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🧵 origin of this model?

Anonymous No. 956856

is there an origin of this ashbie model? looks like it was created by that game software thats on the tip of my tongue. also fuck that ugly frog

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🧵 I need to get gud at 3d Modeling quickly.

Anonymous No. 956852

Okay here's my situation. I'm taking a 3D animation class at college right now, however there was an error in the syllabus where the 3D modeling course was listed as one of three optional prerequisites instead of being a required course. I shouldn't have even been able to sign up for the course but somehow I feel through the system because the art shit is my minor. I know basically fuck all about 3D modeling, I just thought this would be a fun little animation course aside from messing around a little bit in blender.

I talked with my professor about this and he recommended that I witch to the modeling course but I can't because it would literally fuck up my entire schedule with other classes. He said that if I chose to stay in the course he'd work with me and be real lenient and shit but that I would still have a lot of difficulties trying to teach myself 3D modeling while learning all of this shit because I'd still need to know some no matter what but essentially I'd get some special treatment as the designated "dipshit retard" of the class.

I just need to learn how to make some basic rigs, props, and environments. I'm going to stick to a very cartoony artstyle consisting of basic shapes and shit.

Is this doable? I just need to be able to make some basic enough 3d models to tell a story and make a 3 minute long animation. He said it doesn't need to look great. Can I get some material that would help me?

If this doesn't sound doable I'll probably just drop it. Again, I just need to learn something really basic so I can make an animation.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956841

it's literally so fucking over. i thought id be able to make money doing this. ai is coming for us

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956813

I've recently took up 3D modelling. How do these guys look? Any advice for a beginner? :)

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cadtransform cm.png

🧵 Blender CAD transform issue

Anonymous No. 956780

I've set up Blender's Scene Properties to work in metric/millimeters, scale 0.001 and yet whenever I use CAD transform to move or scale something it still shows any length over 10mm in centimeters. Once it passes 1000mm it will show meters.

How do I get it to always show lengths in millimeters?

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🧵 back in 2014 design

Anonymous No. 956779

Anyone know more about this design? The only thing I know it's he can be controlled with a cellphone and Qualcomm stop sharing the design long time ago I check on and in that year was available to download if you know something a about it will be great thanks

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🧵 Starting Blender Sculpting

Anonymous No. 956770

Well boys, what am I in for?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956743

Why do all Blender folk seem to think that an all Blender, industry standard Blender is inevitable? That all other industry soft will just roll over?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956721

Hi I seem to struggle with this every time I'm looking to print. I've got an obj I imported and am trying to get it 3d printable. Whenever I tried to apply Solidify, it just creates a second layer, but doesn't fill the space between. What am I doing wrong?

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anime is now real.webm

🧵 AI anime is now possible

Anonymous No. 956712

This deserves It's own thread, since it's a major news.

Today anime video is basically a solved issue similar to the stage where Stable Difussion was when It released 1.5 model, back in October last year.

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🧵 Why pirate AAA shit?

Anonymous No. 956686

I'm not a full FOSS retard or only free poorfag.

But I've found that blender plus
>Retopoflow (retopo)
>Voxel heat mapper (weight painting)
>Armor paint (PBR texture painting)
>Unionbytes (pixel art pbr texturing)
>Xnormal (xnormal textures)
>Material maker (PBR and material generation)
>Asset forge (for quick layout and experimentation)
>Quadremesher (auto retopo)
>VRM addon (for export as VRM)
>Text tools (Normal and ID map baking)
>UV Zen master (UV)
>Luxcore render (Render engine)
>AutoRig pro (rigging)
>VRoid studio (anime basemeshes)
>Makehuman (realistic basemeshes)

They tend to work just fine, even for AAA PBR workflows.

Sure, if you're like le elite AAA hollywood employee in le super big production, maybe you need an AAA team.

But for indie games and smaller productions that aren't le epic billion dollar movie, I've seen they tend to produce good quality shit on youtube.

Most of that shit is free or would be like 100 usd total cost of legally acquiring the entire suite.

My point is that for the vast majority of guys here, like they don't need to pirate 5k tools, when you can get hired with cheaper tools.

Unless your goal is to work for le goyim masters in le goyim movie, I guess.

Since my goal is le epic anime pornography, I don't think I need le autismo of hyperrealism.

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Screenshot 2023-0....png

🧵 lmao

Anonymous No. 956646

aha yes blender the web browser

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Mesh bug.jpg

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956639

Hi broth/3/rs i come to you in a time of great need.

I'm using the Bsurface and F2 addons on Blender to retopologize, all was going well until i started getting transparent faces that were still conected to the whole mesh here and there, they dissapear as soon as i turn off backface culling, but as soon as i try to shade smooth they appear again.

What is this /3/? How can i fix it?

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cunt cuntiy cunt ....png

🧵 People that use blender

Anonymous No. 956634

yes, people that use blender, not people that have better ideas for programs, blender only. If you have any better programs, go to threads that specifically ASK for advice on better programs, thanks in advance and piss off :)

For those that USE BLENDER. I'm trying to render an image with multiple textures and did the whole uv map process too. It should have rendered to one image on the original uv map but instead baked onto seperate material images and did not bake to the original uv map. What am I doing wrong? I have done it before but this time doesnt seem to work.

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turn around.png

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956571

The /3/ discord link in /wip/ expired was gonna join but alas. What do you guys think of my sculpt so far?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956564

Tried a bit of Blender recently and found it incredibly unintuitive. Not just the interface, but the entire process of poly modeling. I can do CAD easily, it naturally makes sense to me because all your tools and processes are things you can picture doing to a physical object - you can chamfer or drill a hole in a block of wood just like a CAD model. Vertex-based shit like loop cutting and subdividing makes absolutely zero sense though, it's an entire fucking process just to make a hole through a cube. I just can't get my head around all these bizarre abstract processes.
Any tips on getting around the CAD-minded block, or software that adapts CAD style tools to poly modeling?
Want to make and texture models for renders/games so polygons instead of CAD is a requirement

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956559

Why do people like him waste their entire adult lives on reinventing the wheel garbage?

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🧵 House

Anonymous No. 956531

I always liked to play the sims just to design houses (also the interiors and the exteriors).
Is there any cool tool to do that professionally?
And if its possible without looking too souless (for example google sketchup for example looks so sad, not comfy, no soul)
Thank you.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956526

What do you think of my Cat

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🗑️ 🧵 T3d format is wanted, can you help us? (Opensource project. t3d is ASCII)

Anonymous No. 956521

.t3d format is wanted:

Can you help us please? We gathered various resources there that describes the format and code.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956513

"hi guys my name is 3DProMasterHD and today i will be giving you a simple and easy tutorial on how to accomplish a very basic task in blender!"

>video duration: 5 hours (part 1 of 9)

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956496

seems like midjourney is killing concept artists slowly and maybe in just a few years (less than 5) they will create an ai that can generate fully rigged 3d models in 5 seconds, what do u guys think about this? does it feel odd to train and create 3d artwork hoping for a job at this point?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956405

I'm quite the n00b when it comes to blender and 3D modelling in general
For an early project I'm attempting to rig a model somewhat inspired by this picture here
Problem I'm having though is the deformation always looks jagged and like total ass
Is it just difficult to rig something with a body like a potato?
Or am I missing an obvious trick?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956343

Is there any software or website where I can create a 3d avatar like picrel that does not have copyright?
I want to use in a personal blog, so I don't want to have problems with copyright in the future.