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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16207506

If there are an infinite number of whole numbers, and an infinite number of decimals in between any two whole numbers, and an infinite number of decimals in between any two decimals, does that mean that there are infinite infinities? And an infinite number of those infinities? And an infinite number of those infinities? And an infinite number of those infinities? And…(infinitely times. And that infinitely times. And that infinitely times. And that infinitely times. And…)…

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🧵 What's wrong with science?

Anonymous No. 16207497

William Briggs guy says we have too many experts building political consensus instead of following actual evidence and the worship of science he calls scientism and scidolatry.

So how do we fix the problem?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16207488

How to boost energy levels as a schizophrenic?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16207485

What happens elsewhere? It's not where you are, but it's where you could have been had you moved there earlier. It's weird.

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🧵 John Titor's time machine

Anonymous No. 16207477

How was John Titor's time machine supposed to work? Why doesn't it work?

And what is, in your opinion, the best time machine theory?

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🧵 Should we all return to Equatorial East Africa?

Anonymous No. 16207473

Look at us: delicate unarmored skin, no claws, no canines, no fur or blubber, grasping hands, flat-footed, short-toed...

The closest lifestyle that would fit our body traits would be something akin to the chimpanzee's, in the tropics, with plenty of easy food around, leaves, some fruits, occasional bugs, never cold, even at night

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16207443

what are imagined objects made of? Light? Chemicals? Are they illusions created by the shadows our neurons make in our brain? I don’t get it.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16207431

science says you'll live longer if you cut your balls off, are you going to do it?

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🧵 Finland birds disappear - scientists baffled

Anonymous No. 16207426

Within 50 years insects disappeared from Finland and behind them are disappearing insect eating birds who made the majority of birds

Finland has about thousand lakes. There are fish in many of the lakes. What happened to fish eater birds? Nothing, they are doing great.

But what about the rest of the birds? Those who try to find almost exclusively seeds and nuts are fine.

Insect eating birds have almost disappeared, there is 1% left on what it once was 50 years ago.

Some people say it is global warming. Few rare to say that insects have disappeared. Nobody seems to remember driving araound in car 35 years ago and getting locusts all the time splattered on their windshield in a summer.

Disappearing insects:
-butterflies have greatly reduced their numbers (they eat plants so it is not known why)
-dragonflies eat any insect but with less stuff to eat they are not as common as they once were
-grasshoppers are goners (they eat plants)
-mosquitoes have reduced numbers (they eat people and people are plenty)
-small birds compete with dragonflies, the smallest Finnish birds are the size of the dragonfly and they compete for eating mosquitoes (dragonfly larva has an advantage since it lives in the lakes submerged and eats only baby fish or baby frogs so it doesnt need insects to eat)


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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16207395

Has medical science cured anything at all in the last 10 years? 20 years? I see a lot about gender-affirming care but very little about breakthroughs in curing disease.

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🧵 I have fibromyalgia

Anonymous No. 16207374

And when I look it up it seems like a made up disorder. It seems to me that fibromyalgia is a diagnosis given once testing has been exhausted and specialists have given up. Now I am on 300mg of lyrica and 150mg of tapendatol per day permanently for the rest of my life. It's both embarrassing to have this disorder and dishearting that my doctors gave up on finding the cause. How can I be diagnosed with something that has no standardised test?

Is fibromyalgia just a made up condition to explain chronic pain by lazy doctors?

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🧵 China becomes first country to land on far side of the Moon

Anonymous No. 16207372

Wow... Just, wow...

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16207345

ITT we discuss honestly how hard programming is.
Pic rel
>omg gates said if you do this you can get a job lol!

Compare the skill gap in Donald Knuth's "The Art of Computer Programming" and "How to Automate the Boring Stuff in Python"
"The Art of Computer Programming" by Donald Knuth and "How to Automate the Boring Stuff with Python" by Al Sweigart cater to vastly different audiences and levels of expertise in computer science and programming.

"The Art of Computer Programming" by Donald Knuth
Target Audience:

Advanced programmers, computer scientists, and mathematicians.
Academics and professionals with a strong background in algorithms and theoretical computer science.
Content Focus:

Deep dives into algorithms, data structures, mathematical analysis, and the theory of computation.
Rigorous mathematical proofs and analysis.
Covers topics such as sorting, searching, random numbers, and combinatorial algorithms in exhaustive detail.

Strong foundation in mathematics, including discrete math and probability.
Proficiency in multiple programming languages and understanding of low-level programming concepts.
Familiarity with advanced data structures and algorithm design and analysis.

To provide a comprehensive and formal treatment of algorithms and the theory underpinning computer science.
To serve as a reference for researchers and advanced practitioners in the field.
"How to Automate the Boring Stuff with Python" by Al Sweigart
Target Audience:

Beginners a

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16207341

Is Bayesian statistics metaphysically idealist?

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🧵 Discovering exotic physics

Anonymous No. 16207340

Would it be a good idea to pair deep neural learning with Physics particle simulators to discover new forms of physics?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16207336

what's wrong with this fucking board

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🧵 What the fuck was this retard's problem?

Anonymous No. 16207335

What a fucking idiot

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16207297

I just put on some faraday lined clothing to protect from radiowaves and I feel physically ill now, wtf is happening

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🧵 Uncountably Finite?

Anonymous No. 16207285

I know that countably infinite and uncountably infinite are both things. I know that countably finite is definitely a thing (I also know that it is redundant to call it as such, but I am saying it this way to keep the naming consistently formatted). Is uncountably finite in any meaningful way a thing, or would that be inherently contradictory?

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🧵 Experiment

Anonymous No. 16207271

What chemical reactions can I perform with used toenails?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16207265

How can light be a particle of it reflects in all directions?

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🗑️ 🧵 Psychopathic Geniuses

Anonymous No. 16207248

We are Psychopathic Geniuses.

Only 1/31,560 people have a 160+ IQ, and only 1% of the population has psychopathy. Assuming probabilistic independence, about 1/3,156,000 of the population satisfy both criteria, meaning there are only around 2,535 of us in the world. Are you one of us?

Every human interaction induces a game. The player who wants to win the most sets the rules. Affective empathy and other forms of neuroticism set the bar for your capacity to take action. This bar is concerningly low for most people, bordering on the self-sacrificial if not outright masochistic. In effect, when faced with a purely rational opponent, such a person can never win. No intelligence makes one impotent; no lack of affective empathy and other irrational biases makes one incapable of competing at the extremes. In this sense, psychopathic geniuses are the ideal people, a superior people.

We labor to create an engaging environment for such extraordinarily esoteric individuals—a place free from the impotence of the ordinary, a place free from the irrationality of neurotypicals. We may look friendly on the surface, but make no mistake—there are no lengths we won't go to if you piss us off.


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16207198

Oh my fauci, on science bro this shih Bhuuussin bussin

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16207197

Why does pubic hair exist? It looks gross and is itchy