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🧵 Give me a fucking retopo tool.

Anonymous No. 933651

All I want is the zbrush of retopo, is that too much to ask?

>but zbrush, but other garbage
I want something solid.
Not just put each vertex on top and basically just draw the model just like blender does retopo.

Eat shit.

Fucking piece of shit pablo for making his retopo tool only for ipad.
Fuck that shit.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 933628

What keyboard does /3/ use?
For me, its the Keychron K2 V2

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 933617

What do you think about my modeling skills?

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🧵 Honestly the only realistic path forward

Anonymous No. 933610

Honestly, I know we all make fun of me, and that my cheap 3D is fun to make jokes about it.

But talking seriously.
The only possible way forward for me now, in my now lucid period of non schizo kind of depression I'm having right now.

The only realistic path forward, of even remotelly finishing a commercial product.
The only realistic way I can even finish something that people will pay for it.
On a serious non delusional way.

That I can finish something in 8 weeks, that people would pay for it.

It's a light novel with 3D renders made using kitbashed assets from koikatsu/Vroid/3D gaming models repositories, backgrounds made using asset forge and synty.

This being used to make some 3D sketch to quickly paint over and then using AI to promt it into some photobashed finished render.

And then make a light novel and use godot to turn it into a CYOA book, and maybe some menue combat like rpg maker xp using sprites converted from the koikatsu kitbashes into sprites.

And keep the combat something like VS, but simpler.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 933596

Third party studios outside of Japan are selling custom non bootleg figures and making bank. Would it be profitable to make and sell custom anime figures as a side hobby if you live close to East asian countries? How hard is the whole process of sculpting, 3D printing, painting and mass producing these kind of figures?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 933592

Is this an acceptable amount of work for 4 months?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 933582

What is the most efficient and correct way to make hair cards? I have a feeling that it's the same as getting good topology or making a texture seamless in that it should just be done by hand in a very slow and meticulous fashion. Xgen and fibermesh just scatter curves all over the place that you need to go in and manually adjust anyway so is there really any reliable streamline?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 933575

Give me an easy way to turn Vroid/Koikatsu kitbashed meshes into low poly shit that looks like synty garbage.

Bonus points if I can automate it by 99% using some retopo or AI retopo shit.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 933568
Does anyone have any videos saved from LESLyzerosix? Whenever I catch his streams he's already almost done with a sculpt and he doesn't have any VODs or videos I can find anywhere, just random short clips.

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🧵 PS2 character graphics

Anonymous No. 933525

Making this thread cause it could be worth a discussion that doesn't have its place in the /questions/ thread.

So with all the PS1 graphics guide out there (wich is easy to replicate since they shared looks that all these ps1 games have are born from the console limitations), I tried to search some stuff on how to make Ps2 graphics.

What I know (there's not a lot of info on this btw) is that PS1 and PS2 graphics differ only in the fact that
> The polycount is higher
> The texture file is bigger (went from 128x128 to 256x256 and/or 512x512 textures for the PS2)
> PS2 has real time lightning and a different shading option

But something I can't really know how most of the studios handled is how detailed were their high poly characters before baking the details on the lower poly version. Also did they limit themselves on the details since baking all the shit on a model that's "low-poly" can maybe create over-detailed textures? I'm thinkg especially about games that have an art style of realistically proportioned characters like MGS, DMC3, FFX, TEKKEN 4, etc.

Anything to say on this? I'm kind of lost on the step between the modeling (I don't even know the polycount I should generally aim for) and the baking (or painting maybe) of the textures.
Anyway if you have ANYTHING to say on this, please share your knowledge.

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🗑️ 🧵 /archviz/

the chair nerd No. 933514

Everything /archviz/ /arch/ related.

I must say that the previous thread was kinda wholesome so I'm making a new one.

Previous thread: >>924307

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 933510

You can literally make 3d animations on your phone
We live in such an advanced world

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 933500

What 3D software would be best for hobbyist building design?
Currently I create buildings in Minecraft but as a creative medium it's awful to work with and incredibly limited, I'd like to graduate to actual real modeling.
Would prefer something free and simple to get started on/intuitive to work with.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 933485

Why did you guys decide to join the fine arts with out top 1% color vision?
Don't you think you make the life for everyone miserable ever after?

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🧵 A new 3D style.

Anonymous No. 933455

I went back to making my 3D models, and holy shit, I ended up making a new style, evolved from my npc style into a model developed one.

Seriously now I am impressed with this waifu, and clearly will start focusing on this new path that I just discovered.

This idea of making my game characters, with the idea of them being cheap and easy to be taken to produce merchandize, seems a winner idea.

This wifu is much much easier to produce some metal mold to produce some plastic toys and keep the cost around 2-5k to produce such mold for an injection machine.

Texturing would be just pretty basic stencil work, so shouldn't be any issue.

Honestly this style is a much better idea than anime styles which cost more than 50 grand to make.

And not just plastic injection shit, I think is a trivial model for cushion type of plushies and other cloth based toys.
Design is easy enough to be nothing more than trivial cloth patterns and some stich work.

Should be a great design to make something like plushies I think.

Clearly a winner idea I have right now with these wifus models.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 933384

It's still hard to believe /3/ created this model and shader. 2016, This guy works in the industry now.

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OIP (5).jpg

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 933335

How can companies know if you pirated their modelling software?

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🧵 MD/CLO3D thread

Anonymous No. 933272

Bruh how do I make anything look good ffs? Whatever I try, I never manage to make any piece of clothing look good unless it's not a tight leather/spandex piece.

Look at what's supposed to be a gakuran (male jap school uniform). It fucking looks off and I don't know how to make it fit better. Been trying to play with the initial shapes but it never comes out good.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 933268

does anyone have le happy merchant 3d model by aromasculpt (picrel)? it was deleted on sketchfab for some reason.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 933259

Psoft (and Khara) just announced that they're releasing a Blender version of Pencil+, after cancelling the Maya 2023 version.
It's fucking happening, Blender is becoming the industry standard for Japanese anime.

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🧵 Vulkan gpu viewport backend in blender

Anonymous No. 933203

Finally blender wont run like garbage, blender chads.

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next gen graphics.png

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 933199

Can you make better 3D that AAA billion dollar companies?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 933191

Why does this happen? All the modelling, texturing, and rigging in the world but it still looks like amateur hour shit. What happen? How do you prevent this?

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🧵 Filmic Looks in Blender

Anonymous No. 933097

Is the main dev who's responsible for this salty about it for some reason? Every time someone makes a suggestion for it, he snaps back that it's "working as intended". Wasn't there a big fight to get it included as a feature to begin with way back when? He seems like he's dragging his heels because he was embarrassed by the guy who pointed out the issue to begin with.