

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 897954

Why are all the reviews gay for this guy? He doesn't even clean up his boolean'd hard surface mesh and then deforms the hell out of it. For example, he has you make cybernetic eye cord made up of arrayed cylinders with substracted edges at an angle using the indent 2 trapezoid from the IMM boolean brush with radial symmetry and just bends and twists the thing causing the faces to crumple.

I went to autistic extremes, and there's absolutely no tutorial and no amount of experimentation with doing this in a way where you can zremesh it without the mesh breaking apart at the top of the cylinder (the sides are the only part that worked out.) And I really don't wan't to discard something so intuitive as booleans from my workflow because of instructors like or even the stubborn non-manifold geometry that can result from it.


Dice Tower.png

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 897914

Hi, I use Solidworks.



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 897909

Reminder that major updates to software like Blender aren't game changers because studios are rife with technical directors. You can just go to your modeling one to find the best tool or plugin you're looking for to do the job and the software engineer who put all his skill points in replication will create and incorporate your open source miracle into their software.

You guys can make peace no and remember that if anyone here actually worked in the industry, they would have mentioned this years ago many times.



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 897901

Is there any easy way to fix the topology of the ear so that the canal falls in the middle of the loop?
Or would it require as much manual retopology as if sculpted it from a totally random mesh?



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 897881

How the fuck do I make money in this field?
Is it even possible?



🧵 haha so true!

Anonymous No. 897797




🧵 Maya IK

Anonymous No. 897773

Beginner in rigging
So I set up an IK for my legs which work fine and bend into the right direction when I pull it down from above. Howewer, when I pull upwards from the ankle, the knee doesn't bend along and it just stays on directional till the joint hits the knee and refuses to move further up. Haven't figured out how to fix this yet after hours. How to fix?



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 897752

Help bros

I'm modeling what would be a final level mech for a videogame. The idea is that can you level up your mech's body and weapons.

This is the highest level mech, which should be a behemoth - the largest of the bunch. Yet I can't help but feel it still looks like a toy - when it should be hueg.

I tried adding more and more elements such as turrets, walkways, ladders and little bunkers to give the viewer a scale reference and that's helped a bit - but I still don't have the result I want.

What do?



🧵 Hey can you guys recommend me a GPU

Anonymous No. 897735

I'm buying a new GPU for vidya tomorrow
I'd also like to pursue making 3dcg shorts (probably those sfm coomer animations) on the side too. Gonna use blender.
Would a 3070 be fine if I want to render vids at 1080p without it taking hours? I don't wanna invest in a Qaudro GPU because I'm just a hobbyist
Already have an RTX 1660 super and Ryzen 5 3500x.
And I have experience with 3d stuff before, made bunch of skyrim mods and custom animations and stuff.

Thanks in advance!



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 897680

>/3DCG/ always prickishly scrutinizing some solo artist's topology as if they themselves create nothing but perfection from the get go
>never mentions that good production ready topology isn't possible on a specific model without a rigger testing it out and an animator stress testing the model until it crumbles
>finalized star character takes 6 months to go through this team-based back and forth quality control to completion
>learn that modeling with a team has its own distinct process that doesn't exist modeling solo and makes your work alot easier not to mention the specific setup plugins that come with your software
It's a good thing I managed to have lunch with people in the blockbuster part of the industry, including a 3d character artist supervisor.
Spergs here claiming to be industry mavericks just leave you with false impressions and never say anything substance that would give you insight into how the profession works.

Also zoomers will be easy to compete with because there are good number of them who really drop the ball and become unreachable during critical moments in the projects, which even millennials and X'ers will do.

These are the same type of people who change their phone number after making a dentist's appointment and then yell at everyone in the office because right after they changed their phone number the receptionist couldn't reach them.



🧵 Modular Environments Question

Anonymous No. 897582

I am watching this video on "modular environments." In the video, he uses z-brush to sculpt lines into his wood plank trimsheet
Then, in the picture attached, he is now in Substance Painter. He said he "baked the high-poly" into a texture to get that flat image of his high-poly textures.

What is the best way to "bake" the highpoly texture?
Can I do this strictly in Blender? I am planning to model high-poly wooden planks with Blender's Sculpting tools. How would I "bake" that? Just render a bird eye view of the planks and use it as a .PNG? Is there a more "exact" way to do it? Instead of all the variability with rendering and lighting and stuff.



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 897536

Years ago I used to fiddle in 3ds max and I'd like to pick up this hobby again. I kinda remember its work logic and interface quirks, so it'd be easy to pick things up where I left them off.
However, the times have changed and now supposedly Maya/Blender are the new powerhouses.
I want to make some cool scenes and object, pretty much as a hobby, if someone would ever way to pay for my creations, cool, a minor sidle hustle, but I'm not even dreaming about a regular job in this industry, I'm pushing almost 30 lmao.

My question is -- is it still reasonable to invest one's limited time into 3dsmax?



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Anonymous No. 897469




🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 897466

>30 hours into a print
>nozzle decides to stop dispensing filament
>entire print is now fucked



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 897375

How would you make camera transition while submerging under water in realtime game engine?



🧵 Post your progress learning CGI

Anonymous No. 897290

Post one of your first attempts at art and post a recent attempt



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 897183

How will you feel when Autodesk inevitably acquires SideFX and Houdini?



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 897171

How long does it take you to model, uv, and texture this

Image not available



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 897139

You experts and professionals in the field, how many polys does this beauty have?



🧵 Why are Blender tutorials so shitty?

Anonymous No. 897123


> tires wobbling and bending like a soft body
> cars acting like jello
> glass disappearing mid simulation
> the car doesn't even rest or touch the ground during the roll

USE HOUDINI, KIDS. SET UP DIFFERENT OBJECT DYNAMICS PROPERTIES BASED ON THEIR ACTUAL REAL WORLD PROPERTIES (METAL SHOULD NOT LOOK LIKE JELLO). Smoke needs to have VOLUME! Check out tutorials on Houdini to understand how to do better looking FX in an app dedicated for FX work. NO ONE USES BLENDER IN FILM/TV FOR FX WORK. There is a free learning edition as well as a cheap $269 Indie version, which you can use industry standard renderers like Karma/Mantra, Arnold, Redshift and so on.

I wish these Blender kiddie youtubers would quit teaching hobbyists how to do things the WRONG way.


Screenshot 2022-0....png

🧵 Substance Automation Toolkit

Fuck Adobe No. 897102

Seeing as Adobe, in their infinite wisdom, has made the Automation Toolkit only available to different plans. Does anyone have a download for the newest version?



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 897081

Sketchfab just encrypted their textures and now ripped premium and unlisted models get theit textures corrupted.

Any solution yet?



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 897079

Snub polyhedra are goddamn impossible to build accurately in SketchUp. I know nobody working professionally uses SketchUp for anything real, but is there a trick I don't know to make these things mathematically perfect or do I just have to settle for close enough?



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 897078

Can you download paid textures in sketchfab with the rippers? I can download models but their textures are corrupted. It seems sketchfab encrypted their files or something.