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🧵 Getting a job thread

Anonymous No. 959473

Thread to discuss how to get a fucking real job with 3D tools.

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🗑️ 🧵 Please help with .t3d and .unr loading (GPL)

Anonymous No. 959461

This video shows that we made the weapon models, and game code, for supporting unreal/unreal-tournament style maps allready (all opensource: models, gamecode, etc). Various 3rd party maps the game support: Q3, Minetest, Wolfenstine:EnemyTerritory/TrueCombatElite

It also supports quake3 arena BSP format: I hacked that in when I was doing wolfenstine:enemy territory.

This video shows wolfenstine:enemyterritory maps being loaded in the game and engine and played:

And here is a collaborative rap using various wolfenstine:enemyterrtory maps:

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🧵 Noob Question

Anonymous No. 959450

Trying to model a bathtub in Blender and I have no idea how to "push out" these subdivisions in a way which leaves the top/bottom edge intact while the rest forms this kind of arc you typically see.

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🧵 Help me with booleans/hard surface/ trim sheets

Anonymous No. 959443

I'm learning how to make trim sheets with booleans and stuff.
But when I look at my stuff in Orthogonal view, the cylindrical "holes" don't show up.
They appear in perspective view however.
I'm really confused I wanna make cool sci fi panels :3

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 959392

I am very new to blender, and i have run into an issue google-fu can't seem to fix
whenever i try to apply scale to a rigged model, part of it breaks, and some of the bones coordinates jump to random(?) locations.
any fixes? similar posts on [spoiler]reddit[/spoiler] say to basically rebuild the rig from scratch, wich sounds retarded.
ty in advance

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 959337

>Pixar set to nuke their support forums next week
>going full discord

Discord for our industry is the future.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 959331

Is it a bad thing that I don’t focus too much on making realistic/highly detailed stuff? It’s getting annoying figuring out texture stuff or needing to find a new software to bake better or do some other little thing I’m going to hate the process of. I’m still improving, but here’s a cel shaded thing I’ve done to show where I’m at with this so far

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🧵 Sculpting

Anonymous No. 959310

Is Blender sculpting good enough if i just want to make huge animu tiddies models?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 959300

Why are retro graphics controversial on this board?

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🗑️ 🧵 Why is hair so difficult still?

Anonymous No. 959271

Long hair always looks like a floating block (pic related). Faces look awesome today, but hair is still a huge problem to get right. Why?

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🧵 Fear of AI making any learning pointless

Anonymous No. 959267

To preface, I want to clarify that I don't oppose AI development, and I recognize the inevitability of technological progress. However, I'm grappling with the uncertainty surrounding how long it will take for AI to perform 3DCG tasks I've dedicated time and effort to learning, but at a fraction of the cost it would take to employ me. If I decide to go to animation school, I'd like to ensure that my skills remain relevant for a reasonable span, ideally a couple of decades. Unfortunately, I'm unsure if I'll have that much time left in this career after completing my education. How do you all reconcile this concern?

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🧵 Tutorial for character renders with good lighting?

Anonymous No. 959261

I want to do poses of characters with a background with good lighting. I figured out how to pose characters, but I don't know how lighting works, or compositing. Anyone know a good tutorial for someone who plans on doing character renders? A course would be even better, cause I don't want to watch a 3 minute video that only tells me 2% of what I need to know. I want something comprehensive that goes over everything about compositing lighting and character renders to make the best render possible

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 959248

Can somebody redpill me on sculpting/retop over box modeling with subdivisions? To me, sculpting and then retoping is just a whole extra step. You're basically creating the model twice and just tracing over it. If you were to just box model from the start then you wouldn't have this issue, right?

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🧵 freecad beginner

Anonymous No. 959215

Hey 3, idk if its the right board, but do you have any recomended wiki/course for freecad? Ive started 3d printing mechanical stuff and is a bit rough

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 959213


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🧵 solids with wraping contour lines

Anonymous No. 959145

Hi I'm a total newbie in this right now I'm working on a personal project in which I need some basic assets but with set contraints:
- I have to use Blender
- all elements are either ellipsoids or organic shapes (image related)
- All elements, most of them, have wrapping contour lines.
- The end result needs to be smooth, the wrap lines need to look like they have been painted, not plastered over the main blob.
- The contour lines must be a different color to the main blob.
- GLB Binary
- The elements will be displayed on a web viewer in a 500px by 500px area, so the smaller the file size the better.
- It would be nice to have the option to make only the blob transparent.

I've found some howtos on most things except wrapping contours on solids, also read the sticky but I'm still lost. Anyway, what would be the most competent way to achieve this? At least adding the wrap lines on a sphere would be appreciated.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 959123

I'm trying to cut the word "hear" into an object with a bool, but for some fucking reason which is unkown to me, he cuts every letter except the h. How do i fix it?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 959031

Redpill me on using base meshes

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🧵 Making an animated music video in blender

stann co No. 958990

Continuing off from >>957433
I am making a music video in Blender with Hatsune Miku (character model also made by me, shown in previous thread),
singing about not making minecraft. The song is here

I am starting on the actual animation portion of the music video finally now.

this shot compared with the length of the entire song, i am 1% complete at this point.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 958971

Would you double your rendering and simulation speeds for $1200?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 958935


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 958912

cris won.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 958824

Going to be using A*obe PS for masking and comp but ran across this on their new generative AI tool and got put off. Is it pozzed? I read the regular terms of service too and they are also anti everything, like

>6.9 Share any Content or engage in behavior that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, obscene, violent, abusive, tortious, defamatory, libelous, vulgar, lewd, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, or otherwise objectionable;

what should I do? My renewal is almost here. Didnt use it much last year. But, this coming year I will need to comp and mask, but I don't want to become pozzed, too

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 958812

my work-flow? non-destructive!