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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 968054

So I changed my rig bones to a custom shape but the orientation is all fugged up. Is there a way to edit the rotation and scale of each custom bone shape without having to use the panel on the right?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 968019

Anyone here into photogrammetry? I'm slowly learning 3d modeling but I'm curious if photogrammetry is ever really used in any professional works? I know people scan faces all the time but I'm not really familiar with it. Only time I remember someone really using it was this autist for one of his vids:
timestamp should work at 19:26. But that's it. Feel free to use this thread to talk about anything related to the scanning itself or working on models afterwards, I'm also curious about that.

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🗑️ 🧵 Movie made by a single person

Anonymous No. 968007

> One guy (Blenderdumbass) rigged models, wrote story, voiced half of the characters, composed music
> 3D Animated movie
> Took 3 years
> Out since August
> In total has less than 700 views
> Made using 100% free software
> This guy went through with a voice actress, who didn't know English ( only Russian and Hebrew ) how to pronounce words in English and voiced children characters (Dani & Moria)
> Sends an email to Free Software Foundation. They don't promote it

Why isn't Moria's race more popular? It isn't due to lack of effort and quality. ( )

TOR: http://ttauyzmy4kbm5yxpujpnahy7uxwnb32hh3dja7uda64vefpkomf3s4yd.onion/films/Moria'
Odysee (LBRY):
Peertube [Madiator]:
Peertube [PolarBear]:

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images - 2023-12-....jpg

🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 967968

Any poorfag need a 1080ti for 3d rendering?
You have to pay for the shipping though.

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🧵 Just got Maya 4.5, any tutorials avaliable?

Anonymous No. 967926

I finally got my first 3D animation software, though I'm not too sure where to start. The built-in tutorials are helpful, though I'd like to know if there are any external resources to help with both animation/modeling. Tutorials seem to be scarce on the internet

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🧵 Big anime titties

Anonymous No. 967923

How do I start making big anime titties?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 967913

Is Substance 3d Painter 2024 for $150 perpet good deal or a scam if I already have 2022 and barely ever texture because I never get to that rendering stage? I hear prices are going up to $200 starting jan 1st.

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🧵 tank you

Anonymous No. 967880

Hello, I need some tips to make textures like in the original image, I want to create Makima the lowpoly, but I don't know how to make textures as good as seen in this model that I found on Twitter, do you have any videos, tips, tricks or any way to make those textures I would be happy to thank people who give me advice, videos or tools... thank you for your attention :,<

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 967865

>youtube censorship in the 3d anatomical modelling space

anons when will this circus end? Just decided to delete a fucking 3d model video of a male unclothed 3d model (non sexual) (no genitalia) because it was "too realistic" and he was nude except for no genitals

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🧵 animate a moving stick in blender

Anonymous No. 967824

I'm trying to play with animation in Blender, decided to start with something simple like a moving stick, but turns out it's surprisingly hard to do.

I created an animation, created keyframes, used interpolation for in-between frames, but it looks like the stick morphs from one shape to another, and I want it to look like it rotates.

I tried to put the origin of the stroke to the point on one of its edges and then rotate around it, but then I don't know how to move the origin to the other end of the stick on the next keyframe.

I tried to make it a child of an empty, and make that empty a child of another empty on the opposite end, but when I try to rotate it around the first empty, it rotates around the second empty instead.

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🧵 Textures

Anonymous No. 967805

Guys, can you tell me where I can get free textures for training from? For example, if I want to make something that does not have a ready texture in BlenderKit, for example, a tank from the FWW, but where to get textures, normal maps, etc.?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 967799

is this good topology?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 967743

>maya is unstable and crashes a lot
>houdini is unstable and crashes a lot
>blender is unstable and crashes a lot
>in reality have never updated motherboard bios since i built the pc
>update bios
>never crash again, ever

you lied to me about maya instability, /3/

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🧵 Replicating the surreal in 3D

Anonymous No. 967722

For example, would it be possible to replicate the official art of Majora's Mask and make it indistinguishable from its 2D inspiration? It's obviously harder than the Paper Mario example, but...

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🧵 Just a visitor

Anonymous No. 967705

Monthly reminder that you are doing amazing job and for the people that matter (me, being a pleb in modeling/animation), all these things I see in this board are really good.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 967660

I opened Blender 6 months ago, learned how to use the mirror modifier and never opened it up since.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 967659

What is your experience with Karma renderer?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 967638

>literally one person in the world can make X 3d software do Y animation consistently and in a controlled manner
>he releases a video explaining his process
>can't explain it for shit
>someone asks him further questions in comments
>all sorts of info comes up thats not mentioned in his explanation video
>still doesn't come to a clear answer how he did it

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 967583

The highest degree of ludokino. Kneel.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 967508

Do 3d artists have styles? Usually the only times I recognise someone's work is if they keep making the same mistake or from the preferred subject of their work, otherwise all of our works look samey, even stylized stuff is mostly similar, would love to be proven wrong though. I guess the industry doesn't encourage styles too, everything has to be consistent in projects, imagination is left to concept artists for the most part

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 967490

its kinda crazy what blender is capable of in 2024

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 967483

non-3d here. I need help that only you guys could provide. I need a 3d hand that I could pose and manipulate to use as reference for 2d art. Something I could learn to mess around with in a few days, with no greater goal. Is there something like this? Maybe a program + rigged hand model I can download and just learn the controls of the program to mess around with? The only good physical articulated hand model releases in july 2024, and I don't have a girlfriend.

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🧵 most cost effective rendering solution

Anonymous No. 967418

Lets say I needed to crank out several minutes worth of animation per week, and I don't really have a solid rig for it. What's the most cost-effective solution? Blendnet and AWS? Something else?

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🧵 How do i get this look for my 3d models in unreal engine 5?

Anonymous No. 967392

This toonshader is a unity only shader. Dunno if its even possible to recreate it in ue5.
