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🧵 Learning Hard Surface Modeling in Blender.

Anonymous No. 976621

So I am only a day old diving into Blender after 3 years of trying 3DS Max with no progress which is more of a skill issue on my end.

I am specifically wanting to model cars. I have something started but am not too happy with the outcome of the doors. I am starting with blueprints but still getting to grips with pretty much everything else.

What tips can you give an absolute noob when it comes to modelling?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 976561

so imagine that i got good at 3d modeling, how do i realistically make money? is porn the fastest and easy route? how do you build a fanbase or do you make videos for pornhub and cash on views?

i dont want to work in a studio or with other people, want to fly solo here

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🧵 Rigging solution for minimum amount of work

Anonymous No. 976535

I'm having a hard time finding some guidelines on this, I guess cause riggin stuff are industry kept secrets.
But I'm a gamedev and I'd like to automate this process as much as possible if not completely.
So the rigging part, the control rig part and ESPECIALLY the weight painting part cause I can enjoy any of these BUT weight painting.

I dev in Unreal so I need my bone hierarchy to fit Unreal's mannequin one. What addons/plugins should I go for (if that possible to automate completely that shit in the first place)?
I don't care if it's in Maya, Blender, whatever as long as I end up with a character correctly rigged to use anim packs from the Epic Market place. I'll pick the ones that lifts up the most work from my shoulders.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 976502

how can i recreate 90s style 3d renders in modern blender? i know i could just learn bryce3d but i don't want to. ive heard eevee has phong shading but i can't find it.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 976484

How do I get to this level of 3d as FAST as possible?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 976367

What I say is true:

If you truly know how to draw then you already know how to make 3D models to the fullest extent. It should take you no more than a week to understand the basic tools.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 976326

Why did you guys choose 3D over drawing? Is it because drawing it's too difficult?

I've been thinking if I like drawing or 3D more and what to invest more time on, because with 2D you can also animate

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exploited bastards.jpg

🧵 Why are VFX Artists so obsessed with Credits?

Anonymous No. 976309

They are maximally exploited but they pisseth and shitteth themselves to see their names in the CREDITS.
Then they wonder why they get no respect.

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🧵 Nomad Sculpt

Anonymous No. 976305

What do you guys think of the software?
For an app you can run on your android/iphone, it's surprisingly capable

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🧵 Eevee Next

Anonymous No. 976265

Here's your typical Blender user waiting for updates on his long promised and well deserved Eevee Next. It's not creepy at all.

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🧵 cris general

Anonymous No. 976254

I am now much stronger, and now have mastered AI as well as 3D and 2D.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 976206

I want to recreate this artstyle

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 976137

Just found out this 3d artist I've been following for years and buying thousands of dollars worth of assets from has wildly incorrect anatomy after studying anatomy myself. I can't believe I didn't study anatomy sooner.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 976085


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🧵 Impostor Syndrome and Advice

Anonymous No. 976003

I work at a well-known game company. I'm 20 years old. I can't post any works I've created due to NDAs. I don't create much outside of work. I've been with the company for about six months. Recently, I've been experiencing a dangerous amount of imposter syndrome. My models are pretty mid-level. Macro details exist, and they look great. But micro details and hard surface details are missing. Also, I'm terrible at game optimization. I feel like I have to learn as fast as possible, otherwise I'm just making the products I'm working on worse. Thankfully, none of my assets were rejected. I've noticed that a lot of other artists get high praise for the work they submit, and most of the time I get thank yous. I think I know why. It's not that I feel I'm entitled to praise. I wouldn't want to get it if my work wasn't as good as theirs. Does anyone have any advice or tips for me on how to improve my assets creation, macro / micro detail workflows, and optimization? Additionally, do any anons have any free therapy advice I could take advantage of to not feel so shitty about my work?

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🧵 I love this shit so damn much

Anonymous No. 975975

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🧵 Quicker way of rigging models

Anonymous No. 975968

>Set parent to armature deform
>Create vertex group in object
>Rename vertex group to name of bone
>Assign object to group

The model is low-poly so I don't need any weight-painting but there has to be a quicker method right?

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🧵 Tulpamancy in Blender

Anonymous No. 975950

This thread is for the discussion of tulpamancy using 3d as a form of Concentration. My theory is that concentrating on the shape using 3d modelling software can help in the creation, I'm new in this and I want to experiment with Blender and the creation of tulpas in Blender

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 975901

is there any ACTUALLY Physically-based renderer that can simulate the wave-particle duality properties of light to recreate the double slut experiment?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 975851

How much is Sora going to cost per month, boys?

Every prompt is going to be extremely scrutinized for wrongthink and you'll always be one wrong prompt from being perma b&, right?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

[email protected] No. 975737

>Tfw didn't train my 3d skill for years to update portfolio
Can I buy off anyone's 3D portfolio models/images that you guys don't use anymore?

I lost my job and now I wanna move back into 3D modelling. Some small enviroment stuff would be nice while I make my own portfolio on the side.

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🧵 Revit question

Anonymous No. 975628

redditors are niggers and removed my post without explanation so here I am
how do I do it, bros?

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🧵 blender question

Anonymous No. 975623

I bought an animation pack (GunFu Pistol Attacks) and I only got weird point cloud fbx files and not an actual skeleton.
How can I apply the animation on a skeleton in blender?
(I do not use unity or unreal as a game engine)

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 975515

Anyone else feel like the effort to make 3d is a greater payoff than the result itself, meaning sidestepping the work with AI, just like putting codes into your game genie, is pointless?