

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 903841

Bros, im making a little animation of a squid but im having trouble finding references for cartoony swimming squids or something similar, can you hep me find any good animation references?

Thank 3d bros.

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🧵 Nomad Sculpting/ Phone Sculpting

Anonymous No. 903811

Anyone here do 3D sculpting on their phones? I find it cathartic to just sculpt some models for shitposting whilst taking a bathroom break.



🧵 scull

Damtan No. 903792

I just made a scull, in blender
I hope you like it



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 903786

>be me
>Get back to 3D art after 7 months of not using blender
>Rendering got suspiciously slow...maybe i don't remember it well...
>Check taskmanager
>Google the issue
>Tfw rx580 is not supported any longer unlike with older versions of blender

Do i just go back to 2.9?



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 903771

Is Metasequoia (freeware) better for modelling anime-style characters than Blender?



🧵 realism != scientific accuracy

Anonymous No. 903700

What can I do to make a scientifically accurate head sculpt? How can I make sure whether the chin is not too big, the jawline is appropriate for the facial ratio, and the eyes are not too small, too large or too high? I intend to make models that have no stylization whatsoever, only using scientifically gathered datasets relative to the current DNA samples of the current dominant hominid species.


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🧵 blender is getting now massive funding, lads.

Anonymous No. 903581

Blender development fund is now at 209k per month.

6 months ago was like 150k.
We're reaching the tipping top, blender bros.

We're not longer a small joke tool.



🧵 Advice for a lazy artist

Anonymous No. 903575

So as the title suggests, I am an aspiring 3d character artist.
I am currently doing a course which can possibly change my career direction and my life if done correctly.
Currently the course is about 6 months long and more than a month have already passed.
However, the amount of days I have actually worked like a proper industry level professional can be counted on my fingers.
There are about 3 proper assignments which we had done and almost all of them I had delayed till the last minute.
When submitted, they did get accepted but I seriously wasn't satisfied with them and knew I could definitely do better than that.
I know I have to do it to succeed, I know the consequences I'll face if I don't do the assignments, however, I still procrastinate almost everyday.
I also struggle with pornography, something which I am slowly improving.
The problem is that I get easily distracted and when I am working on something, my mind wanders off very easily.
If any of you guys could guide me in the correct direction, I'd seriously be grateful.


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🧵 Redpill me on the 3DCG film/television industry. Is it really as bad as people say it is?

Anonymous No. 903561

>many jobs are contract-based. So when your time on a project is finished, you're out of a job. You're constantly searching for new jobs to ensure steady income as contracts come and go
>pay and benefits greatly vary per studio, but those located close to unionized studios (Los Angeles, Vancouver, NYC) try matching union rates. So unless you live in a big 3DCG area, compensation can be whatever the bossman decides to be "adequate"
>qualifications for jobs vary as well. Smaller studios want really good generalists, but larger ones have the capacity to hire really good specalists
>although supposedly not as bad as the games industry, crunch culture is here too and overtime pay isn't guaranteed. This might be different for union studios though
>just in general, unless you're lucky enough to work in a big unionized studio, working in film/tv appears to be an unstable career



🧵 What do we think of Clint?

Anonymous No. 903548

Is he our guy?


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🧵 /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 903487

/wip/ - Works in Progress
- Shire Edition -

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>901909

List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB
/3/ Discord for those interested: https://discord.gg/ujt5vtr4DE



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 903471

Is 21 too old to get into 3d modeling



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 903456

Blender deleting my animations every time I reopen the project!!!

For the past 7 days or so I have been redoing some of the animations in this project. Every freaking time I reopen GarbageBlender the next morning, I have to redo them. What the fucking shit???

I suspect it's related to the gay zero next to the action. Blender being blender you never know what minute setting which you triggered by looking at the wrong pixel is fucking up your entire workflow.

please help!!



🧵 I made this thread

Anonymous No. 903430

Hey reddit. I finally made my first album in a while.In my daily life i live in and around the danish underground.Bedroominaforrest is gonna be a diverse label, but for now its just me and my gear. Electro jazz symphonies is the new sound comming at you. https://bedroominaforrest.bandcamp.com/alb
i made this



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 903393

Yo- Anyone here familiar with the .RPC format?

Rich Photorealistic Content - from what I can understand, they are like turntable image sequences- used for archvis.

archvision, the company which created this format, locks the tech down with a desktop dashboard required to access them- I noticed there is a max plugin for drag and dropping these things. What I want to see is if it would be possible to extract this file format's contents, or be able to use these .rpc sequences elsewhere. Even to be able to preview the sequences, I'd be happy. Any ideas on how, or where to begin?

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🧵 Is Linux a good platform for 3D creation?

Anonymous No. 903379

Anyone have experience doing 3D work in Linux? I've been thinking about migrating from Windows to Linux after dealing with a series of frustrating headaches with Windows that's brought me to the edge of my seat. Linux is already natively compatible with a lot of 3D applications such as Blender, Maya, Houdini, Modo, Substance Painter and Substance Designer, Unreal Engine, Unity, MARI, Quixel Bridge, as well as a myriad of renderers and more.



🧵 Blender 3d tutorial

Adedotune No. 903302




🧵 Blender noob here

Anonymous No. 903282

Man im soo bad at this lmao
I wonder if one can make money of shitty models



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 903236

Showcasing the limits of Skyrim modding.

Absolute maxed settings, 256k resolution textures, max poly scenes, max AI actors, thousands of mods stacked


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 903170

How long does it take to be a good smut animator?
NYL2's work is genuinely impressive and it makes me want to try my hand at it
Apart from that how fun is 3D and whatnot?


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 903117

how many hours a day do you spend working on 3d stuff?



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 902993

I just found one of these in a box for a hundred bux should I relearn cad blender and shit? It's Suprisingly good for playing vidya like in vr (gotta try decent freespace type shooters with it) but that's not why I bought it. Works well but I need a crash course bros! Wunna get into ue5 as well have two pcs I can use as servers as well for rendering and a laptop as a client

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🧵 Questions thread

Anonymous No. 902981

Previous thread >>894880

/QTDDTOTT/: Questions that don't deserve their own thread thread.

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🧵 I want 1K and i will get 1K

Anonymous No. 902963

Hello /3/, I am finally ready to do it.
You see, I have flirted with 3d for a long time, even though I was never getting anywhere..
But now, as I am failing my exams, and no longer having money, I have finally become motivated enough to spend time and get some money with 3d.
I will use this wish as ground for all my ambitions, from passing all exams left, to earning money, to set my filthy zoomer life straight.