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🧵 Nomad Sculpt

Anonymous No. 945517

I just bought this to try it out.

Can someone explain to me how the fuck it's so good?
Why can't ZBrush have UX like this? Everything about the way Nomad is designed makes perfect sense. Even a beginner with zero digital sculpting experience can get started very easily.

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🧵 Daz3d studio beginner question

Anonymous No. 945509

"I just started a week ago and I'm trying to model my first character. I did the hair with strand-based hair option. I tried adding a hair tie to a ponytail, but failed. Any idea how I'm supposed to add a hair tie? Is there any tutorial for making assets and props in Daz3d Studio? Or do I have to outsource this stuff to Blender or anything similar? Why does the rendering take so long? 2 minutes for just the head of my character. Am I doing something fundamentally wrong, like using too much resources for the hair? Thanks in advance.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 945493

Is there any decent free CAD software out there? Stuff like FreeCAD is janky as hell and feature-poor, and Fusion 360 is nice but the free version only lets you save 10 files at a time and you can't use it commercially

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 945488

100% of my models are vastly improved by using img2img trained on dreambooth. Do I lack skill in design or is it simply not possible to be as good as SD with dreambooth and its billions of images as reference? I'm feeling like I could be replaced soon, like really soon.

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Anonymous No. 945456

its literally, figuratively OVER for pixel chuds. imagine drawing pixel by pixel for a living, when AI makes them obsolete. how could they ever recover?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 945453

Working on a daughter of the cosmos model from bloodborne for portfolio. Any feedback on my low poly?

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🧵 How to add shapes that mess with structure edges?

Anonymous No. 945427

How would one approach at adding details that affect the structure edges of the model, without fucking up the edge flow and causing the 'pinch' effect when applying subdivision.

Example this fire hydrant, the flat shape on the back (text excluded, just the shape).

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 945357

I've developed a new 2D cheap as fuck style.

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Render 1.png

🧵 cups

Anonymous No. 945352

post your cups

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 945213

No one *actually* does hard surface in Blender, right? All the people making buildings and props for indie games have to be using some other software.
Blender (and subdivision modeling in general) look so unbelievably shit for hard surface that I genuinely can't believe anyone uses them for such. They're missing so many simple but incredibly useful tools. It seems like Blender is completely focused on organics without really any thought put into hard surface.
CAD is so powerful and intuitive for doing hard surface, it's absolutely baffling that no one's made a polygon modeling software with CAD tools and workflow. Doesn't need perfect CAD precision, just basic shit like 2D-sketch-to-extrusion workflow, arc tools, tangent/parallel/etc. constraints, loft and sweep tools, and the like. Would absolutely revolutionize hard-surface.
>what about CADsketcher!!
Janky as hell and missing like 90% of the features you'd want from CAD

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🧵 Paper Umbreon in a Cafe

MewArtist !!mumvRNoX9TG No. 945175

Haven't been here in a while. But yeah. Here's some art I made as a raffle prize for a friend of mine. This probably should've gone in /vp/ but eh... whatever.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 945165

>still no simple way of importing xnlara models to sfm
Why the fuck does it have to be like this
Every tutorial that I found for this is hours long, outdated and has broken links for plugins that you need to install.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 945145

I tried making him in sculptgl, how did i do?

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🗑️ 🧵 Old CGI

Anonymous No. 945082

Post old CGI from before the 2000s

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🗑️ 🧵 Golden job opportunity

Anonymous No. 945074

To explain quickly my situation: I'm a backend programer and left my job to pursue the gamedev dream. I haven't worked for 3 years and now I'd like to get back to it since I can gamedev efficiently.

So, I dreamed for a second to find a job on my new hobby (anything 3D) but after a few research, I gave up cause no 3D degree/experience/portfolio. I surprisingly aslo have a hard time finding a decent webdev job. But through someone I know, I met a guy that is a project manager for a news channel in my country.
I send him my resume for a .NET job but when he saw that I put Unity in it, he told me that he had a lot of stuff done in Unity (3D animations, parametrized scenes for 3D TV sets, etc...

The guy was very cool because he told me that he doesn't expect me to be an expert but since I'm a dev, I should still make some progress quickly on whatever he asks me. So I have a few questions if anyone works on a similar job/company:

- What are THE MUST HAVE skills for these kind of jobs for Unity?
- Any courses for Unity on that specific subject
- If you worked on these type of projects, any advice to give me on stuff to know, concepts, whatever... ?

I just want to know the maximum amount of stuff before starting.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 945055

What do you guys think about this movie? Does it look good?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 945013

Still actively work on this model for portfolio. What advice can you guys give that can help me improve

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 945006

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 944999

do you model guns?

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mfw this shit.png

🗑️ 🧵 post your work, then, fag.

Anonymous No. 944976

For all the trash talk againts cris, at least he can make some garbage waifu model on godot and make it run.

The rest of fags here love to post WIP screenshots and WIP renders, and larp how they work on a AAA studio or some advertising firm but can't post some personal shit because of NDA, or faggot blender vs autodesk flamewars or AI cope threads.

But I don't see here fags doing animations or 3D games.
Only some WIP screenshot and some NDA larping.

Don't worry, I know you're too busy working on illumination or dreamworks to post some non WIP render.
I'm sure you have done national advertising shit on fortune 500 companies.
Sure, I understand you have an NDA.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 944965

Is there anywhere I can download the original Stratavision3D program? I want to become adept at using out-of-date modeling tools.

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🧵 The current year

Anonymous No. 944951

Why in the year of our lord 2023 is it still completely impossible to find a blender tutorial on modelling a house that isn't either

1. Purely exterior with a hollow shell of nothingness inside
2. Purely interior for a presumably fixed camera that has nothing outside
3. A postmodern shitbox made by extruding the default cube a couple of times

And why is there no comprehensive solution to the eevee lightbleed/crazy jagged shadow problem that actually works? Nothing anybody suggests actually fixes the problem

I just want to make a nice normal suburban house with a nice interior that also looks good from the outside, with a nice backyard and some low poly but not visibly low poly neighboring houses- so my character can freely walk in and out of the house without necessitating camera cuts to hide that the interior and exterior are actually totally separate .blend files. And I want the lighting for the interior and exterior to not necessarily look professional studio quality but merely not be super fucked up. Pls help me

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 944936

>*Refuses to credit when making changes*

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 944888

What does /3/ think of 3DCoat? I'm mainly interested in it for texture painting, and I don't want to give my money to Adobe.