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🧵 Untitled Thread

Vard No. 16213457

Literacy is as important as math where science is concerned.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Vard No. 16213423

Are synonyms different from each other intrinsically?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16213086

What would ACTUALLY happen if the poles were about to shift? I only hear that it would either be nothing or complete extinction with 2 mile high tsunamis everywhere. That's both bullshit, right?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16213071

can someone explain to me why the french educational system despite being more autistic, complicated and heavily focused on academic achievements and rigor rather than practicality is still one of the most retarded systems that haven't produced any remarkable innovation in the last century and is dwarfed by the American educational system.

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🧵 Is it possible

Anonymous No. 16213061

Could a science problem of fixing aging be found with ai

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🧵 Is this science

Anonymous No. 16213047

Halo halp

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16213002

How to change mass of electron?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16213001

Wtf is wrong with engineers?

> Be me, lowly humanities plebian
> Having a convo with friends from the engineering faculty about test scores.
> 1st year e. engineering friend seems bummed
>"Yeah I probably have to retake my physics course, I probably flunked my test"
> 2nd year CS friends jumps in and jokingly suggest they take physics and calc togethere next semester.
> Try to be funny and say to friend advanced math is a nonsense invented field that only the most autistic people study seriously.
> Everyone looks at me weird.
> "What do you mean anon? you dont believe in math?"
> Try to explain that true (i.e. advanced) mathemathics is mostly just really complex but impractical or unrealistic concepts and theories.
> This is basic common knowledge?
> "Hahaha anon if I have 1 apple and you have 2 apples we have three apples how is that fake?"
> Ask them if they know anything about godell number or aleph 0, in my head entry level stuff
> They spaz out for a second
> "Well im not arguing with somebody who doesnt know what an integral is lol"
> Proceed to clown me for the whole of lunch

Am I retarded? I thought every knew this, did they update this shit and didnt tell me?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16212961

Whan can you call yourself a physicist or a mathematician?

No troll answers please (I checked reddit for this and that's what they did, please be better than reddit)

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16212863

Is /sci/ smart enough to solve this? If you pick three random numbers in a given range, what is the probability that a triangle with side lengths of the numbers you picked is within one degree of being a right triangle (meaning that it has an angle in the 89-91 degree range)?

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🧵 Is eating between 1400 and 1500 calories a day safe?

Anonymous No. 16212857

I've started doing calorie restriction for anti-aging after reading this blog and several studies on calorie restriction. Is this safe?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16212856

>If I so dumb how come I has 97 patents and you don't.

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🧵 How does one find a pediatrician doesn't force Vaccines?

Anonymous No. 16212853

I got 7 inactivated vaccines when I was a kid and I was no worse for wear, and I'd be fine with that for mine. But I don't want the 40+ recommended for their income incentive per jab racket at the expense of my kids' health, much less to get the COVID jab ever.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16212830

How does one gain an intuitive understanding of probability? After spending some time with topology and abstract algebra, i began to gain an intuition for those areas but I can't do the same with probability. I can use it well in applied scenarios (simulations/ML models) but from a theoretical standpoint, I just don't intuit it.

The ridiculous amount of paradoxes(intransitive dice, bertrand..) just do not click at all. Can any of the mystical probabilists share how they intuit it?

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🧵 Its happening, NASA panics

Anonymous No. 16212736

Starliner Critical Helium Leak In Orbit

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16212684

Are tensors and continuum mechanics ever actually used in engineering? Are engineering students expected to understand this or does it require mathematical background?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16212645

I haven't' paid attention to covid mRNA vax stuff since Kevin showed that sections integrate into the victim's DNA.

Is there anything about it affecting germ cells yet? Has this been looked at?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16212580

I don't trust science because scientists were bribed to make us consume seed oils and sugar

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16212553

Give me the best current copes for the persistence of consciousness or anything to that effect.
Doesn't matter if those are purely logical ramifications, longevity tech copes, or fringe scientfiic theories. Anything goes.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16212485

>Carbon detected in galaxy observed 350m years after big bang
So is this a big deal?

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🧵 How many people are Sydler?

Anonymous No. 16212462

The question is a simple one. How many people are Sydler?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16212408

>/sci/ midwits will still find a way to downplay this

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🗑️ 🧵 Brain Computer Interfaces

Anonymous No. 16212394

I don't get it. Why does Elon want them anyway? It's not like anyone would need brainslaves in our current prosperous society and I don't believe him when he says he does it for the good of some epileptics or whatever.
Is this what psychopathy is about? The will to be surrounded by slaves or what? Sorry, but that is fucking gay.
Be aware he might be reading this thread.

Also ITT, wwyd if you had forcibly received one?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16212374

If you believe in science then fuck you, faggot