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🧵 Eosinophilic esophagitis: an autoimmune condition on the rise

Anonymous No. 16477509

So, one of my friends was diagnosed with this condition a week ago and it puzzled me as to why she got it. She never smoked or drank alcohol (and no she didn't take the vax), and always seemed healthy, and yet now she struggles to swallow food and experiences food impaction on a regular basis. Why would something like this develop? Is it a natural response to some pollutant or irritant, or maybe something genetic?

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🧵 How to best navigate a grid?

Anonymous No. 16477499

I don't know if this is the correct board to post this, it is something that has been bothering me for a while and I'm dumb.
See the picture, I need to find a path that goes from one point to the other. Assuming the line can only follow the grid, what is the path that will result in the smallest distance travelled, and why?

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🧵 If the gravitational field is a plane where does it start

Anonymous No. 16477494

Ive seen and heard people talk about the gravitational field as like a plane. And big things in it cause it to curve down you know. But at what Z-Level does it start. Or is the whole it being a plane thing fabricated
Image Not Related just need a random image

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🧵 Brown Dwarfs are not the smallest stars

Anonymous No. 16477493

They aren't even stars at all. How did fuck up so badly?

>picrel is the smallest stars

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16477487

Based Borcherds

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🗑️ 🧵 Some guy drops Gravity bomb

Anonymous No. 16477460

Some dude claims complete field model and claims faster than light drive. Unquestionable facts presented though. a complete universal field model. I submit this video for peer review.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16477453

Is chess truly high iq?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16477343

>Recently I started loving math and physics
>Realize my math basics are kinda shitty

I currently need to pass Calculus I but I see my gaps are mainly Algebra and Calculus, any source You'd suggest me?

I am currently reading calculus for dummies and it's pretty good.

thx frens

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🧵 Why is escaping a black hole impossible?

Anonymous No. 16477247

Orbits are reversible, they are literally cycles.
All you need is to reach enough MOMENTUM to escape from a black hole. Sure you wont reach an escape velocity higher than the speed of light, but your momentum can be as high as you want.
Same for light, light can escape from a black hole, it just gets redshifted. If you fire light at a black hole it gets blueshifted as it falls in, the reverse process is just as common.
You can also just stay in orbit around a black hole and cross the event horizon and then leave and repeat again. Orbits are cyclical.
The whole idea of escape velocity>C is based on newtonian mechanics. Your momentum and kinetic energy can still be as high as you want.

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🧵 explain to me kamikaze sperm

Anonymous No. 16477228

i get the basic idea, but
>where is the evolutionary pressure keeping it in place? why does it still exist?
am i supposed to believe there's enough cheating going on in humans to keep this going? (keep in mind, we're not talking about just cheating, but about doing it in a short time window)
>how good is it to have warrior sperm cells outside of actual simultaneous ejaculation?
surely there's a time period between two sperm doses entering the womb so one way or another the first one will reach the egg first. am i missing something here?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16477095

If you're unable to simulate your model fully on a computer and all you have are hand-wavy explanations with few mathematical equations scattered around then you're no better than a tribal shaman using a few legit physical phenomenons in his magical performances trying to impress his ignorant audiences.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16477093

>Hey guys, I'm going to go to college and study STEM so I can get a high paying job with the drug companies ACK

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16477048

I think when the pyramids were constructed, the gravity on this planet was different due to our planets proximity around the sun. Most materials in the construction process weighed half of what we register them at now. Making the conventional building process easier but, with the assistance of acoustic levitation. Also, I do believe the technology utilized was not based on our modern pully system. Also, with lower gravity, the inhabitants back then were probably pretty fucking tall by today's standards. 400ft must have seemed like 20ft.

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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16477042


previous >>16474712

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🧵 Tips for the MCAT?

Jefferson01 No. 16477040

Is anyone here a med school student? Liquid Chris now works for WFU Med, so I bet some medical people are here

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16477037

For the past decade they've been pushing a female only mission to Mars because "women are just better for long term space missions" but it turns out they knew about the muscle wasting problem being worse for women all along. Just another example of NASA putting virtue signalling ahead of science.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16477035

Is it just me or is university mathematics just not that hard? I've only been at it for about 6 months but it doesn't get much harder than Calculus, both in the undergraduate and graduate textbook curriculums. Right now I understand most of the material and I am working on memorizing the theorems and proofs in every book. Will Picrelated be me in another 6 months?

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🗑️ 🧵 Is he right?

Anonymous No. 16477033

Why has no one proved him wrong yet?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16477017

Scientifically speaking, what makes high IQ people particularly good at working 80 hours a week without financial compensation? Does better abstract thinking necessarily translate into better resilience and self-sacrificial behavior?

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🗑️ 🧵 Scientifically speaking, how to become a climate villain?

Anonymous No. 16476990

How many tires would I have to burn in order to push """global""" """""warming""""" to a point of no-return? Or is there something more effective I can do to destroy the ozone """"""""""layer""""""""""? I already switched my ride to diesel for rolling coaling cyclists, but it's bad for the climate too right?

How can I piss climate basedentists, greentards and climate hoax cultists like dabine hossendolfer as much as possible?

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🧵 Get gonorreah

Anonymous No. 16476976

>ah dont worry ill just take some antibiotics
>blocks your path

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16476966

Why are Chemistry and Environmental science so much more concerned about DEI than other fields?
Seems nonintuative that they would outscore social sciences by such a large margin

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🗑️ 🧵 AI porn

Anonymous No. 16476892

what are the scientific implications of on-demand pornography generated with AI

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16476889

Did the first Homo sapiens look like the Khoisan tribe of southern Africa?