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🧵 Intergender sports/combat

Anonymous No. 141636

Seems the gap is closing. Thoughts?

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🧵 Cain Velasquez career retrospective, thoughts?

Anonymous No. 141544

I plan on doing one for all the heavyweight greats

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 141440

Which boxers would be the best MMA fighters?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 141407

19 years old recently started muay thai im trying to work on getting better straight punches and better boxing technique overall
how to improve [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

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🧵 how do deal with acl tear

Anonymous No. 141360

started muay thai about in the summer to help me forget about being 18 year old kv i really enjoyed it and loved showing up to the gym and it gave me something to dedicate my self to besides lifting. six moths pass and my coach asked me if i wanted to do some competition at the muay thai development league i was really exited to participate but that same week i hurt my knee in sparing. i though it was just a sprain but later found out it was a acl tear and i was recommended by the doc to get surgery. i don't know whether or not getting the surgery is worth it or not and now i'm really bored now and just want to get back to muay thai but it seems as it will be a while before its even possible and with graduation coming up and dealing with school its just really depressing me how should i risk going back to the gym without surgery because knee is a lot more stable i can squat and deadlift fine now and do some shadow boxing only thing that brings pain is jump rope
and balancing on right leg is hard

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 141345

Is rugby better martial art than aikido?

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🧵 Amateur MMA

Anonymous No. 141304

There is a BJJ gym in my city that offers:
>gi BJJ 1.5 hour a week
>no gi BJJ 1.5 h a week
>wrestling 1.5 h a week
>kickboxing 1.5 a week

If I wanna be an MMA fighter, I should theoretially go on all of them except gi BJJ and go lifting at a gym when others do gi but I'm worried that if I'll realise MMA hurts too much and skip to BJJ, I'll lack some skills.

What whould you do in this situation?
Important notes:
>in my country punches to the head of a grounded opponent are illegal for amateurs if both of them haven't already fought in at least 5 tournaments so submissions are a very important skill
>on the other hand I look like the winner on pic so I'll probably be weaker than most opponents but have longer arms so standup combat would make me able to use my reach advantage

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🧵 HEMA wrestling is like Aikido

Anonymous No. 141163

Except it actually works. Avoid the strong, enter through the weak. Try it in sparring, you'll pull off some Steven Seagal-looking shit, no joke.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 141160

Weightclasses are FUCKING BULLSHIT. If you don't want to lose just don't be a weak twink.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 141107

Why are martial arts fights so fucking boring and why do all the fighters look like shit? Aren't they supposed to be the pinnacle of fitness?

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🧵 Ultimate Self-Defense Championships

Anonymous No. 141049

Some Aikido scam-artist from Lithuania managed to use Gofundme to pay for an Australian vacation, on the stipulation him and his five pals (A bunch of martial arts YouTubers) beat the shit out of each other every day of the week and the guy who did it best gets a free belt. Ever wanted to see some of these armchair martial artists try to put money where their mouth is and get their wigs split? Well here you go. The first episode is "Who can beat the shit out of each other on a bus the best"

Some unsurprising heems occur.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 140975

Does being gigantic make you worse mma fighter?

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🧵 Post extremely low quality fights

Anonymous No. 140974

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🧵 Judo training with no Dojo/partner

Anonymous No. 140952

I train judo at uni, but during the summer I'm back at home and theres no judo gym nearby. Here are my plans to keep my eye in/body conditioned for Judo when i come back to uni in september.

- drill ukemi at the local park on grass (is this safe/good idea?)

- i have a heavy bag for boxing so I was thinking of sticking a gi on it and throwing it around a bit

- I also do Olympic lifting/ squats at the local crossfit gym when im at home to build explosivity/power

Any other tips for keeping body ready for judo without access to a Judo gym?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 140939

>hehe this bonehead might be big and I'm small but with my ten years of jiu jitsu experience I will surely destroy hi-ACK!

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🧵 /rg/ Ride General

Anonymous No. 140935

If you can ride it, you can post it.
Hot chick on bike tits out but blurred edition:

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🧵 /marble/ - Marble League and Marbula One General

Anonymous No. 140920

Thread #3 for Red Number 3 Edition

>What is Marble League?
The Marble League is a tournament that features the most decorated and dedicated marble sports athletes. Every year, teams of five marbles compete in Qualifiers and the top 12 teams, along with 4 automatically qualified teams, advance to the main tournament. After an exquisite opening ceremony, the 16 teams perform in a series of events that are inspired by real-world Olympic events, earning medals and scoring points towards an overall total. The team with the most points at the end of the tournament is the team that wins the Marble League, standing at the top of the podium during the closing ceremony and having the honor of extinguishing the torch at the end of each year.

>What is Marbula One?
Marbula One is a marble racing tournament. The name is a portmanteau of the word "marble" and Formula One, the latter of which serves as the direct inspiration for the tournament. Unlike other race events or tournaments, the races are lap-based.

>Channel Link

>Official Website

>Fandom Wiki

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 140914

Planning to summit Mt. Kilimanjaro next year. What is it like climbing to the top?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 140897

I have been doing judo a twice a week for a few months. I am about to have every afternoon free as I start a new job, and so I want to add more training days. I would like to try a striking art eventually, but it doesn't have to be now. Do you think it would be better to go to another judo gym near me as well, so that I am going 4-5x a week for judo, until I reach a certain proficiency before starting a striking art, or would it be better to continue 2x a week at judo and add 2-3x a week boxing/muay thai?
Another option is, there is a jiu jitsu gym near me with no gi classes with a focus on takedowns, so essentially wrestling, which also sounds like it'd be both fun and useful to know in conjunction with judo.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 140869

How much damage would a wheel kick or axe kick do if you taped a knife to your heel

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 140830

What if somebody made MMA tournaments of random people?

Basically, we seek for 8 people for each weight class by standing somewhere where we can find young and preferably poor adults and give them flyers that promise $500 for losing a quarterfinal, $1000 for winning a quarterfinal, $1000 for losing a semifinal, $2000 for winning a semifinal, $2000 for losing the final and $4000 winning the final. Suming it up, winner of the tournament gets $7000.

They would have only a little time to preper for it so they would need to improvise during the fights which may lead to creation of unique styles. Fights would only have one round (may have second round if it's draw) not to make fighters too tired for the next ones.

The tournaments would be promoted by a well known fighter and sponsored. PPV should be much cheaper than UFC, maybe $5 for a tournament.

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🗑️ 🧵 /cats/

an NPC No. 140745

man i love cats

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🧵 row irish?

Anonymous No. 140696

anyone here race currachs?

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🧵 My coaches thoughts on Judo

Anonymous No. 140677

So I am only a year or two into any form of martial arts training. I've been training BJJ, Muay Tai, Boxing, and MMA training in that time (mostly boxing and MMA) I asked the owner of the gym I go to (Ryan Jensen, UFC fighter if you;d like to look him up) about Judo, and he said that Judo was great for takedowns, maybe even the best. But he said once you get down to the ground you "need to have some sort of a plan" and that he would switch into Greco-Roman or BJJ once on the ground.

This board is full of Judo lovers, so I wanted to hear what a die hard Judoka would respond to that with