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Anonymous No. 115365

Could you survive one round against Sonya Blade?
It's a fistfight, a boxing match between her vs you.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 115207

Am 19 years old, I've been doing boxing fro 2 years, is there a chance that I could become professional?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 115191

How will the death of the queen affect extreme sports?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 115123

Just coming here to mention that I'm archiving /xs/ with full images and working search over at

I only have full images and thumbnails up until around a month ago, but I know a guy who has been archiving everything since the start, so it's mostly just a matter of me convincing him to go through the effort of sending me the stuff so I can import it, which might take a while.

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🧵 Which option would you choose?

Anonymous No. 115108

Training the heavybag, double end bag, doing deadlifts and squats; or just buying some expensive protection gear and fighting everyday?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 115071

When will you stop riding this guy's dick??


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🧵 /esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 115061


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🧵 How tight is too tight for a rashguard? Pic rel, me.

Anonymous No. 114948

No one talks about this, they just always say it shouldnt be loose. I feel like the size S is straining my blood flow around the armpits a bit. But idk.

>inb4 dirty mirror

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 114725

Kinda wanna get into shooting as a sport and qualify for the Olympics. Where do I start?

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🧵 How To Fight Without Gloves?

Anonymous No. 114702

Never been in a fight, but I'm curious. So I do boxing, and obviously everything is done with gloves and wraps.

How exactly can you translate this to a real fight. You hit someones jaw, cheekbone, skull hard? I feel it'd break your knuckles or fuck up your wrist. With the gloves and wraps it's a lot more forgiving.
You're even told not to hit the bag without gloves.

Can you train for such a thing (translate boxing skills to non-glove boxing) without actually fighting someone barehanded? B.O.B.?
I feel I'd be a lot less confident in a fight for this specific reason (being afraid of fucking my hands up). Obviously in a life or death situation it's different but still.
Should I do some kind of hand/wrist conditioning too?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 114616

is there any onthological difference between a fight and a savage beat-down? is a beatdown a fight where one opponent was just too strong?
or is a fight a failed beatdown where the 2 combatants just happened to be of equal skill and might?
why is it socially accepted to watch a boxing match,but if you watch a "hobbo street fight beatdown" you're suddenly labaled a freak?

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🧵 Chinese finger trap general

Anonymous No. 114612

I've been training with my Chinese finger trap for about an hour every day for the past month. My best escape time so far is 24.2 seconds. Is anyone else addicted to these things?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 114595

How are effective are flying striking techniques (not kicks or knees) in a fight?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 114584

Do you leave your shin guards/ boxing gloves/ head gear at the gym? Or carry it with you every time? But if you leave them at the gym don't you clean them?

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🧵 /esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 114348


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 114347

is it possible to hire private trainers/tours/services, for skydiving, parachute diving etc, to the point they let me jump in the dark of the night,and also carryin stuff such as weapons?
Im just a normal guy who's obsessed with liberatarianism(joining a private army ,ie; military contractors,eschewing State-national militaries)and also with the incoming apocalypse. (protip;its between 2030 and 2060)
Same question for diving-related operations,such as mastering diving to the point one could perform demolition operations underwater.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 114134

>wrestling, not even once

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🧵 why did ali take this fight

Anonymous No. 114085

i still can’t sit through it bros

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 114068

A well-executed bumrush will win you 99% of the streetfights you will ever be in.
Signing up for martial arts classes in your adulthood so that you know how to fight in a streetfight is pretty fucking useless. You will always get fucked up by the more seasoned fighters, and a streetfight doesn't follow your little sport rules.

What will win you fights, is a flurry of uncoordinated punches, knees and kicks, which will make the vast majority of opponents either get knocked out by a lucky strike, or trip over while they're backing up, giving you the perfect opportunity for a ground and pound or repeated kicks and stomps to the head.
Sure, a very experienced fighter will probably fuck you up if you try something like that and don't hit a lucky strike. But let's get real, you following some BJJ classes once a week and dodging sparring is not going to make you beat those guys either, so why waste your time there? You most likely don't have the stamina to last in a long fight either. You're better off just practicing your strikes and kicks against a heavy bag, so that you can perform your flurry better.
And one big plus about this is; you're at 0 risk of CTE until you're in an actual fight. Meanwhile judo faggots and boxing chuds are getting their brain turned into strawberry slush with every strike they receive, or fall they have to "break".

I've only been in 2 streetfights in my adult life, and in both times I've executed the bumrush. In the first fight I knocked out a tooth, after which the fight ended and I eventually got into trouble with the police. The second time I was stopped mid-flurry by a security guard, which I count as a TKO.

Trust me guys. If you don't have over a decade of martial arts experience, in which you trained multiple times a week to perfect your technique, don't bother picking it up. It's a huge waste of time.

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🧵 Free Soloing vs Cave Crawling

Anonymous No. 113990

Which is the superior sport?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 113693

Palm strikes or punches?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 113686

When will retarded redditors admit that the only thing that really matters in a fight is physical size? Martial arts just let men win more quickly and efficiently against manlets who were going to lose anyway.

If you’re less than 6’ tall martial arts will only delay the inevitable and make you look like a tryhard who thinks that brain > brawn, and this line of thinking will get you killed IRL. Manlet self defense should emphasize kissing ass and accepting your role in the pecking order.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 113675

Hear me out. Manly nerds forge large beyblades out of steel folded a thousand times with razor sharp edges and sit in a circle with other players. They launch the beyblades using power tools and whoever gets hit with the stray bey blade is out. Last man standing without lethal cuts is the champ.

Russian roulette + Suicidal dorks willing to battle to the death.

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🧵 /esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 113651

No bickering, just skating.

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