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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 969857

From the questions thread.

>show my grandma "my" prompted artwork
>she says thats its not mine
>"who did this"?
>looks down on me for the rest of the day

was she right?

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🧡 /cg/ - Cris General

Anonymous No. 969851

New year: new progress edition

Previous: >>960932

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 969844

>Be Blender UI devs
>"how should we close edit menus?"
>"why not use a complicated and completely unintuitive click/drag feature to merge windows together?"
>"why don't we use an x button to close the window like literally every other software on earth"?
seriously fuck blender and its devs. I don't care if it's a free software, it has the most retarded UI i've ever seen in my life. How people learn to navigate just the basics of layout and organization is beyond my entire comprehension. I genuinely don't understand how you people defend this trash.
How do I lock a backplate image?
>in literally every software, go to layer, click on the lock icon next to the layer.
>in blender you have to go to filter, then restriction toggles, then enable "selectable" and then disable each icon corresponding to the object you want locked.
I'm sorry but that is completely retarded.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 969823

tutorial GOAT. bob ross of 3D

so many of these tutorial people are unpleasant to listen to. having a nice voice is more important than indepth autistic knowledge, especially at the beginning stages when most of the information is variations of the same shit.

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🧡 Practicing 3D without computer

Anonymous No. 969819

Broke my laptop yesterday and won’t be having a solution until a month or two. I have literaly nothing else to do than 3d shit.
How can I practice 3D skills without a laptop. I’m into 3D because I’d like to be a solo gamedev. So I was training for modeling, texture painting, character sculpting, animating, etc.

Any advices for this crazy ass question?

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🧡 Rant

Anonymous No. 969780

I'm beat, chuds.
3D is just too hard.
It's over.
It's over.
No wonder amateur devs always pick 2D.
3D is not worth the hassle.
It's over.

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 VG banned me

Anonymous No. 969763

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 969723

Houdini EULA: no sex, no extreme violence, no wrongthink

defend this

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 969709

>AI Generated Text2Game
it's over.
AI won.

cris lost.
pajeets lost.
/3/ lost.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 969661

Embarrassingly, this is how /3/ actually animates.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 969626

With the prevalence of AI art fucking over 2D artists, anyone else relieved to be a 3D one?

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 969623

My first attempt at making 3D porn. What does /3/ think?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 969567

Post good free 3D modeling programs NEOW. (I'm a beginner btw)

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 969552

Seems like both are dying - LOL. Well, unity is definitely dying and Unreal just was never able to get scripting right and died in blueprint hell so no indies were able to produce anything with it

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🧡 A thread died for this

Anonymous No. 969472

Is anatomy good for you? Discuss character creation here while I post my "progress".

I believe in power of personal blogs since that's exactly how I got a coding job.

So here goes.
Am currently following the Anatomy for sculptors book.
Today's goal is to make something resembling a human. I've already spent an hour on this blank helmet.

Final goal for this year is animate two characters interacting with each other and environment in a silly manner.

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🧡 removed free credits

Anonymous No. 969466

>try to download texture
>no credits
>turns out credits are premium only now and you don't get 15 free credits daily
Another cool site gone to shit by jewish corporation.
And yes, I'm aware about "free" tab on the site, but it's shit
No announcements about this change anywhere. They just did it silently

Anyway, any alternatives? Site had a nice collection of regular non-PBR photos

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🧡 Animation

Anonymous No. 969396

What if I just use Unreal Engine instead?

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🧡 lewd animations

Anonymous No. 969395

no matter how hard I try, they always end up looking uncanny. How do you achieve realistic movements, chuds?

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🧡 COOM Monies

Anonymous No. 969387

>Just make 3D porn, it's that fucking easy!
>Sellout and do furshit and rake in the dough.

The average Patreon payout is < $10.

Yet "it's easy fucking money I swear any retard can do it."

How much is your 3D Porn career making you, anon?

What niche have you carved out in this saturated market?
(Keep it classy this is a blue board)

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🧡 Blender

Anonymous No. 969381

I love blender, but have to admit that the devs are incompetent
every new version they bring new features that no one outside of some big studio uses
rarely bring real improvements besides bug fixes and UI changes
want to have an easier time working?
install machinetools and a bunch of 3rd party addons to make blender usable

but i found something that really made me mad
i made some money and went from Intel HD to Nvidia
even tho Blender uses FFMPEG, blender only has hardware acceleration for rendering
if you want to encode a video in blender you have to use your CPU
the GPU is basically useless outside of rendering polygons

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 969370

Where the fuck can I pirate autodesk inventor?
I don't give a fuck if I get banned for this I am at my wits end.

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🧡 Blender vs Maya for modeling

Anonymous No. 969357

Thoughts? Assuming the subscription costs don't matter.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 969354

>having to contact support

This is why you pay for a license

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 969352

Wouldn't it just be funny if everything that dumped Wednesday started pumping back to where it was through today and Friday?
What a surprise that would be.
Unheard of.