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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 How far can I go in math if I study for 6 hrs everyday?

Anonymous No. 16149192

I'm autistic and NEET. I'm learning long division rn. Up next is fractions.

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🧡 Why are video games so addicting and can they really be replaced?

Anonymous No. 16149125

I think they are a great pain relieving method because they make you forget about everything else, even more so than watching videos/TV because you're somehow active in them even if it's a very slow paced strategy game but your concentration is destroyed for anything else. I have not found a better replacement to them and am wondering if there's really an alternative? This is purely scientific thread because it focuses on the way our brain works and probably the dopamine reward system that gets abused by video games. You can't just force someone with actually a damaged brain to just study and study, they will always relapse to video games and they wouldn't be able to play them sparingly because that's the only way the brain can manage to relieve the stress and perhaps the overwhelming amount of commands or resources to be focused.

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Rodney, The Game is Real

Anonymous No. 16149120

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16149118

Scientifically speaking, how would anthropomorphic canine species look IRL?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16149036

Was Dirac a pseud for making up his "delta function" instead of using functional analysis?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Evolution is lie

Anonymous No. 16149016

Evolution can't be proved using experiment.

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🧡 Reasonable reasons to not do stuff just because you can

Anonymous No. 16149010

the 3 limitations are uncertainty, volatility or lack of sane reward or safety for work done or asset acquired, and chaos or competition or understood and known evils and problems

there isn't a good word because the distinctions are pretty complicated between the three still pretty unique tiers of limitations

basically this is why da Jews are actually kind of based and redpilled and not just malicious because whatever for no good reason and christianity is kind of like building towers instead of studying earthquakes and stuff first

generally eastern cultures don't do stuff just because they could and there are like 3 archetypes of the dumb white guys that have no idea wtf they're doing and lots of names for people who filled those roles

basically this is post enlightenment hellenism and it should be taught alongside english grammer in like 6th grade then they let people choose to stop going to school after that

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 STEM is trash

Anonymous No. 16149008

Get a degree in business. Climb the corporate ladder or go into business for yourself. Also consider a job in government, or criminal justice. You don’t want to end up homeless do you anon?


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🧡 Failure modes of nuclear reactors.

Anonymous No. 16149004

Safety systems aren't designed against deliberate sabotage by the entire operating staff. So lets assume: a) The staff at a modern nuclear power plant want to create a catastrophe on purpose. b) They have unlimited time, access, and the means to demolish the containment structure.

What's the worst they could realistically do?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16148984

stupid ass moon

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🧡 Black hole structure

Tk No. 16148934

I've just red on the Internet that a black hole's mass is concentrated in a point with no volume and infinite density.

It was then stated that the appearent black volume around it is the part past the singularity where light cant escape (it kinda makes sense)

What doesn't make sense to me is how matter gets so compressed that it loses its spacial dimension.

Before reading this i thought that a black hole was just made of something like atoms put side by side by forces stronger than the repulsions between different atoms's electrons, but following this idea the black hole should have a small but surely existent volume.

So why does matter lose its spacial dimensions?

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🧡 How?

Anonymous No. 16148874

pls explain how it goes to a((1-r^n)/(1-r))

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🧡 Transgenderism/Blanchard typology

Anonymous No. 16148805

Thoughts on blanchard typology, AGP and HSTS

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 The Second Law of Thermodynamics

Anonymous No. 16148774

Define closed system, preferable in lame man's terms.

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🧡 Empirical evidence is subjective

Anonymous No. 16148768

Your mind creates reality. Even language warps everything. Physics change. You're living in a dream.

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🧡 Why

Anonymous No. 16148737

Why are you convinced that your consciousness is just the end result of electrical activity in your brain? People 200 years ago were wrong about a ton of shit but somehow you understand the greatest mystery of all time because you read some books.

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🧡 Ball

Anonymous No. 16148733

If a ball on a plane travels 1 meter per second up and right at the same time then how long will it take for the ball to travel 1 meter?

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🧡 Nerds

Anonymous No. 16148724

Are "nerds" not actually high IQ but rather just people who spend a high amount of time gaining knowledge in an attempt to compensate for their genetic inferiority? And then when they create technology it isn't usually for the betterment of mankind but a reflection of their bitter damaged egos? Is intelligence just an illusion and ultimately useless? Aren't all those people in Africa more evolutionarily advanced because they are able to reproduce more?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16148703

How can anybody actually enjoy math? I really don't get it. I tried watching the calculus series on the 3blue1brown youtube channel and I'm already bored out of my fucking mind by the 3rd video. Why would anyone want to dedicate even an hour of their time, much less their entire fucking life on this shit?

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🧡 The confirmation bias of /sci/

Anonymous No. 16148698

What are some facts and evidence that people here are unable to see?

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🧡 Sunglasses, UV Light Typing, Testing, and Selectively Blocking Materials

Anonymous No. 16148686

I want to buy some test cards to verify the capacity for sunglasses to block UVA, UVB, and UVC radiation. When I look online for test cards which have designated testing zones for each of these types of radiation, I find that I can only find cards which have testing zones for UVA and UVC (as pictured), and other, more expensive UVB-specific test cards.
What I want to know is whether it is practically possible for sunglasses which block UVA light to fail to block UVB light. As far as I can tell, the materials which typically are said to have this property are metallic pigments that are used in sunblock.
What methods do sunglass manufacturers use to block UV light, and how likely do you believe it is, given these methods, that sunglasses bought online might have the ability to block UVA but not UVB?

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🧡 Should I get my PhD in MSE?

Anonymous No. 16148666

Title speaks for itself really, I’m about to graduate this next year in Mech Eng. and considering attending grad school. I was originally going to go for Mech Eng. but a friend is trying convince me to go for MSE instead and is really stressing that that it’ll be the future, especially after the turn of the decade.

Can I get /sci/β€˜s opinion?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Climate change is re-ACK

Anonymous No. 16148660

Let's see who has the best cope

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🧡 A biology/Med question

Anonymous No. 16148655

Can any med student tell me if my hypothesis is correct?

A fungus like jock itch, it would be like a grass.
Which grows on the skin.

If I use peroxyde water is like burning it.
But the fungus will grow again, like grass.

If I keep using peroxyde water every day, It will regrow, but lesser every time.
Eventually the skin regrows, and the fungus is simply expelled because the skin would have entirelly being replaced, like cutting a fungus area in a bannana.

This would explain why is so hard to get rid off?

Is my idea more or less on the right path?