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🧵 /chair/ extreme wheelchairing general

Anonymous No. 174403

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🧵 when is late really late?

Anonymous No. 174380

im 18 years old, never been a skater, is it too late for me to start? i hate my job and i don’t study if that’s relevant

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🧵 MMA gym quality

Anonymous No. 174340

I plan to train in the future not just for fitness but to be actually good at fighting (maybe I will even try to compete if I discovered I have a talent for fighting). How do I know if an MMA gym is good or not?

Also I live in a 3rd world country (not gonna tell which one) and in a rural place on top of that, so the nearest MMA gym I can see from the Google Map is 30 km away. The nearest gym (around 7 km) has boxing and kyokushin karate sessions, but it is within a fitness gym so im afraid the martial arts might be just for fitness and not actually competitive fighting.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 174316

Do you know anyone like this at your gym?

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🗑️ 🧵 /cg/ - Climbing General

Anonymous No. 174283

~~Projecting Season Edition~~

>Where do I start?
People typically start in the gym and branch off outdoors and find their niche, be it bouldering, trad, sport or a mixture of the above. Some never leave the gym at all. Ultimately it doesn't matter - just get started and enjoy yourself.

>What do you mean by 'projecting season'?
The temperature and humidity are dropping. Those slopers that felt like greasy shit a couple months ago? You're now sticking to them like velcro. You're feeling light, strong and vigorous since you've been abstaining from jerking off to those cute tomboy climbers in the folder you collected from /cg/. The time has come to do the needful sirs and make your ancestors proud by sending that V8 that you couldn't quite manage last year.

>What shoes do I get?
A common question. The simple answer is just get a shoe that fits well, which doesn't cause pain but has little to no dead space. Shoe technology gives definite advantages at the higher levels of the sport (e.g. particular heel shapes for marginal heel hooks, soft shoes for smeary friction-centric climbs or stiffer shoes for standing on marginal edges) but some Sportiva Solutions will not help you scratch up that gym v1 any more than a pair of baggy rentals. Some people (like Heinz Mariacher, the Scarpa designer) suggest softer shoes if you're a beginner since they'll give you plenty of feedback through your feet and build strength in your toes. For sizing, the following guides are very useful:

>Where is the old bread?

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🧵 Backcountry Skiing/Snowboarding

Anonymous No. 174247

Any of you do it? How does it work regarding private property laws? Do you have to find national parks and public lands? I'm also an east coast fag, is it suitable for the Appalachians opposed to the Rockies?

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🧵 /esg/ Enternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 174231

Bad weather incoming edition
old bread >>171708

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 174178

How do I train martial arts while avoiding Vaccinated people from shedding on me?

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🧵 Redpill me on MMA gyms

Anonymous No. 174146

Are these the ultimate temples of the martial arts world? How can individual schools even compete?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 174130

~~Portable Edition~~

>Where do I start?
People typically start in the gym and branch off outdoors and find their niche, be it bouldering, trad, sport or a mixture of the above. Some never leave the gym at all. Ultimately it doesn't matter - just get started and enjoy yourself.

>How fit do I have to be to start? Do I have to be able to do x amount of pull-ups?
Being light, strong and flexible helps at the higher levels but climbing is open to almost anyone and is fairly intuitive to most. Even if your body is feeble and weak now, you will develop strength over time by virtue of just climbing. Climbing is also a holistic sport and success often hinges upon many factors, not just strength and power. But it certainly helps.

>Where can I acquire petite 110lb Asian climbing gf.
Same place as always: within the darkest annals of your mind.

>I can campus if I really wanted to. Here's a timestamped shirtless pic of me for proof.
You are gay.

>Where is the old beta?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 173837

Have you ever managed to throw someone while wearing boxing gloves? Are there any good techniques for this?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 173755

>It costs 269 burgerbux per day to ski at Vail...
When did you get priced out of ski hills?

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🧵 It's time to learn a striking art

Anonymous No. 173720

I've grown tired of BJJ, it's time to learn how to hit people.

The only question is, what striking art is considered best to learn in 2023 if you know ZERO striking?
>Muay Thai
>Some other shit no one cares about
Please help.

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🧵 your most inspirational extreme atheletes

Anonymous No. 173553

These guys were rock climbing and flying helicopters at 70 they can also play the banjo

i kneel

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 173265

>be me, ~1.5 weeks ago
>doing ground work as part of mma training
>accidentally kick another dude's knee while trying to put him in guard
>he's totally fine but after about 8 seconds i feel intense, searing pain on the spot where I kicked him
>ff to today
>the bruise has gone away (it was never very visible to begin with), but the pain is still there (albeit less painful)
What happened to me bros? Do I have a microfracture or some shit? I have been skipping doing kickboxing since then because I don't want to make it worse, but will I?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 173193

Hitting the bag hard as fuck for as long as you can doesn't do jack shit for cardio, does it?

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🧵 /bboy/ Breaking

Anonymous No. 173152

Thoughts on the Red Bull BC One results?

Hong 10 the 3 time winner beast.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 173083

Since /sp/ has the iq of room temperature cheese, let us, the learned men of /xs/, discuss the greatest fighting highlight reels of all time.

I'll start with #1, but feel free to post #2 and beyond.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 173051

Is there any practicality to the "touching the back of your lead hand with each other to start a fight" thing, or is it just movie shit?

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🧵 Headbutting contests

Anonymous No. 173041

All martial arts and fighting sports can be represented on a "violence gradient", where on one end you have the more choreographic and barely-violent styles, and on the other you have the most violent and less "artistic" ones.
In the past few decades interest has been shifting from the former, and more towards the latter, with bare-knuckle boxing competitions, street-fighting organizations, and even slapping contests, garnering more and more interest.
It's therefore clear that the only logical conclusion to these competitions is a headbutting contest.
You can have turn-based ones like with slapping, or you can have bouts where two dudes just hit each other until a ko or the time runs out.
People would develop techniques to dodge, hit delicate spots, and even set up combos.
There would be interesting match-ups between tank type dudes with giant necks and heads, and long-necked more athletic guys who can contort in seemingly impossible ways to execute advanced techniques.
Depending on the rules you could have them stand still or move around in a ring. You could allow grabbing the opponent or have their hands cuffed behind their backs (which would be a useful skill for the type of guy who'd take part in this).

Opinions? Suggestions on how it would be set up, or how to be more effective at it?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 173018

When you do a takedown only sparring wih your brother and he accidentally utilizes calf slicer

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🧵 Here's A Question

Anonymous No. 172935

Try this in your next muh hard sparring session and tell me what happens.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 172913

I know kung fu nerdism is cringey and involves a fair amount of willful ignorance, but when the hell are these Youtube Martial Arts influencers going to pull their head out of their own asses and actually look into the kung fu styles they're so quick to dismiss? They say the same shit in all of their videos and have barely made any initiative to even meet with a single credible "kung fu nerd" and even just TALK.

Freakin Dewey lives in Shanghai and the only guys he has on his channel are his MMA buds and other influencers overseas. Karate nerd and Sensei Seth try to intermingle but Karate Nerd in particular is headed in the direction of Disney-style documentaries. Rokas just... meets random people who confirm his bias and he never gets into their background. Other dudes just try and simulate the arts from their Boxing/Kickboxing/BJJ point of view. Fight Commentary Breakdowns is improving but still calls pretty much every random crazy kung fu guy a "master".

Meanwhile in what seems to be a whole different world, people like Will Wain Williams and Byron Jacobs are interviewing and VISITING people of different styles. Like in the world of factionalist my-daddy-can-beat-up-your-dad BS they actually talk to other stylists and have good exchanges. They get into history. They get into different methods. Of course, they don't get too much into MMA, but get this, they don't really talk much about it either. Though Byron trains BJJ and even interviewed freaking Xu Xiaodong and some other of his MMA friends early on.

Like just look at that video of Dewey talking about what Tai Chi means, how it's basically just wrestling. People give him all kinds of reasons why he's wrong and instead of exploring the issue he's like, "oh, I visited this old wise master in the mountains, you can't learn anything about him, but he was the last master there ever was and backs me up! And I know Chinese so fuck you nerd!"


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 172871

its time to play the game