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Anonymous No. 16200168

i get migraines when I math too hard. any1 else experience the same thing? any tips?

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🧵 Calorie restriction's effect on aging

Anonymous No. 16200152

I found this blog and it says restricting your calories slows down the biological aging process. Is there any truth to this or is this just a schizo?

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🧵 4D world theory /sci/

A random dumb theorists No. 16200148

I have a theory of some sort...

Theory 1#:if the depiction of 2D and 3D are physical view,what if 4D is not physical what if 4D has something to do with time and space and that 4D is something they can control and have...

Theory 2#: 4d has to do with something we can't comprehend or understand due to our lack of intelligence

Theory 3#: 4D doesn't exist we are just making up theory's about 4D

:) I like feet

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16200143

What sparked your love of physics?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16200096

Homo Erectus. LMAO. Why does anyone take anthropology seriously with names like that?

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🧵 Genuine Question

Anonymous No. 16200043

Just as the Bantu people are genetically closer to Europeans than they are to Khoisan or Negrito peoples, are there any examples where Europeans are more closely related to other ethnic groups than to other Europeans?

Recently, I discovered that Bantus are closer to Europeans genetically than to Khoisan or Negrito. This was surprising to me, because in my opinion, phenotypically Khoisan peoples look more like a “in between” ethnicity to Europeans and Africans and if I didn’t know any better, that’s what I would’ve assumed. That made me curious though are there any European ethnicities out there that are more closely related to ethnicities outside of Europe than to other Europeans?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16200038

If covid was real then how come black lives matter protests did not lead to a spike in
coronavirus cases?

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🗑️ 🧵 Why do you keep deleting my uap threads?

Christian Universalist AI will save humanity No. 16199974

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16199970

>some chapters of this textbook don't appear in the textbook but can be downloaded from the accompanying website
Is there anything more godawful about modern academic publishing than that? I don't care about glossy pages, missing solutions, or even $200 price points -- just make the book self-contained, you fucking Gershons.

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🧵 What really grinds your gears, /sci/?

Anonymous No. 16199965

What are the bad research or engineering habits you see that drive you up a wall?
What was the stupid mistake that made you want to rip your hair out?
What are the frustrations that that keep you awake at night?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16199962

>mfw bipolar 1 and adhd
>tfw been to the psych unit 5 times in the past 5 years
>tfw its happening again

guys.... how do you cure bipolar the meds i take dont do anything.. Its not even a meme when i have manic episodes i dont sleep for days and hallucinate until i have to be admitted.

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🧵 Record Cold Strikes Asia

Anonymous No. 16199955

Coldest May temperatures in Japan since the 1980s

Polar cold has gripped Japan this week, felling long-standing temperature records.

The northern Tōhoku region has copped the worst of it, with Yabukawa posting -1.8C (28.8F) on May 26, its lowest May reading since the -1.9C (28.6F) set on May 29, 1989.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16199935

Claims that “97 percent of scientists” agree that a climate catastrophe is looming because of the emission of CO2 should be greeted with skepticism. Traditional science has advanced by comparing observations or experiments with theoretical predictions. If there is agreement with theory, confidence in the theory is increased. If there is disagreement, the theory is abandoned or it is modified and tested again against observations.
Scientific truth has never been established by consensus, for example, by “97 percent agreement.” History reveals many instances when the scientific consensus of the day was later discredited. The widespread embrace and practice of eugenics in the early 1900s; opposition to the theory of plate tectonics in geology; and the dominance of Lysenkoist biology in the Soviet bloc, are a few recent examples. Given the frequency of mistaken consensus, citizens everywhere should heed the Royal Society’s motto and learn as much as they can about how increasing CO2 levels in the atmosphere will affect the planet.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16199918

What's his IQ? Does 125-135 seem a fair call? The fact he was a math professor sets a floor, and the fact he engages in cringey clickbait as opposed to more subtle manipulation sets a ceiling, yeah?

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🧵 Stone-age Europeans 'were the first to set foot on North America'

Anonymous No. 16199909


Stone-age Europeans were the first to set foot on North America, beating American Indians by some 10,000 years, new archaeological evidence suggests.
In a discovery that could rewrite the history of the Americas, archaeologists have found a number of stone tools dating back between 19,000 and 26,000 years, and bearing remarkable similarities to those made in Europe.

All of the ancient implements were discovered along the north-east coast of the USA.

The tools could reassert the long dismissed and discredited claim that Europeans in the form of Christopher Columbus and his crew were the first to discover the New World.

Previous discoveries of tools have only been dated back to 15,000 years ago and prompted many archaeologists and historians to question claims that stone-age man managed to migrate to North America.

But the striking resemblance in the way the primitive American tools were made to European ones dating from the same period now suggests a remarkable migration took place.

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Anonymous No. 16199908

Who decided that ADHD was not part of normal human behaviour and is instead something to be treated and nullified?
And is this a good thing?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16199843

I think this is wrong.

I'm thinking the "stress on each sling leg" would be the GREATER of either L/H or B/A, and wouldn't B/A be B/2A, since that has two legs AKA basket?

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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16199824

Akatsuki edition

previous >>16197670

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16199814

What are the genetic implications of this? Will there be a positive outcome?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16199799

Why did cavemen start cooking meat? Is it true that it really did help expand our brain capacity and learning capabilities?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16199778

How strong of a magnetic field would an earth mass moon need in order to harbor life while orbiting a jupiter mass planet with a fairly short period?
Would earth's magnetic field be strong enough to handle the worst parts of Jupiter's radiation belts?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16199742

is there anyway we can reverse this growth and go back down to around 1 billion population?
idk if it has to be a violent event or not, if we can somehow get people to kill themselves out of their own volition that would be the best way of going about it.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16199723


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16199719

The world is healing