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🧵 Any way to get arcee's model?

Anonymous No. 957325

i have scourged the internet since july in search of anyone related to the project that would share the model or sell it but no dice

tried linkedn, social pages, mail and even the producer of the movie themselves but no dice, i just want arcee man why cant a man be allowed to get it

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 957296

Should I pirate Maya? Mostly just creating renders but may try making some dynamic backgrounds. Learn a lot of basics in blender but I want to see alternatives

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Sept 6.webm

🗑️ 🧵 I shit on AAA gaydevs

Anonymous No. 957284

I've finally surpassed the level of SOVL of the AAA gaydev industry gaming animators.

Gaydev Animators can only clean up mocap, they will never reach true SOVL.

Now admire, real SOVL.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 957270

Is there a way to export from Blender to Unreal rig so it is able to retarget to other skeletons unreal friendly skeletons like mannequin and such without rotating each single bone.

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🧵 whats the transition here

Anonymous No. 957245

how do I perform it in my sony vegas, tysm for help ;3

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 957215

Hey guys, I have relatively small experience with SolidWorks (started with TinkerCad where I made the following models), I'm actually working as an engineer on a cruise ship at the moment but I would like to recreate my work environment in 3D.
My main issue is the complexity of it on SolidWorks bring my (relatively strong) PC to it's knees without even starting to make the ships keel..

TLDR; What software should I use to model an engine room

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 957160

Are 6th or 7th gen graphics ever going to come back in fashion like 5th gen graphics did?

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Captura de pantal....png

🧵 got the tools, but for what

Anonymous No. 957148

i spent the last 13 years working my ass on the 3d industry, i am really comfortable making any brief i get 3d, feel i can do anything i fucking want.

my dream is to make my own shortfilm, but every time i get stuck thinking what the fuck do i want to say. I suck at that, i can make any scene look sweet and animate cameras, characters, etc, but i cant get pass the IDEA, the plot, the objective of the fucking thing.

Sorry for the rant. Peace

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 957144

Why do all Blender users insist on using one program exclusively (Blender) when everyone else uses a bunch of specialist programs that do the job better and just export in one click to ABC / USD / FBX / OBJ / etc.?

What is the point in blender? What really is the point?

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🧵 Adobe Premiere Blah blah blah

Anonymous No. 957120

Howdy friends. I recently got into Adobe Premiere Pro and I'm still learning it. Once I've mastered the basics, I want to be able to incorporate seamless 3D effects into... say my GoPro footage for example. Where's the best place to start? Is there a good YouTuber who's know for that kind of stuff? Will I need to learn programs like blender, assuming I can't find certain assets online?

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🗑️ 🧵 Hookers

Anonymous No. 957117

I have a budget of 400 dollars and Id like to experience some intamacy at least once before I kms. There are a bunch of working girls on the highway near where I live who are out from like 12 to 6 pm. How do I know which one of them is the safest to pick up? Should I rent a hotel? How do I find hookers who are willing to kiss?
Any general advice is appreciated

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 957106

Why do I get these kind of artifacts?
I used a "project from view" unwrap, so it should be smooth (aside for the stretching).
What's causing these discontinuities?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 957081


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🧵 Arrays!

Anonymous No. 957071

I am new. I have just been introduced to the magic of Arrays. Entire vistas have opened before me. But currently, I am stuck. Pic related is practice before I bring it into my main project. You will see that the bottom is smaller than the top, which results in a gap at the bottom. The plan is to shrinkwrap this around a cupcake, which has been formed using a cylinder that is wider at the top than the bottom. Assuming the measurements match, will shrinkwrap take care of that gap for me and create a seamless wrapper, or is there something additional I need to do first?

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🧵 Financial advice

Anonymous No. 957061

Im not a 3d artist, learning 3d is not in my plans rigth now, but i really want to produce a short of about 10 minutes that looks like pic rel, really early cgi type of thing
How much money should i realistically be charged with?
Should i commission an individual artist or studio?
I really dont know shit about 3d

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956995

Are bottoms born or made?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956987

what's your workflow for non-game large scale worlds in DCCs?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956982

Why is this a blue board?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956954

Is Cris the Leonardo da Vinci equivalent of computer graphics?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956928

>5600g cpu/igpu
>16gb ram
>cant load a couch from poliigon

yall niggas have lost your way

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🧵 the state of american AAA games

Anonymous No. 956922

You need people with 15 years of 3D experience and 2 degrees in art and 250 million usd to make this render.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956912

Do you need ChatGPT to be a success in VFX ? Scripting and general help. Everybody is like - "ohhh 90% are using ChatGPT even if they are hiding it".

Is it fraudulent?

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🧵 how do i use bryce skyboxes on blender

Anonymous No. 956910

can i use cubemaps on blender, using them as environment textures make them look weird and lowres

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🧵 Armored Core 6 models?

Anonymous No. 956863

I need to figure out how to get the Armored Core 6 boss models so I can port them into VR. Especially Balteus, give people PTSD of the filter.