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Anonymous No. 16175964

Is there some truth behind it?
Is this kind of research just not considered politically correct in this day and age or was it just bullshit all along?

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🗑️ 🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16175962

Astronaut recognition edition

previous >>16173012

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16175944

this cannot be real, right? it has to be a scam, like dinosaurs

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Anonymous No. 16175940


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16175926

Who was in the wrong here?

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🧵 cancer death?

Anonymous No. 16175883

David Sandborn, 78, died from prostate cancer yesterday

The problem is, he got the cancer on year 2022, on the year of cancer when everyone else got one as well

He was saxophone player. He was playing in Eric Claptopns album as a background player using a sax.

He was for years being kept in iron lung and during that time he became a musician because he had nothing else to do.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16175866

>single handedly defies the Malthusian collapse

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16175861

This might be totally retarded, but is it possible to heal torn cartilage by heating the shoulder, for example, in order to increase blood flow to the cartilage?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16175853

Could an EMP really make guns stop working?
Or is picrel wrong?

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🧵 Artificially induce bipolar Mania with St John's wort? Eg: go Super Saiyan

Anonymous No. 16175842

I've been on a bit of a dive trying to figure out how to manage bipolar disorder myself and came to the conclusion that lithium was untouchable if you didn't want to die of organ failure after a year without a prescription and there's not much else besides a bunch of other while maybe not bull-shit comparatively useless holistic activities for someone like me.

But then I discovered there's something called St John's Wort which is a natural mood regulator but psychiatrists tell people with bipolar disorders not to take it because it induces Mania.

So am I insane or is it possible to not regulate but use It or something like it too raise my mood during non-manic depressive episodes to at least establish a equilibrium between poles so while the equilibrium might be extreme it's consistent, which to me or at least from experience I think that might be a lot more manageable and help me with my productivity.
And while I understand the brightest flames burn the shortest, when I'm a little bit Manic and also happy I can get more done in a day than a team of people in a week.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16175808

Red Pill me on cognitive flexibility

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16175783

Were his results right or wrong?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16175782

>Hasn't changed evolutionary in thousands of years

Are crabs the ultimate life form?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16175759

Does 8.445 round to 8 or to 9?

If 8, shouldn't the 5 in the thousandth decimal place round the 8.44 into an 8.45? And isn't 8.45 rounding up to 8.5? And doesn't 8.5 round up to 9?

If 9, isn't the distance to the 9 greater by 0.005? Why did it go to 9? Shouldn't it go to 8 if rounding means the number goes closer to the number it is near and not closer to the number it is furthest?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16175715

How many autistic retards do you think killed themselves trying to invent electricity before one of them got lucky and actually did something useful with it?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16175710

Why is science increasingly beginning to sound like schizo talk?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16175703

>first there was nothing, absolutely nothing whatsoever
>and then this nothing just exploded and formed the entire universe
Do you really believe this?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16175666

Was there an International Space Station rape coverup or did I dream it

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16175661

What happens if an advanced civilization develops on a rogue star are they just doomed to never ever go to another star system.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16175644

What are /sci/'s thoughts?

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🧵 Moon landing deniers btfo

Anonymous No. 16175621

Watch this video you losers:

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16175572

My wife just told me that it is impossible for single-cell organisms to evolve into multi-cell organisms because it defies the laws of entropy.

>the universe is headed towards a heat death
>meaning that all the atoms in the universe are gradually disorganizing
>therefore it is impossible for simple life to become more complex over time

Is she right?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Αnonymous No. 16175555

How do you use the percentage button on literally any calculator? It never does anything in person or on my computer. AI advice:

What does the % button do on a calculator? How do you use it? Example?

The % button on a calculator is typically used to calculate a percentage of a given number. Here's how it works:

Enter the number you want to calculate the percentage for.
Press the % button.
Enter the percentage you want to calculate (e.g., 25%).
Press the equals button (=) to calculate the result.

For example, let's say you want to calculate 25% of $100.

Enter 100 on your calculator.
Press the % button.
Enter 25.
Press the equals button (=).

The result will be:

100 × 0.25 = 25

So, 25% of $100 is $25.

You can also use the % button to find a percentage of a given number by using the following formula:

(number) × (percentage/100) = result

For example, if you want to find 15% of $200, you can use the following formula:

200 × (15/100) = 30

This would give you the same result as calculating 15% of $200 using the % button on your calculator.


The example given doesn't work. It behaves inconsistently. In one window, the % sign invariably turns any input into a zero. In another window,
Hitting 12 and "%" gets me 9.6, so in trying to find out what 12% of 100 is, I type "12" "%" "100" and the output is "100-20=80"

What the fuck?

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🧵 Meta-analysis of all sleep aids (read every research and tried them too)

Anonymous No. 16175554

- Sleeping less
- Placebo

- Exercise
- Muscle relaxants
- Nitrous oxide mask
- A good old whack in the head

Good if you don’t text:
- Ambien etc. (z-drugs)

Good if they work:
- Benadryl etc. (first-generation antihistamines) (work for me)
- SNRIs/SSRIs (don’t work for me)

Good for short term:
- Benzodiazepines
- Weed

Ok but questionable effects:
- Lyrica/Neurontin etc.
- Opioids
- Barbiturates

Bad (disturb sleep):
- Antipsychotics
- Alcohol
- Levodopa etc.

Placebo (don't read if you want these to work):
- Melatonin
- 5-HTP
- Camomile
- Passion flower
- Valerian root
- Ginseng
- Calea ternifolia
- Kanna
- Sakae naa
- Muira puma