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🧵 15 year old Egyptian swimming champien dies

Anonymous No. 16297200

she died suddenly at age 15 on the year 2024

do not open the link because the language is in old-Egyptian

Shaza Negm, 15, died Saturday from health complications

>after suffering cardiac arrest while training at

when she fell into a coma during exercise.

Negm was active in the swimming team at Tanta Sports Club.

She had won many international and local sports championships representing Tanta Club and won more than eight medals between gold, silver and bronze over the past five years. (yes she won a medal at age 10)

The young swimmer was transferred to the ambulance unit located at the Olympic pool in one of the private clubs in the city of Tanta.
Negm was given first aid and received treatment in Gharbia Governorate, before being transferred to the Nasser Institute in Cairo where she passed away.

Her heart stopped during exercise and she lost consciousness in June. She was also found to have ulcers, bled severely, and lost hemoglobin during her stay in the hospital.

She underwent five surgeries in an attempt to save her life, but eventually succumbed to her coma when her brain gave out. The Ministry of Youth and Sports mourned Negm’s death on Saturday.

Edited translation by Al-Masry Al-Youm

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16297184

Where does oil really come from?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16297105

A new worldwide study finds there were no excess deaths due to covid and there were 16.9 million vaccine-associated deaths up to the end of 2022.

At 521 pages it is a comprehensive report containing hundreds of figures and a detailed examination of excess all-cause mortality during the years 2020 to 2023.

“Our calculated excess mortality rate [ ] corresponds to 30.9 ± 0.2 million excess deaths projected to have occurred globally for the 3-year period 2020-2022, from all causes of excess mortality during this period,” the authors wrote.

More than half of those global excess deaths, about 57%, the authors attributed to covid vaccines.

Using the data from 78 countries the researchers calculated the population-wide risk of death per injection. From this, they estimated the global all-ages excess mortality associated with covid vaccines up to 30 December 2022. They calculated that the deaths, globally, associated with covid vaccines up to 30 December 2022 was 16.9 million people.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16297078

How do Nasa engineers look in your country?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16297031
How much of a big deal is this? Some of my leftist friends are posting demotivation messaging like
>"if only we opened our borders to China and cooperated with them, they would give us access to their wonderful technology which is 10-15 years ahead of the US!"
None of them have any formal technical qualifications in the sciences. Does China objectively lead by a significant margin (e.g. beyond a 5 year gap) in any major scientific field? I know that I'm opening a can of worms that may invite bots and shllls in asking. I'm looking for information and talking points to rebut the sensationalism of my worryingly self-hating, naive and pessimistic acquaintances. It's getting fucking tiresome. Sorry in advance.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16297022

Since we've only discovered a fraction of all prehistoric life on earth, what sort of fauna comprises the other 99% that we haven't found?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16297011

If no Watson and Crick would we still be "fucking around and finding out" with DNA manipulation today?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16296998

What causes consciousness?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16296876

Holy kek

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16296801

Ivy League education is worthless now

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16296797

Does the non-physical nature of consciousness challenge physicalism?

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🧵 what do you think of ARIMA models?

Anonymous No. 16296793

Is it worth it to study them for work?

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🧵 Scibros we did it

Anonymous No. 16296789

Is this not the biggest pharma breakthrough of the century?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16296773

>.still believing in hypothetical forms of matter

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🧵 The ABSOLUTE state

Anonymous No. 16296741

>Virtual electron-positron pairs, however, can also exist for minute durations (less than a Planck time), as dictated by Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
Why are physicists so dishonest? Garbage like this would never fly in other disciplines.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16296732

This photograph contains many of the smartest people in human history including Einstein, Planck, Dirac, etc, but even this crowd at its large size doesn't contain all the people who lived at the time who would normally considered among the smartest people who ever lived (e.g. Nikola Tesla was also alive at the time).
How many people alive today would you consider worthy of being referred to as arguably among the smartest who ever lived? I can't think of many.. how did so many geniuses live simultaneously at the time this photo was taken, when so few people of their caliber exist today?
Shouldn't the amount of exceptional genius be evenly spread throughout time? Is something holding us back in modern times that prevents us from achieving greatness?

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fractals, kenneth....jpg

🧵 What sci book are you reading rn?

Anonymous No. 16296725

Post the last book you read or are currently reading

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🧵 /wap/ - war on plastics

Anonymous No. 16296637

I want to research how the big plastic mainly effect our bodies and from what we absorb it, then make a concise guide how to limit it.
Personally I probaby get plasticed mostly from touching the keyboard, mouse and the phone, likely largely from dishwashing sponge as well. What are some other major sources? Water bottles are an obvious one.

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🧵 Peer review is failing

Anonymous No. 16296610

>Things are so bad that a new world record was set in 2023: more than 10,000 research papers were retracted from academic journals.

>The numbers don’t lie: Scientific publishing has a problem, and it’s getting worse

>peer review is a broken system that needs its own honest review.

>The scale is impossible. Let’s do the math: 3 million peer-reviewed papers published every year, multiply those by two-to-three reviewers, times four-to-eight hours per reviewer… that math doesn’t work. Yet we persist in this dreamlike fantasy that somehow peer review is going to ensure quality.

>The fragility of the peer review system were spotlighted in the 2013 “Who’s Afraid of Peer Review” affair, in which science journalist John Bohannon created “a scientific version of Mad Libs” — a nonsense paper that was accepted by 157 of 255 pay-to-publish open-access journals (an acceptance rate of 60 percent).

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Tohru Question.png

🧵 Post Hypnotic Suggestions

Anonymous No. 16296604

If I can always decide the Halting Problem for a specific Programming Language, does that demonstrate that the Programming Language lacks Universal Computation?

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🧵 Convergence of Synthetic Biology with A.I.

Anonymous No. 16296588

IIT: A discussion on potential implications of AI used for synthetic biology.

AI can be used to help engineer organisms through an ability to better understand and design genetic frameworks. What are some implications of this? Here are some of my considerations -- some don't necessarily directly involve AI, but AI can make such things easier. :

Normie tier:
>Easier drug/biomaterial production through organisms with better optimized production pathways
>AI could help engineer organisms that react to their environment (like an organism that helps crop production by sending signals to plants in response to qualities of the soil)
>Engineering of organisms to help the climate (biofilters, plastic degradation) (gay)
>More GMO food, like lab grown meat (even gayer)

>Nefarious actors could potentially get DNA data (like through hacking and creating a disease that targets a certain individual
>Potential organisms engineered to genocide people/crops/livestock (biowarefare)
>Organisms that interact with the microbiome to influence peoples emotions
>GMO Humans/Human chimeras
>Engineered neurons connected to a computer to make a living computer

>Living bioclothing/accessories (potential moss-like organism that lives on peoples heads for baldies)
>Virus that spreads and inserts DNA into people to give them "neutral" qualities, like lactose-tolerance
>Jurassic park finally becomes real

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16296583

Why do scientists think that exercise is bad for you?
Is it because they're all a bunch of wimpy slobs who are too lazy to exercise and they're envious of people who are better than themselves?

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🧵 What explains the dramatic increase in penis size?

Anonymous No. 16296554

>Researchers found that the average penis increased in size from 4.8 inches in 1992 to 6 inches in 2021
>A 2021 study on 4,685 young italian men found the median penis size to be 17cm or 6.6 inches (DOI:10.1111/and.14053)
what happened?

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🧵 Overfitting

Anonymous No. 16296548

how do I defeat overfitting?