🧵 Environment modelling large scenes
Anonymous at Tue, 3 May 2022 01:10:13 UTC No. 895025
My retard brain is trying to learn how to environment model large scenes for games. Specifically with the cartoon style like this.
I can't find any resources on the internet how to do this. I'm interested in how they actually got this look of having color and height on separate "layers."
I looked at Eric's Artstation page and can understand he baked the normals, but specifically I want to know what tool was used to sculpt and color at the same time.
monitor samsung.png
🧵 Substance Painter
Anonymous at Mon, 2 May 2022 13:21:19 UTC No. 894914
The object has two different UV sets, but how does Substance know which one to associate to the materials? Substance allows me to pain on texture sets, and this is unambiguous when a mesh has only a single UV set, but what if it has multiple?
I really should just switch to the UDIM workflow instead of messing with this, but I am curious enough to ask.
🧵 Zbrush and Mudbox question
Anonymous at Mon, 2 May 2022 13:08:59 UTC No. 894913
I use both Mudbox and Zbrush. Mudbox has this feature called dynamic tessellation which makes your life easier when needing to sculpt small details like eyes, mouth, fingers etc, but other than that, sculpting in mudbox feels like shit.
Does ZBrush have this area tessellation feature aswell? I hate having to dynamesh the entire mesh just to make a small detail.
Do I have throw the model from mudbox to zbrush vice versa for this?
🧵 Questions Thread
Anonymous at Mon, 2 May 2022 10:02:11 UTC No. 894880
/QTDDTOTT/: Questions that don't deserve their own thread thread.
>Why is snout of teapot pointing towards right (X) in max, should it not point forward (Y)?
>will mastering 3D make my peen longer?
>Will baking normalmap halp make me normal?
>Is the Cross Product a reference to resurrection of Jesus?
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Sun, 1 May 2022 22:52:37 UTC No. 894820
are there any biological females on /3/
looking for a gf
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Sun, 1 May 2022 19:25:11 UTC No. 894793
I am trying to make a 2D style animation like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuvXXGkJtx0 Since I am experienced in photoshop my first idea was to just do it all in PS or Davinci Resolve, but then I discovered a whole new world of 3D software. Would something like Blender or UE be a better (faster, easier) choice for this or should I stick to video editing software? I was thinking it would be easier to have a 3D model to rig into key frames and just apply filters after.
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Sun, 1 May 2022 14:25:46 UTC No. 894751
what program those type of models are made? What ever I sees the they always look so fetish-iy.
Anonymous at Sun, 1 May 2022 08:41:32 UTC No. 894721
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Sun, 1 May 2022 06:44:28 UTC No. 894713
3d bros, i know i should be making anime waifus bbc 3d porn, but i actually have an itch to make some stuff for real, so i found this app but i am broke, like most of us, so does any 3dbro know where i can find this, uhm... free version if you know what i mean?
>i already tried cgp, no luck
🧵 /3/ biggest cope.
Anonymous at Sun, 1 May 2022 00:17:26 UTC No. 894671
Most sold videogame looks like this, meanwhile you beg for scraps and think about making porn, the guy that made these graphics is now a billionaire.
cope now.
🧵 Is it worth getting deviated septum surgery?
Anonymous at Sat, 30 Apr 2022 22:05:20 UTC No. 894648
My left nostril is blocked all the fucking time and i feel exhausted, anxious, low energy irritated all the time.
🧵 Print shit
Anonymous at Sat, 30 Apr 2022 16:40:52 UTC No. 894605
Alright 3dc, I just mixed some particularly strong resin (esun Hard Tough mixed with an amount of siraya tech blu and a bit of f69 black flexible added which really came out well in terms of finish too) to replace one of those plastic base parts of a metal deck chair, now I'm brainstorming what to make with the rest of it.
Any ideas?
(3d gun threads go on /k)
I've read through a few of those "useful stl" bullshit things and havent seen anything that's caught my eye. Does anyone have any idea what else I should print with this stuff?
>inb4 some sort of figurine
🧵 ITT: Maya/IS chads dunk on blendlets
Anonymous at Sat, 30 Apr 2022 14:35:55 UTC No. 894588
Blender is shit software and blender users in general need to be permabanned from 4chan as a whole.
Remember, industry standard software is the ONLY software you can use if you want to post on this board.
🧵 /sg/ Sculpting General
Anonymous at Sat, 30 Apr 2022 08:19:49 UTC No. 894540
This general is software agnostic. Come, discuss and ask all about sculpting in your favourite software
Tell me everything you think should be in the OP (useful links, FAQs, etc.)
🧵 /rag/ Rigging & Animating General
Anonymous at Sat, 30 Apr 2022 08:09:43 UTC No. 894538
This general is software agnostic. Come, discuss and ask all about rigging/animating in your favourite software
Tell me everything you think should be in the OP (useful links, FAQs, etc.)
🧵 /uvg/ UVs & Texturing General
Anonymous at Sat, 30 Apr 2022 07:59:35 UTC No. 894536
Come, discuss and ask all about UVs and Texturing in your favourite software.
Tell me everything you think should be in the OP (useful links, FAQs, etc.)
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Sat, 30 Apr 2022 04:06:06 UTC No. 894510
What’s something you know today that you wish you could tell yourself when you started Blender
🧵 New Kenshape massive update
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Apr 2022 17:58:01 UTC No. 894461
🧵 3d
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Apr 2022 12:00:09 UTC No. 894432
🧵 Looking for help
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Apr 2022 05:33:03 UTC No. 894408
i know the basics, but thats about it. what are your thoughts? its from scratch for a game with a PS1 style feel to it. i am an absolute beginner. tell me what i am doing wrong. i dont care how harsh. i want to improve. maybe if someone has a few good tutorials i can look at?
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Apr 2022 04:01:05 UTC No. 894400
Coming from NURBS modelling, how the hell do you get precision with mesh based 3D tools? If you follow a blueprint how do you maintain continuity between control points, especially if there are a lot of control points along a surface?