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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16586141

What is the square of the depicted continued fraction?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16586133

inf/inf = 1? What if infinity1 differs by infinity from infinity2?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16586092

I haven't jacked off for 10 days now. I woke up with a full hard boner for 2 hours straight without even touching it. Is this normal? I have never had a wet dream though. I guess people that have more wet dreams are prone to premature ejaculation.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16586061

Schizophrenia is caused by civilization, and it's imperfect build and stupidly unfair nature; people are distracted and mentally deformed by it. Some genetic types can't handle civilization, this is no discredit to their genetics but more so civilization.

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16586039

do you look like a scientist?

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🧡 Death of science education

Anonymous No. 16585986

How unlikely do you think my doomsday scenario is?

I clame that in the very near future schools will stop teaching kids math and science due to reasons like:
-"everyone has chatGPT anyway"
-kids have no attention span and their IQs have dropped, so they cant comprehend F=ma in the first place
-budget cuts due to plummeting economy; we need our kids to become bottom-wipers for nursing homes as fast as possible
-there are zero jobs for people like physicists. at least where I live physicists either become teachers or something unrelated to science. why teach kids physics only so that they could become physics teachers?

It's a jarring thought, but physics might soon be considered a bit too "extra" for elementary education. Just pick up a school textbook from the 80s and you will notice just how difficult the problems in it are. We're already dumba than the 80s guys.

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🧡 Where are scientists when we need them most?

Anonymous No. 16585967

How does the mirror know this?

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🧡 /ttg/ - Teratoma Gener-uhh OOOPS I mean /crg/ - Cellular Reprogramming General

Anonymous No. 16585943

>what is this all about?

>/sci/ anon found a way to safely and reliably activate yamanaka factors, repairing your worn out body and reducing cellular age.
what I wanna know is, does this really do everything we need to fully restore ourselves? how long would that take? does this really address everything? seems like it addresses a lot of the problems people have on this board.

>we just need something that rebuilds the telomeres
here ya go friend, just activate those yam facs

>cant sleep
that’s a core benefit of the stack

>Still can't come up with a reliable solution for baldness
and its even growing new follicles back, allegedly. why is it that this is the only place talking about this?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16585901

What her academic qualifications?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16585874

if sleep is so important why is it so fucking hard? falling asleep is the hardest thing I do. I go through everyday feeling like trash, not being able to think clearly, annoyed at everything cause no sleep. still can't fall asleep.
why isn't falling asleep as easy as going to the the toilet, eating, drinking or breathing?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16585861

So, I recently watched a video about converting platinum into chloroplatinic Acid. I was just wondering whether or not this is something that chemists actually do within their work usually? It wasn't semiconductor grade but who would be a willing buyer to this kind of stuff? He was apparently able to sell it for around 6,000 USD so it seemed like a pretty nice deal. (Even if the Platinum itself was around 1,000 USD) Should I do this as a nice side-gig? (I mean, I could do the research myself to figure out if there are any buyers out there, I just want to know if anyone has experience with this sort of practice and how popular it is in the first place).

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16585839

You are smarter than your gf, right /sci/? I mean, you do have a gf, right?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16585825

China will save us

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16585813

x^2 - 20 x + 99 = 0

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16585755

>experiment after experiment fails to show the earth moves
>"uhh maybe Michelson's interferometer shrank during the experiment"
>introduce relativity cope
>now half the universe is missing
>"it's just dark, guiz!"
so have you taken the ultimate redpill yet, /sci/? the Catholic Church is right every time

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🧡 Chinese new space breakthrough

Anonymous No. 16585621

Chinese astronauts aboard the Tiangong space station have achieved an unprecedented milestone: artificial photosynthesis in space. As part of the Shenzhou-19 mission, they have managed to transform carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and rocket fuel components, using only solar energy.

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 80/20 Rule in Nature

Anonymous No. 16585532

What makes it so prevalent amongst naturally formed organizational structures?
Is it proof of divine ordering?

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🧡 Puzzles from intelligence tests

John Puzzle No. 16585484

I am compiling a list of puzzles typically seen on these so called high range iq tests you see on the internet and putting them in a scorable google form for the sake of entertainment.
I'm selecting from the puzzles that I solved, the ones that had interesting ideas and that were generally able to be solved just by observation, without guess work, the idea should just come naturally from the clues ( for almost all of the puzzles ).
I've split them into 4 sections:
1) verbal associations
2) atypical spatial matrix puzzles
3) atypical numerical sequences
4) bonus puzzles.

The bonus section is a free form section where I will add a variety of different puzzles that should be solvable with little to no knowledge ( could include math or even physics intuition puzzles )
Let me know what you think of them and feel free to send your puzzle suggestions that could be added to such form.

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🧡 Never use water flossers

Anonymous No. 16585479

Waterpiks have permanent bacterial colonisation despite thorough cleaning.
>Neither using the device exclusively with a mouth-rinse nor any cleaning procedures prevented bacterial colonisation within the device and failed to disinfect the device β€” especially regarding S. mutans. Further, exchanging the used nozzle to a brand-new one did not prevent the risk of cross-contamination, i.e. bacteria from the device were also transmitted via the water-jet of a brand-new nozzle.

to this day, mechanical flossing using the c-method is still superior

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16585422

Considering antipsychotics are practically proven to kill a significant amount of neurons, and probably cause cognitive decay, how are they still legal to prescribe for trivial reversible mental issues? Let's not mention the Tardative dyskinesia it frequently causes (irreversible)

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16585421

How can we study math and science properly when we are biologically wired to spend most of our time and energy towards fucking like rabbits

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16585408

How can we stop it?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16585378

On May 12, 2009, the Space Shuttle Atlantis was captured in silhouette against the Sun during mission STS-125, en route to service the Hubble Space Telescope. This rare event was skillfully photographed by Thierry Legault using a solar-filtered Takahashi 5-inch refracting telescope and a Canon 5D Mark Il digital camera. The transit lasted only a fraction of a second, making this shot a testament to precise timing and expertise.

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🧡 Has the navier stokes equation been solved?

Anonymous No. 16585376

Thought on this?