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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 934428

I want to get into 3DCG to make things that look like they're straight outta the late 80s / early 90s
What should I read or watch to learn?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 934399

Hi /3/,

I'm an architectural designer working on a hockey arena. Currently, I have the building modelled out and am building a walkthrough video that is meant to have moving people in it so that the clients can get an idea of what the space can look like. Give it life, you know?

Anyways, I use lumion for rendering the video, and then put those clips into Premiere Rush to do the final video edit.

What I want to do is find a 3D block, as it were, of a hockey game going on that I could put into the video. One where any angle I'm looking at the rink, it looks like there's just players skating around.

Is this possible? And if so, where would I get these 3D blocks to insert?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 934379

*Sniiiiiffff* Hhhhwats up guys?! It's Justin here with thhhheeeeeeeee CGessentialsdotcom back with another blender tutorial

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 934303

wtf bros, this is much better than AI.
This changes entirelly my animation process.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 934291


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🗑️ 🧵 Industry prejudice against AI

Anonymous No. 934276

Image generation AI has quickly evolved to become an amazing industry tool with many applications: brainstorming, trying out ideas, studying design, generating textures for lookdev, etc.

However, a lot of people in the CG industry seem very hostile towards AI in general. How do /3/'s working professionals feel about this? Do you use AI at work? Have people told you not to use it? Why?

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🧵 Fucking Christ I'm bad at this shit

Anonymous No. 934255

oh ny god
why its so frustrating to sculpt proper aesthetically pleasing face

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🧵 What kind of shading do you prefer?

Anonymous No. 934245

Left or right?

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🗑️ 🧵 Kane Pixels

Anonymous No. 934209

What does /3/ think of zoomer film makers on youtube who do their own effects?

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🧵 Making Blender production-ready

Anonymous No. 934187

Hello /3/, I've been thinking of putting together a small team in a few years to make a short CG movie.
Most of my work experience is in Blender, so as a 3D generalist, that's the software I'd prefer to use, but I already know that I would need to integrate in the pipeline:
-Houdini for the FXTD
-Zbrush for the character artist
-Possibly Maya for an extra animator
I know Blender gets a lot of shit for only being good for lone artists (point taken, we were a team of two at the job where we used Blender), but I'd like to know if there is a clear consensus on the biggest obstacles to Blender being production-ready, to see if there are ways to get around those problems for my project
Here's what I remember being criticised:
>No batch rendering
We'll probably rent out a render farm, otherwise there's Renderpilot
>Performance problems
We'll do sculpting and sims in separate programs
>Neglected features, like animation tools or texture painting
There's addons to improve these two
>Cycles is slow
Not anymore, at least not with all the denoising tools
Is there anything else I should look at? Not trying to start shit, I'm genuinely willing to learn
And if I see that Blender would clearly cripple production, I'll bite the bullet and switch to Maya (but I'd rather not if I can help it, I don't like re-learning things or paying for shit, hehe)

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 934185

>all your works should go through pp
>affinity doesn't even have face-aware liquify
>neither does pea


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🧵 how the fuck do i sculpt eyelids?

Anonymous No. 934114

somewhat learning how to sculpt. im only like a week or two into it tho

so how the fuck do i sculpt eyelids? i've watched lots of tutorials but it isnt really working for me

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🧵 What software wakaliwood uses

Anonymous No. 934049

Do you think wakaliwood uses blender?

Pretty sure he runs blender, because I doubt his PC can run maya or 3D max, and blender is free anyway.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 933947

>download blender
>watch 0 tutorials and read nothing about it
>there is a cube and 10 thousand menus
>i have no idea what im looking at
>give up
yep, im ticking off another potential hobby off my list. im not instantly good at it? off to the next one. who else low iq quitters?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 933933

Anyone else ever experimented with applying the SlapChop technique with 3dcg texturing? It makes sense, if it works.

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🧵 Autodesk Patented Nodes

Anonymous No. 933917

What are the implications? Is this the Samson option of the autojews in Tel Aviv? Was "Everything Nodes" a trap set by a saboteur inside the Blender Foundation? It's OVER isn't it?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 933894

Are there any plugins or shortcuts to put on clothes on 3d models. I don't want to do the whole weight paint thing.

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🧵 Maxon is literally the worst company in the world.

Anonymous No. 933821

I hope you didn't think a perpetual zbrush license meant perpetual updates, no that would be silly.

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🧵 Its Habbening

Anonymous No. 933803

2 lawsuits against dumb ol AI already. One yesterday, one today. Its OVER.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 933791

Ok I've finally managed to make the basic model for my open world, but I have some problems:
1) how do I give the mountains a more rugged look? Isn't there a sculpting brush with an effect similar to "randomize"?

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🧵 An extreme cheap but very high quality style

Anonymous No. 933775

I felt like a retard keep debating in my head how to make quality (or at least the best quality I can make) and I already made this a year ago.

Honestly, I would use this if I rendered them as HD sprites in my game.
And honestly, it took a day to make.
And I could reuse pretty much 99% of it for another animation.

Honestly the solution was already made since a year ago and I was like a retard for not realizing I already solved my issue.

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🧵 Meme animations

Anonymous No. 933767

Where do you get your meme animations from and how do you search for them?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 933677

Anyone using Dacvinci Resolve Studio for Blender compositioning?

I have no idea how to do this. Attaching video next post

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🧵 Maya users

Anonymous No. 933662

Should I learn Maya? I have become pretty adept at blender as a modeler but I use zbrush and substance suites in my day to day and will use anything at my disposal. Looking for input from experienced Mayans on how Maya differs and some of its strengths that blender or others may be lacking.