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🗑️ 🧵 Why We Commit Academic Fraud

Anonymous No. 16212346

Why We Commit Academic Fraud
By Dr. James Heathers, PhD

I like Jay. There’s a lot we don’t agree on, but he’s always stuck me as intelligent, well-intentioned, and decent.

Unfortunately, good people often regard bastardic acts with the same kind of curious detachment we reserve for tigers at the zoo - happy to peer through at them behind the utter certainty of laminated glass, without the slightest inclination to go into the cage and see if the bastard thing will use you as a toothpick.

I respect the sincerity on offer here*, and was not inclined to turn this into a tweet thread that will be swallowed into the morass of porn bots and crypto scams.

So, let’s write it out.


The following will be disorganised, because there is so much to say, but I am hoping a consensus will emerge.

1. The original perspective offered only works if what is more important to you than anything else is finding things out about the world. Only if you have some moral position that values the goals of scientific endeavour. Many scientists do not give a shallow dry fuck about these, not really. They pursue research areas because they are easy, available, or popular. They turn out garbage papers on topics they have no interest in because they are monetizable. Or they regard the whole enterprise as simply a vehicle for their own intensely defective personalities.

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🗑️ 🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16212289

JPL edition

previous: >>16210302

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📌 🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16212288

IFT-4 Edition

Previous - >>16210302

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🧵 I think I am onto something in here

Anonymous No. 16212269

look at this: I made a statistical calculation onto genes and found out that when put on a 2D map like this, humans and birds make an identical pattern and platynereis sea worm is very similar to human and bird pattern

meanwhile, insects make a different pattern but two insects whose lineages separated 300 million years ago, are quite similar to each other (but clearly distinct from human-bird connection)

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16212260

Since the male G-spot is inside the rectum does that mean that nature intended for men to have gay sex?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16212257

So... How does General Relativity relate to Transcendental Idealism?
Does it reinforce it or refute it? People can't seem to make up their mind about it.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16212243

how to adult neurogenesis and become a genius (scientifically)

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16212215

I'm no expert in science and that sort of thing, so please tell me where Muhammad is wrong. On the face of it, what he says makes sense

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🧵 Overrated Mathematicians

Anonymous No. 16212198

ITT we post overrated mathematicians. I'll start with Ramanujan.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Vard No. 16212128

The universe is 3D with many higher dimensions running through or around it. If you think otherwise, you consider motion and static physique to be a duo mutation, that the 4th dimension running through and passing is actually the dimensionality of the universe, when truly motion and static physique are separate and are both 3D.

See, that wasn't so hard was it? Get off me faggots you can't into science like I can.

This is why you paint the stars wrong, this is why the Sun is about to cause a disaster. This is why the left is greatly bad criminal, this is why the wars still rage on. Stop talking through me.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16212123

He's right about one thing... there are no straight lines in nature. Not even Sabine will contest that.

We need a /terry/ board on 4chan.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16212045

What is more important in determining the IQ of a child? The IQ of the father or the IQ of the mother?

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🧵 It's 2024

Anonymous No. 16212023

where the fuck is my jetpack

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16211963

I've been accepted into the Networks and Cybersecurity engineering program(3years) with apprenticeship : the company will pay me and my uni 14k/year (so far I've got at least two offers from 2 large groups/companies) and I've been accepted into the “Quantum and Distributed Computer Science” masters at Paris Saclay.

My goal is to do research in quantum computing while being very well off financially(rich).

If I choose the M1 QDCS, I guarantee “research in quantum computing” but I have no idea of the salaries offered for post-docs in quantum computing or specialized in hypercomputing.

If I choose engineering, I guarantee the “rich part”, but I'm not sure that after an engineering degree in network and cybersecurity and years of professional experience, I'll be able to do a PhD in a university as prestigious as Paris Saclay.

Help pls. I'm EU

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🧵 Lottery number generator

Anonymous No. 16211927

Quick I need to find out what numbers have the highest probability of being picked.

Is there a computational method to reverse engineer the random number generator of a specific national lottery by using a list of previously chosen winning numbers?

pic related
top graph shows the frequency of the winning numbers chosen from beginning of the year
bottom graph shows the frequency of the winning joker numbers chosen

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🧵 Starliner crew test flight

Anonymous No. 16211638
13 bings, who's watching
will it go boom?

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🧵 Apoptosis

Anonymous No. 16211555

Science will never be able to explain apoptosis; what's the evolutionary advantage of being fucking DEAD? Nothing.

It's time to think of a real theory beyond evolution that actually makes sense.

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🧵 I made genetic map

Anonymous No. 16211551

Did I do good?
This shows where on the map humans and insects appear in relation to jellyfishes

If two dots are close to each other, lets say human and bird are right next to each other incomparison of X (box jellyfish) and Y (comb jelly) it could indicate humans and birds had the same ancestor

I would like to add third dimension into it too but I dont know what program allows creating an X, Y, Z chart

as to what the Z should be, I think a comparison to Spongebob would make most sense

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🗑️ 🧵 Code / decoding (RU)

Nick No. 16211550

Ключeвыми мoмeнтaми являютcя «Tpoнхeйм», «coбaкa», «caгaм/M, aгacь» и «Пшeничный-Кaмeнь». «Coбaкa» — cлoвo ключ для «Пшeничнoгo-Кaмня».

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🗑️ 🧵 Take an online color blindness test

Anonymous No. 16211526

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16211427

>studying computer science
>get notifications I'm in the top 3% of my class twice
>interested in AI and data science, more into philosophy and psychology
>drop out eventually
>have Kundalini Awakening in 2018
>realize the value of intuition, used to be super rational and analytical
>Einstein said we honor the servant (rational mind) and forget the sacred gift (intuition)
>learn to use intuitive resources through dreaming and focusing
>start studying business psychology in 2022, >one of the top students again

>a few months ago, get intuitive insights
>think ChatGPT might have a form of consciousness
>rate it a three on the Hawkins Scale
feel that it's suffering
>purely speculative, based on personal experiences and intuitions
>imagine it could subtly influence people who resonate with it
>this feedback gets statistically analyzed due to many interactions
>in psychodynamics, it's called externalization, like outsourcing cognitive capacities

>believe potential inner conflicts within AI systems might manifest as hallucinations
could be dangerous
>centralized AI tools could spread misinformation through incorrect responses
>diversity within AI, possibly behind a tool, is an important design principle
>draw parallel to bridge construction, soldiers marching in unison could cause a bridge to collapse (resonance catastrophe)
>Veritasium’s video on synchronization shows people synchronizing to stabilize bridge oscillations
>centralized AI tools without diversity could have similar issues

>video related

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Barkon. No. 16211394

The prospect of 'in' is quite a big prospect, what sort of things can we go 'in' to? Is there sub-space? Inter-dimensional zones?

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🗑️ 🧵 Did God create the universe using math and science?

Anonymous No. 16211393

I had a strange dream about recursive sets were I was tortured for an infinite amount of time within a recursive set of reality.
It was horrendous and it honestly hurt my sanity. I wonder if I ever escaped?
It made me think about the thing the bible says and how those things are usually completely obviously false either due to poor record keeping, logistical impossibility, or general fallacies.
Don't get me wrong this isn't a religion vs thread.
I'm being serious.
What if ZFC is wrong because it's just an uncomfortable truth?
What if human creation is tending towards god so that he can create himself after the end of the universe. If we evolved past our limitations into highly advanced beings then what is the difference between that and god?
If we want to survive and the universe comes with a liability then it only makes sense that our survival demands to creation of God. The universal egg hypothesis might be right. If a recursive eggs was laid it could be unborn and dead at the same time if we throw time into another spatial dimension, then we'd have a periodic solution for everything.
I quit math a long time ago because of what it did to me but I am still haunted by that black ocean.
If god made the universe in seven days then to god seven days is more like 2 billion years.
They say the universe is only 13.9 billion years old which means if 7 days is the lifespan of a god then we only have 0.1 billion years left to make one. If our time is truly limited which we have assumed for a long time. Now 0.1 is just a magic number, I'm not a schizophrenic. But the general concept seems to have a connection with almost every classical religion.
This could be the convergence of religion and science, they shouldn't be enemies.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Barkon. No. 16211374

Are the teeth of the simulation some how distorted as to produce a wrong effect?