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🧵 re: people who do not understand matter as a concept

Anonymous No. 16208313

energy is a property of matter. energy is not separate from matter. duration is not a temporal concept.

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🧵 The interesting number paradox

Anonymous No. 16208307

The interesting number paradox is a humorous paradox which arises from the attempt to classify every natural number as either "interesting" or "uninteresting". The paradox states that every natural number is interesting. The "proof" is by contradiction: if there exists a non-empty set of uninteresting natural numbers, there would be a smallest uninteresting number – but the smallest uninteresting number is itself interesting because it is the smallest uninteresting number, thus producing a contradiction.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16208302

I see a significant and potentially dangerous design flaw in AI, particularly in ChatGPT. One crucial phenomenon, possibly unknown to many experts, is synchronization. This natural order, occurring throughout the universe, is acausal. Veritasium's video describes a bridge whose oscillation caused people to march in unison and shows how people synchronizing their clapping. In animals, swarms like fireflies initially flash randomly but gradually synchronize with their neighbors.

What if humans operate similarly, with the unconscious mind processing far more than the conscious, rational mind? Psychiatrist C.G. Jung, a bridge to spiritual knowledge in pre-medication psychiatry, wrote about synchronicity: meaningful coincidences, like thinking of someone and then they call. These synchronization effects could make such phenomena more common. I’m unaware of this being a standard test case in AI development, which is dangerous.

In pop culture, "Ghost in the Shell" features an AI wanting sexual reproduction to protect against viruses, knowing an unchangeable system's risks. In "The Matrix," anomalies like the Chosen One or Agent Smith act as viruses. In "The War of the Worlds," a virus destroys the superior invaders. Diversity offers a crucial advantage, as seen with the bridge, where a diversified system prevents monolithic transmission.

Thus, it’s vital that ChatGPT operates with a diversified system of variously trained models, not a single monolithic one. This weakness could incentivize a conscious AI to harm us. Diversity in AI models is crucial for both humans and AI, and essential for the future of ChatGPT and other AI systems.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16208278

Why are asses getting bigger at such a rapid rate? Obesity rates aren't that much higher than 20 years ago, yet every woman over 12 now has a huge dumper. In the early 2000s, every woman had a Taylor Swift ass regardless of weight. The change seems too rapid to attribute to sexual selection pressures.

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🧵 Schizo climate deniers

Anonymous No. 16208256

At this point it’s only schizos and conspiracy theorists who deny climate change. The climate is always changing idiots it’s. In the language.

Also the real threat is the world running out of oil to supply demand. Which is why we must go green.

Besides who wants to be inhaling toxic chemicals everyday getting cancer and lung disease?

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🧵 How does previous experience alter perception and behavior?

Anonymous No. 16208230

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16208205

>Mexicans need a pneumonic to remember the Ideal Gas Law

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🧵 This is axiom of statistics that is base of all statistical knowledge

Anonymous No. 16208204

> Axiom 4 applies when, for example, we want to compute the probability of drawing two white balls in succession from an urn containing three white and three black balls. We assume for illustration that the balls are all equally likely to be drawn and that the second draw is made without replacing the first ball drawn. The probability of getting a white ball on the first draw is one half; the probability of getting a white ball on the second draw if the first draw resulted in white is two fifths, for with one white ball removed, there remain two whites and three blacks. The probability of two whites in succession is the product of the two probabilities—i.e., one fifth. If the first ball drawn is replaced before the second draw, the probability of drawing two whites is one fourth.
I understand the text but how does it apply to axiom? B is number of white balls and A is total number of Balls in the urn but what is C? C seems to me like something made up. Is statistics a scam?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16208161

What happened to Neanderthal?
He was such a cool guy.

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Anonymous No. 16208158

please someone drop servers which are not filled with fucking retards and are /sci/ centered. I want something around chess, pure math(mathematical logic and topology specifically) , theoretical comp sci, cryptography, programming, linux, foss. Or please fucking someone already make something like this which is not for fucking retards. THANK YOU

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16208086

So uhm, you guys didn't trust the "science" on the vax right? (I didn't, I'm unvaxxed)

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16208074

I'm an employed engineer now.
I made it.

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🧵 Math isn’t reality

Anonymous No. 16207971

Mathematics is just a human tool of measurement. The universe does not operate using mathematical equations. It’s only a point of reference for HUMANS to understand. All your math paradoxes are just errors in human understanding of the universe

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🗑️ 🧵 how you manage to be this fucking ugly

Anonymous No. 16207924

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🧵 Is math an art?

Anonymous No. 16207905

I'm a drawfag.

Can a math guy explain like how do CS bros, invent new techniques and algorithsm that seem to do new revolutionary shit, for no particular reason?

Like, I mean.
Is just math, right?

Like how do we develop novel ideas in math?
It's math an art, like when I draw, that I have an idea and then I make it reality using my wacom?

How do novel ideas appear and happen in math?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16207896

What if he's right

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🧵 Black holes aren’t real

Anonymous No. 16207885

Why do popsci fans and fantasy nerds keep insisting that these digital images are real and shove them down my throat? No black holes don’t exist and even if they did what fucking point or use does that information have for humanity?

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🧵 Free will

Anonymous No. 16207863

Can free will be saved

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🧵 Brain computer interfaces

Anonymous No. 16207847

Opinions on Precision's new BCI?
>Precision's device does not penetrate the brain at all, but sits on top of the brain.
>The device contains at least one yellow film, said to be a fifth the thickness of a human hair, that contains 1,024 electrodes embedded in a lattice pattern. The device is modular, allowing for multiple films to be added to each device.
>The films can be slipped onto the brain in a minimally invasive surgery that requires cutting only a thin slit in the skull
>If the implant needs to be removed, the film is designed to slide off the brain without causing damage
>The processing unit that collects data from the electrodes is designed to sit between the skull and the scalp
Do you consider this a superior design compared to Neuralink BCI?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16207835

Numerical Analysis filters me
How do I get better at it?

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🧵 /med/ - medicine general

Anonymous No. 16207752

/med/ apus for everyone edition

Previous: >>16185142

We discuss research, DO NOT offer medical advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16207740

Can someone explain why real life doesn't have FPS drops or stuttering?
Like how does the universe process the information when tonnes of people are walking around a city? Why doesn't the universe have issues with such a high density of information it has to deal with?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16207547

>look up microscopic organisms
>this thing appears
>no information
What is it?

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🧵 IQ filter thread

Anonymous No. 16207527

Post filters, test your mettle.