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🧵 Actual UAP Science

Anonymous No. 16178456

Let's pretend all these things since the '47 are ours, by 'ours' I mean the US government. Thoughts on Quantized Inertia ala' Mach's Principle and magnetic vector potential shielding as a real explanation for these craft. I personally don't believe in anti-gravity, but inertial shielding resulting in a reduction in effective mass... probably. Bonus points if anyone can dig up what the paper citation 38 referring to work by Zel'dovich that isn't listed.

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Anonymous No. 16178335

Scientifically speaking, why wouldn't this work?

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Anonymous No. 16178273


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Anonymous No. 16178236

Most underrated scientific tool

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Anonymous No. 16178209

can I live healthy if I only eat pic related?

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Anonymous No. 16178196

Shouldn't gases with only three translational degrees of freedom have a higher diffusion coefficient than a gas with additional rotational and vibrational degrees of freedoms, because they don't have to distribute their thermal energy towards these rotational and vibrational degrees of freedoms, which don't contribute to the diffusion coefficient?

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🧵 Day 26 of studying math everyday until I learn calculus

Anonymous No. 16178170

Today: negative numbers

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Anonymous No. 16178152

Why do electrons form pairs when they're the same charge? Shouldn't they be repelling each other?

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Anonymous No. 16178148

I want to self teach myself math bros. I finished calc 2 in university but that was 7 years ago. thinking about starting from calc 1 again to refresh my memory

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Anonymous No. 16178107

Where are all the Aliens !?

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Anonymous No. 16178102

Are you team Newton or team Leibniz

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Anonymous No. 16178084

How to tell if some is a subhuman chameleon fraud with a degree vs actually intelligent person?

for me things that help is their general worldview, if they don't engage with philosophy and don't have any ideas that go beyond the material, at the very least if they don't indulge such ideas, they are not smart.
You know your typical Kutzgestat watcher falls in this category.

If they engage with popular culture anime, youtube, e-celebs...etc without self awareness then they are subhuman.

if they are not blackpilled about their own capabilities and the general direction of academia, they are subhuman, like if they won't outright admit 99% of professors across the globes are idiot frauds who provide nothing of value to society, and 99% of papers are utter waste, they are subhumans.

any more tips?

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🧵 Why is no one having children?

Anonymous No. 16178076

What is the scientific cause for population decline? Is it biological? A quality of life issue?

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Anonymous No. 16177995

Is there any science behind water divining? It seems when you research all you can find are studies which have been conducted on many people and find nothing better than random chance. But is there something to this practice, which is ancient and has been in the past banned by the church as a form of divination?

I can see some potential in the idea that man can feel to some extent magnetic fields etc. Just as a bird can navigate over the ocean this kind of thing is not unknown of in biology. Some animals perceive these things. Studies have shown that some humans detect these fields and it shows in imaging of the brain but it's not yet known if it influences any behaviours.

I'm looking at this because I temporarily lost a wedding ring. Last night actually I lost it. I looked around in long grass for half an hour till dark. This morning I went and looked another half an hour with a torch looking for shine. This is long pasture on a 500ha farm. But I knew it was in the space near where I had killed a cow and slipped off when I brushed my greasy hands clean on the grass (working dogs got to eat and the cow was seriously unwell).

The guy I work for who owns the land suggest I try this and I grabbed 2 random bent bits of fencing wire from the shed which I used once before. When I used them then I was skeptic as hell, but I ended up standing on an underground power cable and a water line both of which I had no idea where they were I had only worked there about a week.

Anyway I went back up to where I thought my ring was, and I pulled them out. I wandered around where I had searched for an hour before and ended up on a clump of long grass. Maybe cleaned my hands there. Nope wasn't in there. So I turned took two more steps and the wires crossed. I look down and there's my ring blinking at me I didn't even have to bend to see it and probably walked right over it to the first bit of grass. I found it in 2 mins. What the fuck? How does this stuff work

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🧵 Raising Academic Prodigies

Anonymous No. 16177990

How do you raise a kid who will end up getting straight As and blasting through AP classes like they're nothing? I know damn well IQ plays a role, but even if you have a particularly high IQ, there is a lot more that goes into getting good grades. I figure these kids have to be getting some coaching from either their parents or professionals their parents hire.

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🧵 Why is there such variation in human comfort temperatures?

Anonymous No. 16177914

Is it race-based, or nurture-based? Does skin colour actually make a difference? Is it a rate of metabolism thing? Do people gain and lose heat at different rates?

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Anonymous No. 16177870

so has the replication crisis been proven real or were others unable to confirm?

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🧵 we're fucked

Anonymous No. 16177865

the numbers must go up, the numbers will go up

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Anonymous No. 16177828

How fast is the speed of science in km/hr?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16177711

approximately how hard would it be to rip someone's skin/face? how much strength would that require?
i have actual autism and one of the traits is i get massive justice boners/i hate evil people not getting properly punished. unfortunately i am also kind of stupid/brutish, so i really hate the 'just let the law deal with them' type of mentality and i prefer tangible punishment
i get stuck doomscrolling ragebait videos usually of road ragers trying to kill people then getting out t heir car to physically intimidate them, and i was thinking
hypothetically say i knock someone out, and while theyre laid out i'm straddling/sitting on their chest and can put 2 or 3 fingers into each of their cheeks
how much strength would i need to actually rip their face or at least their lips apart? how hard would it be to tear skin like a paper
i've been working out for 5 years so i have a very good idea of what strength/numbers can realistically represent in terms of weights, so something like 'you need to be able to row x00lb to tear someone's face off' will put it into a reasonable perspective for me

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Anonymous No. 16177705

what happens to fields of study if there's too much material to remember?
let's say they start including dark matter, higher dimensions and quantum entanglement into courses that are mandatory for a physics degree and a physics PhD. What about all the stuff that students are learning these days? they'll have to cram the new knowledge in as well in addition to the previous stuff

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🧵 Smarter every day? More like dumber every dollar-

Anonymous No. 16177633

because there's no way this guy could say something so stupid without being paid. Highly likely this is the case though, because just a few months after attempting to sell SLS as an alternative to Starship, he has a video hanging out with the ULA CEO. I guess youtubers don't need to declare sponsorships when the company is owned by lockheed and boeing.
>it's not efficient
What the fuck does this guy think efficient means? If Starship pans out then it'll deliver 100 tons to the moon. The only thing all the extra refueling missions will cost is fuel. By the end of the mission, you'll still have all those rockets. With SLS/Orion you're throwing away an entire rocket just to send a metal tent to the moon- which we already did 50 years ago!
The point of the SLS is to use the ULA to funnel money from the federal government to state governments. No one making the decisions cares if it ever gets to space.
Dustin is either a moron or paid, probably both.

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Anonymous No. 16177538

How is AI going to impact human civilization? This is going too far. The birthrates will never recover now.

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Anonymous No. 16177531

>40 years of research
>they're still oversized fridges full of mysticism mainly used to produce sci-fi fictional stories