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Anonymous No. 974882

I need to sort my shit out in span of 5 days and I can't decide

>I'm torn between getting a career into 3D (this means signing up for a degree that has courses on VFX, Video editing, Motion Graphics, 3D animation & modeling, game development)
>signing up for a "systems information degree" (not CS) which gives a - not so shallow not so deep - knowledge about Java, Php, SQL and just programming in general + management + development cycle/life etc.

Both are 3 years long, the problem is the following, I sort of want to do 3D but I have no idea about it really and I don't even really know what kind of things I want to do with it anyway, I know very little about blender, I just know you can work in games and all that but I don't care much about that desu and most of all I don't know how realistic it is for me to land a job about it, like working maybe as a freelance video editor or freelance motion graphics, or even animator

I mean, I feel like if I was meant to do that as a job I would already be knowledgeable about it in some way or other and I don't really know much about anything I can't do even a basic animation but I DO FEEL I want to do it as well, like at least try to do fun things with 3D like porn etc

HOWEVER, I also don't want to be a full developer because while I sort of like programming I dread the idea of having to look for bugs in code, debug stuff or just being super technical in general. Ideally my plan would be to get that degree and try to land a project manager or some sort of manager position (not tech lead) where I'm managing people while having some technical background but I don't even know how feasible it is as a first job.

I'm 26 by the way

Anonymous No. 974887

If you don't have a passion for either, than you're not only never going to make it in either field, but you're going to put yourself in student debt towards something you're useless in. Either careers aren't something you can just pick up and do. You have to actually give a fuck about said career and do it everyday.

You can't just pick and choose what you feel you like. I guarantee Blender will filter the fuck out of you because 3d has a big learning curve. I'm almost guaranteed as well, that editing will filter you. It's not just cutting clips and putting shit together. Animator? You can't even decide what you want to model. How the fuck do you think you have an eye for filmmaking with animation???

You're retarded if you think you can accomplish these things just because you FEEL like you can. There's a difference between shutting the fuck up and tackling it everyday for hours on end vs what your dumbass feeling think you can do.

That fact that even at the end, you say that you don't want to be a full time developer already eliminates one career you said you want to do.

Pull your head out of your ass, take a deep...And I mean fucking deep look at your options and just start something. You're going to fail, you're going to want to quit, you're going to give up at certain or all points but if you have the tenacity, you will and can succeed but take this as a wake up call. Shit and get off the pot. You're only 26, you can do this but you have to actively give a fuck and not just vent/post on 4chinz

Anonymous No. 974889

>Both are 3 years long, the problem is the following, I sort of want to do 3D but I have no idea about it really and I don't even really know what kind of things I want to do with it anyway, I know very little about blender, I just know you can work in games and all that but I don't care much about that desu and most of all I don't know how realistic it is for me to land a job about it, like working maybe as a freelance video editor or freelance motion graphics, or even animator
Literally just reread this dumbass fucking paragraph and you will have your answer before you

Anonymous No. 974891

You're kinda right

I don't really have a passion for anything it would be an easy choice if I had, I just want a "not so bad" job otherwise I would be a welder or something idk. I'm not in America so going into debt and stuff isn't on the table

I know what you mean about passion and having an eye etc, that's why I'm so skeptical about having a career in 3D or whatever, it's like yeah I want to do this but I'm not an artist or anything like that and never was, I only put this option on the table because I like using photoshop and have that little interest in 3D for making fun anime related stuff, but that's really it. It did seem like a good option because most jobs are remote and whatever.

Regarding the other yeah, I don't want to be a full time developer but I was looking for more positions in the tech field, I'm right now contacting some people who are project managers and idk trying to decide if it's viable path or not, even if I make less money I don't give a shit.

I don't do pot dude, that shit is garbage, all I know about myself is that I'm more of a 'peoples person' or whatever, I've tried engineering in the past or more things and I certainly don't give a crap about any of them either, it's like I've been cornered into these options. Ideally I would be a business administration degree, that's why I felt the closest was this PM/mangement thing.

I'm going to think about it, but certainly living in 3rd world fucks your options pretty bad

Anonymous No. 974894

Do you really think your 3rd world place has qualified teachers who gonna carry your sorry ass through "VFX, Video editing, Motion Graphics, 3D animation & modeling, game development"?
Chances are you're just gonna waste your time with bunch of out of touch dudes teaching you stuff you can find on youtube.

Anonymous No. 974895

Bro, a welder/trade job is going to pay you more than a 3d/developer job. Yes, it's true that most of that shit can be done at home and it feels more relaxing but even those jobs are being outsourced to 3rd world countries that will do it for pennies compared to actual money.

You still need to have a passion for these things though. You can't just theoretically pick these things up and be good at it in a short time span. It takes a few years to actually get the hang of 3d/coding and such. There's no way in hell you could oversee and manage people without the proper expertise.

As far as the tech field go, you could absolutely do something like that but in reality, they're either going to make you code or be a cable jockey and reroute/organize cables all day.

I think the "pot" phrase got lost in translation to be honest lol. Shit or get off the pot is a euphemism. It means to to take a decisive and committed step or remove oneself from the scene of the action. Which means, you're either going to sit on the toilet all day and make shit or you're going to get up and do something more productive. lol that was just a lost in translation error.

No doubt living in the 3rd world fucking suck but honestly so does the 1st world option. Things are just as fucked and dumb here. Capitalism sucks and holds back a lot of talent/even the prospects of unions for these industries.

Anonymous No. 974896

>I want to do it as well, like at least try to do fun things with 3D like porn etc
Just wait a few years for 3d aislop to get better and you will have all the anime waifus you want. You have zero clue about 3d process let alone have any passion for it, you will not endure spending 8 hours every day pushing vertices

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Anonymous No. 974897

AI is going to do both of these jobs.

3D animation and modeling is on it's way out especially. All creative fields are dead. I was learning 3D modeling and animation and I've already given up even after getting over the blender learning curve. It's fucking done.

Anonymous No. 974898

Also don't listen to this faggot btw

Anonymous No. 974900

How am I wrong? With Sora and other 3D ai shit it's dead.

Anonymous No. 974901

Not arguing with a self admitted blenderfag who doesn't have a single clue about how industry works, have fun whining in /3 though and uh, doing whatever you are doing here since you don't plan on learning shit

Anonymous No. 974905

I'm gonna level with you, I'm from Mexico, when I was 23 I was in university studying for a CS major, I gave that up cause I wanted to do 3D art, mind you I was a decent 2D artist already, I did not have any guidance stopping me from making one of the biggest mistakes of my life, the games industry and all CG related fields in general have a near impossibly high entry level, you will not be able to land a job unless you are top notch good at it, companies won't give you a second glance or an opportunity as a junior, much less so if you're from outside the US or any other tech hub cities.
I am 30 now, it's been 7 years and still can't get a job in the games industry even though I'm a fairly good 3D artist, I am also broke and have to work at call centers where my time is micro managed so much so that I can't even get up to take a piss, all of this just to get by.
On the other hand the IT field has a crap ton more applications than VFX and CG, and with that a far more accessible entry level for jobs, not to mention it is an industry present pretty much all around the world, making it relatively easy to land a job as a coder, provided you are decent at it.
I would kill to go turn time back and finish my degree, anon do not make the same mistake I made, go for that tech degree, at the very least you'll be employed at the end of those 3 years, look at it this way, if you wanted to go the 3D artist route you would also need to develop fundamental artistic skills alongside tech skills, which will take upwards to 10 years... As you mentioned you would have already gotten started if you really wanted to be an artist, you do not wanna be an unemployed loser at 36, believe me I've seen that happen and it's very sad, please do yourself a favour and get that CS degree.

Anonymous No. 974910

Care to share your portfolio?
So that I can doxx you ofc in that cartel filled shithole

Anonymous No. 974911

Listen, I'm more than open to be proven wrong. I'd love for you to btfo me and unblackpill me. But I just don't see any hope in this field with AI.

Anonymous No. 974913

>But I just don't see any hope in this field with AI.
Good for me

Anonymous No. 974917

Debt will fuck your ass once you don't get a job in vfx because they don't care about pieces of paper.
The gorillion jobs you constantly hear are open will kindly accept your slave labor (the part that they don't tell you is that they're all bottom of the barrel warehouse and retail type jobs that'll keep you poor forever)

Anonymous No. 974973

I recommend getting the programming degree
and doing 3D modelling as a hobby while at it

Anonymous No. 974974

>need to sort my shit out in span of 5 days and I can't decide
Why specifically 5 days

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 974975

Can the mods rangeban Colombia? this is a troll thread made by Cris, he is poluting half of the board again.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 974977


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 974978

I forgot this one >>971571 , and i suppose this wasn't made by him, but he is this guy >>970803

Anonymous No. 974979

It's been 10 years. The jannies have never done anything because they're horrible people who enjoy "lowcows", probably because they make them feel better about themselves and/or are too busy transitioning. Fuck jannies.

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Anonymous No. 974982

thanks for beating some sense into me, I really needed to vent and have someone hear me out, I'll most likely do either programming or other thing but not pursue this for a job. I still want to learn some blender stuff for fun though

>Why specifically 5 days
Because college inscription ends at the end of february and starts on march

Fuck you schizophrenic nigger

Anonymous No. 974987

Cris, you're a clown.

Anonymous No. 975032

>not so shallow not so deep
>(not CS)
>Java, Php, SQL and just programming in general + management + development cycle/life etc.
>programming in general
doesn't sound good at al
>management + development cycle/life etc.
this is the only part that looks like it has potential
all in all, wouldn't, most specifically because the web development world is saturated out the ass and already cutting weight

but don't take it from me, do your own research, best research is actually checking job offers, the quality of them, the requirements, and do not forget how many people are applying

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Anonymous No. 975066

>java in 2024