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🧵 Scientist Warns that Elon Musk will ruin Mars

Anonymous No. 16463043

>Responding to the claims, Professor Andrew Coates spoke about the prospect of humans on Mars and argued that it could contaminate the planet and threaten space exploration in the future.

>Professor Coates, who is a physicist from UCL, told the BBC's 'Today Programme': “The last thing we need to be doing is taking life from Earth to Mars. Robotic exploration is the way to go.”

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16463039

Is there a correlation between IQ and cephalic index?

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🧵 Do supplements work?

Anonymous No. 16463018

It's well-known that multivitamin supplements don't, but what about more specific ones, e.g. Vitamin D, Omega 3, and Magnesium? Everyone in the northern hemisphere has some deficiency in latter for what I know so here the question is more about the dosage (some recommend as little as 500 IU, some as much as 5000 IU), yet about the latter two? That American government cite says supplemental Omega 3 works at less much worse than the natural one from fish or doesn't work at all while random articles on the Internet say it's all the same. Magnesium is even more tricky while the most expensive. So do these work or no?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16462964

>get a minor tear and it will never heal and cause pain for the rest of your life
Why is the human body such poorly designed shit?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16462951


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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16462945

Can people reply with the proof about race and IQ being biological. I used to have a folder but I can't find it. I'm trying to blackpill someone, thanks.

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🧵 Fatty Here

Anonymous No. 16462929

Im a fat fuck (6'5" - 235lbs) and I want to eat.
The thing is, I don't actually want to eat, I want to get in good shape.
Unfortunately my gay ass brain keeps screaming at me that I do want to eat.

My question is, how does some hormone being pumped out by my liver or whatever (matter) get transmuted into thought patterns (immaterial)? How does a simple chemical literally take over my brain, and make me forget when I last ate, or more likely to be a weak pussy and chow down?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16462766

If gravity only pulled then why don't we struggle to stand up, surely it would cost more to stand. Obviously, gravity doesn't just pull, but it modulates us.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16462717

Another example of what ivermectin “horse paste” can do topically. 8.99 a tube on Amazon. What do you think anons?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16462611

How could research about consciousness and the nature of dying and a possible "afterlife" happen?

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🧵 Is she bitter or just losing it?

Anonymous No. 16462521

What's going on with her, after she left academia she's been a negative physics hater and is always talking shit about other scientists

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16462519

Why evolutionary women are so boring and robotic? Why didn't evolution make them more interesting and etc? What is reproductive reason?

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🧵 AI consciousness test

Anonymous No. 16462495

How would you test if an AI is conscious /sci/?

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🧵 Is this an impossible project?

Anonymous No. 16462473

After a lot of years and countless billions they still cant pull it off.
Is the nuclear fusion net energy producing reactor actually impossible to do?

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🧵 The Busy Beaver Game

Anonymous No. 16462461

I imagine most of you have heard of the busy beaver game. It's the aim of creating a Turing machine that runs as long as possible without being infinite. But you might not know it's being ferociously researched right now.
Basically, this collaborative project is aiming at finding values of the BB function and ruling out cases. Recently BB(5) was proven to be 47,176,870:
BB(3,3) has what's called a "Cryptid" - a Collatz-like function. There's much research still to be done, and I figured /sci/ would be interested!

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🧵 Untitled Thread

All I wanted was Mathematics No. 16462460

Scientifically speaking, how are you and what have you been working on lately?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16462452

I have sore joints when I drink more than two cans of Monster, does that mean that I have early onset arthritis? Surely I am not the only one with such pains right

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16462366

>Get out of here, neanderboi, I'm BHC-only.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16462361

Do you think, twenty years from now, when the great transsexual experiment is over and millions have committed suicide in pursuit of a delusion, do you think all the scientists and doctors who tried to normalize it will cop to their mistake, or will it be more like lobotomization where the experts all went "whoops, we turned millions of people into vegetables, but it was the style at the time"

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🗑️ 🧵 Objective Answers Please

Anonymous No. 16462324

Who is producing all of this black male-white female stock imagery and video? There is a massive overrepresentation of it.
So can anyone give a scientific answer? You should be good at determining the cause of patterns.
I would ask /pol/ but they just tell me it's jews without giving me any sources or peer reviewed studies. Chuds.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16462265

What is the correlation between inceldom, mental illness, intelligence, kindness and attractiveness?

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🧵 Science Conference

Anonymous No. 16462248

What are your shticks at conferences?

Mine are bringing 3 posters and never attending any and trimming my pubes full of hope on the day before departure.

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🧵 Gifted Education Is Fundamentally Flawed

Anonymous No. 16462230

Some kids are more intelligent than others. Not everyone has the same IQ. If you don't recognize this, you're either psychotic or retarded.

Anyway, you could have a kid with a legitimate 145 IQ in let's say 3rd grade, and it would be possible for the teachers to not recognize that he's clearly gifted. Remember that the average elementary school teacher isn't that bright to begin with. Some of them don't know that Georgia is a country. Some high school teachers don't even know what proper English punctuation looks like. Teachers aren't that smart. This kid could be averaging 97 on all the tests, getting scores of between 95 and 100 on nearly every exam, but this kid could still easily fail some classes because he just refuses to do any of the homework. The homework would take him between 1 to 2 hours to complete every day, and he doesn't want to waste his time on stupid bullshit. This kid could know how to build a computer from spare parts, understanding everything about compatibility and bottlenecks, even knowing a bit of real programming at the age of 8, and be particularly articulate when speaking for his age, and the teachers would still think he's dumb because his grades aren't that high.

Also, for the tests, his test average might not actually be that high. It's common in elementary school for teachers to take off points if you don't show your work, and a genius kid in third grade could potentially be stubborn and simply refuse to show his work, but this doesn't mean he's not a genius kid who should be in much more advanced classes.

The solution to this would be to have all the students take a special test to see their academic level and intelligence, and if they score particularly high, they should be placed in gifted classes, regardless of what their grades are.

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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16462178

Sleeping quarters - edition

previous >>16460080