

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 890663


anyone using it?


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🧵 Modo

Anonymous No. 890649

Just discovered this software. Anyone can give a review of it?

Image not available


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🧵 3D Models and Rigs

Anonymous No. 890616

Where can I pirate lots of great 3D models and Rigs to use for smut ?



🧵 Small urban creation for games

Anonymous No. 890614

I never see these kind of gamedev thread here but there might be some experienced environment artist lurking around here.
I would like some advises on how to make an urban area for a 3D slice of life/action game but on an 1ma scale?
So I'm going to use procedural tools and trim sheets for most of the models but that's not what's bothering me.
Obviously I'm not gonna make a huge city and try to keep it as small as possible. But I still need the environment to be divided in a number of very different places for the story's sake (Some place will be heavily linked to a character for example (one hangs out at the nightclub/bar area, another one hangs out in a parking lot, etc.)
But the bigger the area, the harder it is to keep it alive and the smaller, the faster it gets boring to explore. So here are my main issue in a list:
- What type of urban areas should I avoid to put in this game ? (and vice versa)
- How should I layout/manage the roads to keep each areas connected without having a ton of them
- I'm going to put a beach and forest mountains to block the player and the map but what can I use make unreachable places in the middle of the map (if there are not many roads, the playe should only be able to travel between places trough the ones I specifically put in there)
- Same kind of question, how to avoid empty terrain space

Every information is welcome really but these, I can't make a decision about these issues.



🧵 1 year gap in employment as 3d artist.

Anonymous No. 890596

How fucked am I?

After my last job contract expired I decided to take a few months to work on portfolio and a few personal projects with a group of college buddies. A bunch of personal stuff happened, went through a huge breakup, and I ended up just saying fuck it took the rest of the year off to focus on figuring out where I want to head in life and questioning if I want to do 3d art anymore.

I'm coming up on 10 months and now I'm scrambling to get a portfolio together to start applying for jobs.

How fucked am I for getting hired somewhere? What can I do to explain it?


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 890586


Fellow archvischads

Thoughts on twinmotion?
Do you like it?
Do you use lumen instead? Why?

Proper water and decals in raytraced mode WHEN???



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 890562

Why the fuck is not there a zbrush but for rigging?



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 890552





🧵 Small hard surface exercices

Anonymous No. 890454

Do you guys know if there's a book or whatever that gives you a lot of small practical modeling exercices ? The ones I found are very specific to their respective softwares and when I model something.



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 890434

Fellow Unity enjoyers, help. I'm trying to export my model to VRM using the VRM plugin for Unity, but it gives me this.
I literally cannot find anything on google about this error, it seems nobody else has ever had it.
My materials seem okay, they're all using the vrm shader and they all have textures.

wat do


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 890405

>make a driver in blender to animate my doors opening and closing.
>export it all as FBX and import it in unity
>doesn't work.

I'm livid. Do shape keys and drivers not work in Unity? How do I make them work? I tried googling but no luck either



🧵 Untitled Thread

crash bandicoot No. 890371

chain swangin on my dick


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 890343

Explain this shit to me, I'm at a loss.
It's not just that, I also have eyes that are perfect spheres, bones perfectly centered inside but when I rotate them the spheres get deformed. For the teeth I can somewhat understand, the weight painting may have flaws, but the eyes are 100% red and as I said it's just a fucking sphere.


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 890281

If you were to make something like this
>basic 3d model characters and background
>Apply layers of deepfaking to face and hard to render details
>Smooth out abberations
Could you make a render indistinguishable from real life?



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 890280

Does it seem like /3/d graphics haven't really progressed since like 2013 to anyone else? Why is this?



🧵 Unreal Engine 5.0.0 released

Anonymous No. 890258

It's finally here.


The city assets from the Matrix Awakens demo are also now freely available for all UE5 users.




🧵 Models for an Adult porn game.

Anonymous No. 890256

Guys I am working on a porn game I almost have all the gameplay and shit, but I suck at 3d modelling.
Where do you recommend me to get customizable models with good appearance.
It could be anime, furry or semi-realistic. But they must have a commercial license.



🧵 Can /3/ do better than Cris?

Anonymous No. 890223

I see a lot of people shitting on Cris (rightfully so) while lurking, but not a whole lot of work from anons to show that they can outdo him. Let's post some, I'll start with a handful of renders and my own guns.



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 890216


Why are Leafs so good at 3D software?



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 890215

why is nobody selling pbr textures of all sorts of ores? all i can find is portfolio stuff on artstation. isn't this a highly requested game asset and would sell nice?



🧵 3d models

Anonymous No. 890207

Does anyone reccomend any particular site for torrenting 3d models? I need one of a mannequin



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 890164

Why do you people say that Designer isn't necessary on each and every texture when it clearly contains many nodes that simply aren't present in Painter? Painter can only do 10% of what Designer can.



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 890157

Daily reminder that kemono friends, was literally made by blendlets and BTFO the rest of the industry that year.



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 890145

Just out of curiosity, what method do you think Bethesda used to enable you to morph facial traits to your liking? Shapekeys seems like the most sound answer