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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 954624

i hate it!!!!!! aaaaa!!!

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 954582

My prediction of neuralink: it will allow us to move 3D models with our mind.

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🧵 Textbooks

Anonymous No. 954543

Would you recommend a self-learner to start with textbooks? I was hoping to build a rigorous foundation for my skills; are the tutorials in the sticky good enough, or should I buy (or pirate) some textbooks?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 954533

Holy shit

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 954513

If 3D is used everywhere for different fields then why, according to you guys, there are no jobs and the pay is shit?

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🧵 Baking textures

Anonymous No. 954486

For context I have three image input nodes and tried to bake the texture, but it keeps coming up as black and overlays it on the original picture. How to fix this

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 954459

What differentiates OpenUSD from basic bitch USD? Got this email today, from big Marmo, wanting me to update the app to support OpenUSD.

>[spoiler]I Don't use UE4/5[/spoiler]

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 954452

webm related

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 954435

What types of programs were used to create abstract geography landscape images like in the picture during the 2000's? I'm also thinking of the types of vast mountainous 3D-generated terrain that used to be used in the skyboxes of all types of games, but mostly source engine ones.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 954428

is this board ever going to get a thread in front page?

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🧵 Animation Nodes

Anonymous No. 954420

So today I've stumbled upon it by accident but I had vague memories of having tried it already a long time ago. In fact the version for Blender 2.79 is still available and it works.

To test it I've put together some simple newtonian physics, which you can see in pic related.

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🧵 Advice please

Anonymous No. 954300

Making a playermodel mod for a source game( Left 4 Dead 2), particular area of the model is transparent in game for some reason( I guess it thinks its inside of a mesh) . I assume compiler is responsible(?), or is it happens when you port this bitch from FBX to SMD? How to fix this? Help

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🧵 raytracing niggas be like

Anonymous No. 954249

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 954236

Ziva 2.2 now has a GPU solver. It is OVER!!!!! Holy shit it is so over!!!!


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 954211

What comes after doughnuts and teapots?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 954183

A lot of people are saying that our precious Blender will become obsolete due to AI in about 3 years time. How much are you willing to bet that this will come to pass?

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🧵 Hi, I need help with rotations please?

Anonymous No. 954156

So, I'm trying to model a bunch of spherical chambers and their doors.
I understand that in order to rotate the door's swing away from the chamber, I have to set the origin point to the side as a hinge (rotate along Z axis)
But if I set the origin point to the CENTER(origin to geometry) or just the midpoint, and then rotate along the Y Axis first (a circular rotation before rotating along the z axis), I get this abomination instead.

I'm still learning and it doesn't work with global rotations either.
Basically it's facing at upwards angle which I don't wanna change. Can you guys help me out with what I should be doing? Where should the origin be so I don't get this problem?

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🧵 3D animation w/ after effects?

Anonymous No. 954108

Does anyone know how to animate something like this? Looking for tutorials but not quite finding what i need.

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🧵 Is this the right way to comment on sketchfab models?

Anonymous No. 954080


Asking for a friend

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🧵 texture images

Anonymous No. 954071

>hunting for texture images on google
>find a good one
>save image
>it's a fucking webp format
Either that or it's payed AND stupidly overpriced textures. Finding good textures is hard man. I struck gold when I came across some ukrainian guy's free textures website, then those fucking russkie shitheads invaded and the site went down. It's a curse, God doesn't want me to have nice textures

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 954010

what is the best software for animation modo 3dmax maya cinema4d softimage ? Based on you guy's experiment, I'm Learning for making games and I have experient in animation.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 953986

What is the simplest object I should be able to model in order to prove to an employer that I should be hired?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 953967

I sort of like the idea of 3D and building stuff but have zero interest in animation, is there something I can do or this isn't my thing

I think what I might like is building places or something like that, I don't have drawing skills either to make characters

I'm torn between this and a programming career because I want to work with my computer but I don't know if I would really like to stare at code all day plus I want something with a bit of creative leeway idk. I'm sort of lost in life, sorry to bother

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🧵 Help

Anonymous No. 953944

I hate to be an inconvenience, but may you please give a recommendation?

I am just looking for a simple 3D model of a jacket I can download to edit

Thank you