

🧵 90s internet gifs

Anonymous No. 895715

How can I make 90s internet looking gifs (or animation that looks like them) ? Who made them even and in what ?

GIF related.

t. blender user.


mudbox rex1.jpg

🧵 mudbox

Anonymous No. 895554

i love dinosaurs so much 3bros



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 895543

Why yes, I do work with Maya at my day job, how could you tell?



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 895506

Would you say this is good 4 month progress in making game chracters? What do you think needs most improvement?



🧵 Losing interest in 3D

Anonymous No. 895481

Ive been working with 3D many years and currently work as a 3D generalist (environmental and character artist). Ive learnt a lot of software and after all this time I finally feel comfortable with max, maya, zbrush, substance, marvelous designer, unreal and so on.
I also worked as a freelance and in a couple of big videogame companies. Im used to the workflow most of the studies like to use.

But sadly these latest years all I see is Blender here and there. All the time, on every rig, tutorial, new plugins, shaders and all the amazing things you can achieve with it. I never touched it, I didnt really like it and in my professional career I didnt need it either. But right now I feel like I hit a wall and Im going against the stream. Like everyone MUST use it and everything you need is already there.

I know 3D has been always like this, updating yourself or staying old and not adapting to the industry standards.

Should I start learning Blender? Is it hard to learn? I know its not Houdini but I became lazy all over the years.
I dont want to start another flame thread or asking which software is better or not, Im just sad I cant never rest peacefully with just 1 single program



🧵 Blender

Anonymous No. 895470

Femanon /3/ user here and even I do not use Blender. Just simply accept that Autodesk is better.



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 895441

First time using Zbrush, and first model. Any good so far? Brush shortcuts are so annoying



🧵 What is/was your inspiration to get into 3D...

Anonymous No. 895411

I've genuinely had to ask myself this recently. It sounds like a straight forward question right? But to me it seems like some anons kinda gave up before they even dug their heels in and tried.

This might sound super faggy, but mine was Into The Spiderverse. It sort of reminded me that 3d can be a really great medium for what I wanna do in the near future. Being a mainly 2D artist who has only a little experience in animation, 3D still scares the fuck outta me. Although I can't really just sit by and have this nagging thought that maybe I could do this. I stopped and start going into 3D before and recently I've been given some time to myself so I wanna see if by the end of this summer i can at least take the first few steps.

>TLDR I got reminded about what got me into 3D and I feel more motivated than ever, so What got you into 3d anon?



🧵 autodesk mudbox tutorials

Anonymous No. 895398

are there any tutorials for this relic regarding baking -maps and details
i prefer mudbox and its sculpting feels better to me but i know and have zbrush aswell which can come handy



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 895273

Tell me everything I need to make 3d porn of my FAvs, and drop the red pills.



🧵 Mudbox 2023 released

Anonymous No. 895248

>Included a new installer for Linux



🧵 Help me bake multiple objects to the same texture map

Anonymous No. 895228

I'm trying to bake this dresser that has multiple material slots.
It has three separate components for now.
1)The dresser
2)The door
3)The handles

The dresser and the door both have two slots. Slot 1 is the wood, slot 2 is the steel part for the lock.
The handle also shares the same material as slot 2 of the dresses.
I've put in the same image texture node in both materials and selected them when I bake.
Then I press A to select everything and then hit bake.

Unfortunately, only the dresser gets it texture baked while the door doesn't. The slot 2 of the dresser, the steel material also does not get baked.

I've been trying all day, I've even had two UV Maps for baking but I can't get it to work. Can you guys help? I don't want to use substance painter even though it'll make my job easier.



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 895194

Is it possible to sell 3d models without rigs? I'm terrible at rigging/animation, but I can make decent still models. If it is possible, how much will furries/weebs be willing to pay for them?



🧵 Automation and 3D

Anonymous No. 895133

What sections of 3DCG work are certain to be automated soon, in ten or twenty years, in your opinion? Are there any parts of 3DCG work that you think are inseparable from human input?



🧵 Redmoa uses SFM? Best porn program for 3D

Anonymous No. 895106

Hey guys, I make a lot of 2-D hentai and make a living doing it. I've always been interested in 3-D hentai though. I've been following Redmoa's work for a long time and was wondering if anyone could tell if this guy uses SFM? I'd ask him directly but he's so big that I don't think he'd have time to answer any questions. I've always been partial to SFM because of it's easy to learn and quick pick up type of style.



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 895031

Real talk - is Cycles X good enough to get a job at a major studio?



🧵 Environment modelling large scenes

Anonymous No. 895025

My retard brain is trying to learn how to environment model large scenes for games. Specifically with the cartoon style like this.

I can't find any resources on the internet how to do this. I'm interested in how they actually got this look of having color and height on separate "layers."

I looked at Eric's Artstation page and can understand he baked the normals, but specifically I want to know what tool was used to sculpt and color at the same time.



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 894942

How do I make eyelids?


monitor samsung.png

🧵 Substance Painter

Anonymous No. 894914

The object has two different UV sets, but how does Substance know which one to associate to the materials? Substance allows me to pain on texture sets, and this is unambiguous when a mesh has only a single UV set, but what if it has multiple?

I really should just switch to the UDIM workflow instead of messing with this, but I am curious enough to ask.



🧵 Zbrush and Mudbox question

Anonymous No. 894913

I use both Mudbox and Zbrush. Mudbox has this feature called dynamic tessellation which makes your life easier when needing to sculpt small details like eyes, mouth, fingers etc, but other than that, sculpting in mudbox feels like shit.

Does ZBrush have this area tessellation feature aswell? I hate having to dynamesh the entire mesh just to make a small detail.

Do I have throw the model from mudbox to zbrush vice versa for this?



🧵 Questions Thread

Anonymous No. 894880

/QTDDTOTT/: Questions that don't deserve their own thread thread.
>Why is snout of teapot pointing towards right (X) in max, should it not point forward (Y)?
>will mastering 3D make my peen longer?
>Will baking normalmap halp make me normal?
>Is the Cross Product a reference to resurrection of Jesus?



🧵 Avatard 2

Anonymous No. 894871

Oh no no no no no



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 894820

are there any biological females on /3/

looking for a gf



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 894793

I am trying to make a 2D style animation like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuvXXGkJtx0 Since I am experienced in photoshop my first idea was to just do it all in PS or Davinci Resolve, but then I discovered a whole new world of 3D software. Would something like Blender or UE be a better (faster, easier) choice for this or should I stick to video editing software? I was thinking it would be easier to have a 3D model to rig into key frames and just apply filters after.