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🧵 Quantum foolery

Anonymous No. 16207121

Why in the hell do popsci dummies keep trying to make me believe in the quantum nonsense? Not one single person has proof these phenomena exist outside of mathematics and linguistical jargon. Show me proof of an entanglement. The cat is alive or dead? Open the freaking box pussy and show me. Thought experiments and word salads, just show academia has become way too liberal and proves people will believe anything.

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🧵 cut off your death nuggets

Anonymous No. 16207103

Scientifically speaking how do we square this with the 41% thing?

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🧵 How do I make useful shit?

Anonymous No. 16207100

You faggots always harp on about how most scientists are con artists/hacks and how most contributions are useless navelgazing or false. So then who the fuck is actually useful in society? Engineers? You shit on them as CADmonkeys only in it for a pay cheque and easily replaceable with no real value. Tradies are undeniably useful because someone had to maintain and put into action what the big boys come up with but who are the geniuses that make the world go around? Anyone can be taught to become a construction worker but who are the guys who actually manifest the erection of towers and keep humanity from regressing into beasts of nature? Where are those few great men and how do I become one?
>inb4 architects, duh
But most of them are women and the discipline of architecture seems to be more useless artsy bullshit and industrial design that never gets manifested into reality. It's like for the srr majors who want some pretense of not being completely useless. And how many do you really need anyway?

I was walking down the city today and I felt so much shame that I couldn't replicate the construction of a high rise or automobile from scratch. I could not replicate the creation of the internet from the underground cabling to companies like IEEE handing out addresses. Someone has to do it and I can't imagine anyone else but me. Every single great advancement has been a miracle from oil to electricity but even you faggots only care about personal gain or just living a chill life doing nothing because work is a scam or whatever. I used to just want to fuck off to Thailand or live on NEETbux but now I want to step up to the challenge of pushing society forward. How do I do that? I feel so much shame

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16207091

should the cure for aging only be given to countries with low birth rates?
imo only white Europeans and east Asians should be allowed to take it

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16207020

Give me one good reason why I shouldn't

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🧵 False trichotomy

Anonymous No. 16207001

Is it possible to make a third edit to this image so that there are four uniquely shaped silhouettes?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16206987

>takes huge bong rip
>"bro what if like all matter is just waves"
>receives 1929 nobel prize in physics

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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16206969

Scroobed Edition

Previous - >>16204362

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16206897

How autistic do you need to be to study formal logic?

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🧵 If this is considered science then why shouldn't we just ban it?

Anonymous No. 16206881

This man has destroyed the life of billions upon billions of people and continue to do so by making them malnourished and in turn weak and severely mentally ill. What kind of satanic ritual did he do to create the defilement ritual known as pasteurization. You can literally pinpoint the end of the world to the demonic process of pasteurization(which then led to giving women rights), aka defiling the food by putting them in hell and then you're supposed to consume that abomination which supposedly makes it safe, for who, the demons that enter it? No surprise that the satanic rulers of this realm, the Rothschild, started foaming when they realized what unholy thing has been created and did everything in their power to make it illegal for the food to not be defiled. If this literal pseudoscience that has NEVER been prove to be right then science is the most anti-science thing ever. I would understand if you kept your batshit insane ideas to yourself but like all perverts you don't just get off on the exhibition part of it but you have to FORCE other people to follow your demented ideas. At this point I'm willing to believe that the earth is flat just in spite of whatever you mentally insane people claim, you're less credible than the people in the mental asylum.

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🧵 it's OVER

Anonymous No. 16206861

completely done
cosmology is canceled
all the models were wrong
everything was wrong
the Big Bang is wrong
all the retard diversity hires are about to get fired

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16206836

Conclusive proof the the vax causes deadly heart disease.
How do the vaccinated posters of /sci/ feel about this new science news?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16206818

How does the government justify altering historical temperature data in order to create the false appearance of global warming when the actual temperature data shows a cooling trend over the past 100 years?
Details in this 2 minute video

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16206811

Whats the most plausible way to become immortal

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🧵 sea levels rising?

Anonymous No. 16206728

Well, at lest over there, it seems. I wonder if regional subsidence also has something to do with this.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16206651

I don't get how Newton proved the spheric shape of the Earth

>Newton accepted Huygens’s theory but realized it meant something strange: If Earth is a sphere and its centrifugal effect is strongest at the equator, gravity would vary across Earth’s surface, and the ocean would bulge up at the equator — a proposition that Newton considered absurd.

>Newton began his quantitative derivation of Earth’s figure in 1686, after learning about work by the French physicist Jean Richer. In 1671, Richer had traveled to Cayenne, the capital of French Guiana in South America, and experimented with a pendulum clock. Richer found that the clock, calibrated to Parisian astronomical time (48°40’ latitude), lost an average of 2.5 minutes per day in Cayenne (5° latitude). This was surprising, but it could be explained by the theory of centrifugal motion, recently developed by Christian Huygens: The theory suggested that the centrifugal effect is strongest at the equator, so the net effective surface gravity would decrease as you moved from Paris to Cayenne

Can someone eggsplain those two things in a way a retard (me) would understand?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16206592

What are the best meds for anxiety?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16206528

What would happen if a homo erectus fell into Uranus?

This is a scientific question.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16206524

So Boeing has the Starliner, the space shuttle replacement they've been promising for the past 30 years. Nasa has the Space Launch System, but openly states they are going to hand it off to Boeing and Northrop Grumman when they're done. Why the fuck is Boeing double dipping? Meanwhile Blue Origin can't even get into fucking orbit and Virgin Galactic has a glorified glider.

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🧵 Everyday Astronaut gets fucked

Anonymous No. 16206508


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16206497

What the fuck is this thing? A super-massive black hole? A titanic neutron star? I'm a bit perplexed by a mass that's estimated to be roughly equal to eight quadrillion stars. The Laniakea Supercluster be crazy. I speculate that it represents one of many flaws in our math as it relates to cosmic shit.

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🗑️ 🧵 the state of sooience

Anonymous No. 16206443

Trust the science = I fucking made it up

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16206433

Elements with non-English-derived acronyms should be replaced with English equivalents. Eg K should be Ps for Potassium, Ag should be Sv for Silver.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16206411

Why is economics considered much harder discipline than physics or engineering??