? or do I pray that I somehow network with the right people and they pity me enough to get me a job?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 991563

You will never be cris.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 991535

What is the lifecycle of AO textures in gamedev? Lets say I'm modeling whole levels as Blender scenes, at which point should I create AO textures? Surrounding geometry matters so when I move things AO changes. Which means it's probably best to keep AO as shader node on Blender side, and only bake them into AO textures when everything is done. But this doesn't sound very convenient or maintainable, it seems I'll have to go through every object in scene, bake every AO texture individually and connect them into corresponding BSDF slot in shader? This is also destructive, because I cant' just move things afterwards without reintroducing AO shader node manually... Overall, sound like maintanance hell. Is there something to automatically bake AO, maybe even automatically rebake AO when objects move? Found some reddit comments saying that AO is mainly a dynamic effect in games, meaning it's not even baked but computed in real-time... But then other commenters say there are many games that actually DO bake it.
Also, is there such thing as self-AO? I think it would make sense to prebake AO shadows object casts on itself for curvy objects, but ignore shadows related to other objects in scene and leave them for realtime AO effect of game engine. But I'm not even sure how to tell Blender for example to only include self geometry into AO computations.

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🧵 /beg/ - Beginner's General

Anonymous No. 991511

>Post beg related issues, concerns, and work. If you are med, or adv, remember what it was like to be a beg and DONT confuse the needy begs.
>List of free resources:

I made an eye cube

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 991499

imagine learning from this beta cuck

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🗑️ 🧵 How is this made?

Anonymous No. 991427

Id pay top dollar to have the blend file for this or even get in contact with the creator.

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🧵 Arcsys topology question

Anonymous No. 991417

I know why the fans around the lips exists but why are there so many cuts on the planes all through the head?

Usually when I see people make anime models, the topology is just regular planes.

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🧵 Lighting your scenes

Anonymous No. 991405

Hello /3/! I need your help.

> TL;DR - How do I make set up good lighting in my 3D scenes?

For the longest time this has been my biggest weakness as a (aspiring) 3D artist and I think this is what preventing me from delivering more professional tier results.

Honestly you can be the best artists ever but if your lighting is bad it doesn't really matters

>What do I need:

>Examples of great lighting in 3D scenes

Anything that can help me make lighting that doesn't sucks
And hopefully great lighting on my own scenes

>Please help me suck less

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 991296

What would your process be to create textures like those? As I see it, it's layers upon layers, and of different size. The very start of it could be relatively small squarish seamless tiled texture of bark, the next step would be apply it to model, then go into handpainting and create new non-tiled texture on top to paint subtle shading lines, then create another layer for moss, and then yet another layer for decals. The problem is, I'm not sure how this all translates to modeling software like Blender for example. Have you ever seen any tutorials like this, is it even possible to have many layers of textures of different sizes, some of which are handpainted and cover the whole object while others are tiled and painted elsewhere like Krita? It all sounds to me like all those textures should have different UV-mappings to achieve efficient workflow. Is this even possible? If not, what is a more realistic way to do this?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 991224

So say I have a video of someone dancing, and I want to export that as a motion capture to Blender. How do I do it? I tried Googling and the first three links were from Youtubers pushing different subscription based services like, rokoko, Is this the only way to go about it? Are there any caveats to these services, like about what you can and cannot upload like most AI services these days? I'd prefer an opensource way but nowadays most opensource software is some obscure github packages I have to figure out how to download and install. Should I just do old school animation and do it all by hand and use the video as a reference?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 991216

How do you even rig eyes like that

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 991164

hello /3/

I'd like your professional opinion on 3d animation

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Anonymous No. 991151

Are you here by chance?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 991137

>See an animation on youtube
>It's another "i can't spline so i pretend its stopmotion anime" fad shit
>Models aren't even toonshaded
Will this trend ever die?