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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 988141

How to make good 3d anime model?

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🧵 Is 3D modelling quick to do?

Anonymous No. 988081

I'm a commercial illustrator and one thing I hate about actual illustration is it takes so long just to do one project and everything has to be lit, textured and drawn laboriously and even then you've only got one fixed perspective.

3D has always been an endgame for me because it frees me from all these constraints, but also because it seems people can make stuff really fast with it. Is it true that it's quicker in that respect, I only want to do basic vaporwave type stuff like this, nothing too involved.

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Flouride stare.png

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 988037

What's the board obsession with DAZ? I regularly use blender, Zbrush, etc in my pipeline and never even once considered using DAZ. I don't even know what it does, yet you all seem to insist on it.
The only thing I know about DAZ is that every model that comes out of it looks like a single mom with a skin disease and a permanent fluoride stare. Even the stylized characters seem to have a "look" about them that instantly betrays their dazzieness. What's the deal? What's being offered in DAZ that I can't get anywhere else?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 988022

>the most popular normalmap tutorial for photoshop
>he creates normalmap straight from diffuse, no heightmaps involved
>in the end his bricks are concave
>doesn't even mention that photoshop doesn't have option to generate OpenGL normalmaps and you would have to manually flip green channel if you want OpenGL standard normalmaps
>video gets a lot of praise in the comments and no one points out this tutorial is absolute shit

How do we stop Crises like this from making tutorials?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 988015

Where can I pirate Keos Mason's stuff?
I want to see their tutorials and have their resources.

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🗑️ 🧵 How is it still alive?

Anonymous No. 987978

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🗑️ 🧵 cris won.

Anonymous No. 987946

Sometimes I wonder, how the fuck am I able to make such levels of KINO.

cris, you basterd bloody beatch.
you made it again.
you got KINO.

AI can't win over this level of uganda KINO.
Humans won.
AI lost.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 987936

When did you realise this software is for women?

For me it was when I was looking up guides and all the comments were about making clothes for their Sims.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 987917

This is the best 3D AI model generator right now.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 987791

the ai demon can make better donut than me it's over time to uninstall blender and find a real job such as coal mining fuck you donut tutorial guy you made me believe I have a chance you should find a real job too btw

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🧵 What's the job market for 3D artist right now?

Anonymous No. 987720

From what I'm hearing it's that the 3D job market has dried up and things are looking bad right now. In the US everything is being downsized and offshored to India, Canada, and Europe. So finding a job in the US at this point seems rather difficult. I'm happy to take anything, but long term I want to work in games and make my own games and animations. Pic related is something I made for school, hope you think it's cool.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 987716

how do i put the vertex then the edge around there to move up down

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🧵 /3/ humor thread

Anonymous No. 987667

Post /3/ humor.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 987524

Why cant I do 3D at all?
I cant even pose nor understand poses

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 987469

What now biitches?

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mobile game.webm

🧵 2D Mesh Animation

Anonymous No. 987398

Is there a better software to do stuff like pic-related yet? Surely with all that AI talk, there's at least one software that automatically breaks up the parts, creates the meshes or at least rigs the assets.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 987324

>People in /3/ threads on /v/ of all places display more skill at this than most of this board
Show the class that you've actually managed to accomplish something or attempt to explain why a board like /v/ is outdoing you

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 987279

Can someone who has worked with blender geometry nodes, give me a QRD on what the limitations and possibilities are.
I've literally never even had to touch 3d modeling software up until recently for game dev stuff.
How schizophrenic can you get with parametric designs? How crazy/precise can you make the logic chains? Can it be used for 3d printing/engineering projects as well?
I have yet to hear someone say it's shit because _____, other than for a seeming lack of problem solving skills. It kinda reminds me of when FM was first starting to get really popular in the sound design space and I know you can go off the deep end with sound design pretty fucking fast. I'm hoping parametric modelling is the same.

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🧵 Rate these running animations

Anonymous No. 987157

- Most well made
- Most realistic
- Most sexy

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🧵 Is there even any point learning 3d?

Anonymous No. 987145

Learning to 3d model has always been my creative end game as a graphic designer, but like everything other form of visual art, I feel like once I get good it won't matter because it'll all be automated by AI. This has already happened with my 2D illustrations, with people thinking it's AI (pic rel) even though I spent a day meticulously drawing it.

Should I try 3d modelling or have I just missed the boat at this point?

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🧵 Blender General:

Anonymous No. 987105

Blender General - Aren't all /3/ threads *really* about Blender tho edition

Previous: >>984313

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🧵 Jack's Low Rez Texture Garden

Anonymous No. 987098

Is anyone in possession of this mythical pack, courtesy of world4jack, and willing to share? The mega folder listed on his website is sadly empty :(

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🧵 Are there any 3D tutorial channels (You) can recommend?

Anonymous No. 987083

Watching tutorials can also be really comfy as background entertainment when working on projects

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 987061

recommend me a good UV mapping software freeware
i tried headus but i cant use the save even on hobby mode