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🗑️ 🧵 /spit/ General

Anonymous No. 116958

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 116888

Which way? AND WHY?

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🧵 /xs/-grade tv and video

Anonymous No. 116795

I'm binging old baywatch episodes, and so far i've spotted: old-school stand-up jet ski (Mitch calls them POWERSKI), surfboards, skimboards, scuba-diving, gliders, all kinds of skates and skateboards, obviously. **THIS SHOW IS EXTREME AF, bruvs!**

If the baywatch team ever goes to a ski vay-cay, i think nickelodeon rocket power would be beaten. Post yo extreme TV and video recommendations itt, anon

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🧵 /BJJ/ - BJJ General

Anonymous No. 116778

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General
Support woman grapplers edition


Belt Checker

Previous thread

Thread question
>What is a technique you have learnt from a woman grappler?
For me, it was an X-Guard sweep from Michelle Nicholini

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🧵 /esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 116761

Ankle socks edition

Basic brand information for beginners:
Shoe reviews:
Submit a shoe review:

Old thread: >>115849

Threadly question:
>Do you think that skateboarding technology has reached a peak and our gear cannot become better at this point or will there be more inventions in the future?

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🧵 The Insanity of Gordan Ryan

Anonymous No. 116740

If you're a non BJJ cuck then you probably hear about Gordan Ryan and that he's fairly good, but do you realize the magnitude of how much better he is than everyone else? it's absurd.

The 2022 ADCC just happened. It's very common for professional BJJ matches to go the full time and just be decided by advantages or 1 or 2 points. If someone does get submitted it's usually 10 or 15 minuets in and rather rare amongst the best. Gordan just submitted the semi-finalist of the tournament in 11 seconds. He the proceed to submit the person he faced in the finals (the second best on the planet) in a little over two minutes. As much as we all hate him Gordan Ryan's BJJ operates on a a different plane of existence.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 116738

How correct is he when it came to self defense?

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🧵 old time strong men

Anonymous No. 116653

Why was their physique different, often a boxy look? Was it because they lacked the equipment we have now, or because their training methods were primitive? Or something else completely, like lack of exposure to hormone-mimicking substances in the environment and food supply which affect us?

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🧵 Boards For Bums

Anonymous No. 116617

I want to set up the 'boards for bums' initiative, whereby people donate all their old skateboards to the homeless and we build them new 'bums only' skateparks to get them off the cold dirty streets for a few hours.
Would probably have to lock the skateparks at night though to stop them having bum-sex on the manny pad and shitting in the deep end of the bowl.

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🧵 ADCC 2022 Championships - Submission Grappling General

Anonymous No. 116559

king edition

>stream, don't be a poorfag and just pay the membership. alternatively you can get a flowrestling membership for $30/month and apparently it still works.



99kg+: 1st Gordan Ryan, 2nd John Hansen, 3rd Josh Saunders
99kg: 1st Nicolas Mergali, 2nd Kanyan Duarte, Craig Jones
88kg: 1st Tye Rutolo, 2nd Lucas Barbosa, 3rd Jay Rodriguez
77kg: 1st William Tackett, 2nd Kade Rutolo, Mica Galvao
66kg: 1st Cole Abate, 2nd Kennedy Maciel, 3rd Josh Cisneros
Superfight: Gordon obviously

if you want your post to be taken seriously here you must put your:

>years training
>city and country you train out of
>do you pull guard
>highest percentage submissions

for me
>purple belt
>5 years training
>210 lbs
>only against D1 wrestlers
>RNC/arm triangle

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 116538

Anyone know a stream for the ADCC this year? Because fuck paying a yearly subscription for one event.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 116524

What is the most barbaric fighting stance, art, or sport you can possibly think of? Something with barley any style whatsoever and if used in a real fight would just look insane and disgusting. Just bear-mauling levels of damage, shit that would make corners puke when they found the body of whoever tried to snatch your wallet. Just name whatever combination comes off your head.

I'm thinking Kudo but with a focus on eye gouges and biting, where specifically training for a greater biteforce will help more. Or capoeira but the object is to stick your hand down their throat like a feral dog. How about Karate but with an emphasis on grabbing the genitals and literally using all of your primate force to rip them apart.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 116421

How tf do i remove these?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 116194

Okay guys lets get a little mystic.
Its obvious that you can concentrate your energy to get more faster or strong, but you also can predict enemy movements or hide yourself.
If you had practice team sports at a Elite level you can feel that something is wrong with some individuals; they can hide in obvious ways and not be detected or do crazy stuff.
How can I achive this level? I want to train my energy to be the very best in my field.

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true man hands.png

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 116179

how can I get Real hands using dumbells and barbells? both judo/BJJ fingers(using grips with the fingers? kettlbell-style while holding a couple of dumbells with the handles in an X shape?), and karate/kung-fu knuckles.
Besides being useful for my future labor job, a a fundamentalist catholic man, the hands are one of the few parts of the body I can show in public. So, yes, Id like to make the most of that.
>can I manipulate a heavy barbell in a way thats the same as Rowing?
>can I punch dumbells for lack of a makiwara? plus knuckles pushups

And,basically, what other extreme sports cause a steady, trough time, "body modifications"? bouldering/climbing for the palms,also?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 116063

What is your preferred or favorite fighting stance?

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🧵 Ski Thread

Anonymous No. 115936

>Be me
>Midwest skiier, even the casual skis here are cut like ice skates for good reason
>go to keystone for the weekend, go off a few "cliffs" with someone I knew from csgo who lives there
(also the secret is that all the good tree skiing is actually hidden on the frontside)
>Get used to western natural mountain snow
>Go home
>go down my local cliff-like slope like I usually do for s&g
>can't catch an edge
keep in mind that while it's still a "slope" and has some "hill" sections, it's icy and mogulled and really more of a 300ft tall snow-based cliff... Apparently the snow comp had changed while I was gone and I had forgotten to consider that when making the decision to simply fly off the edge at high speed.
>tumble down the whole hill
>of my very high din skis only one pops off
>I can't walk, have to get carted away by Ski Patrol

At least I didn't hit the snowmaker or break my spine?
I had to get my ACL reconstructed, very fucked!
How hard do you think it'll be to get back into the swing of things this season? Does acl surgery really make skiing that much harder?

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🧵 /ltg/ Laser Tag General

Anonymous No. 115901

We discuss laser tag and laser tag related activities.

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Kent Slamrock.webm

🧵 Untitled Thread

private trackers? No. 115879

/g/ crossover, who are the people to ask for an invite to

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🧵 /esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 115849

Thrasher Cover Edition

Step 1. Go here:

Step 2: Save and post a cool cover.

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Anonymous No. 115688

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🧵 How far can I go with MT

Anonymous No. 115545

Started mauy thai at 18-19, have taken month breaks from the gym for work a good amount of times. I'm 120 pounds and 5'9, 20 years old. People say I'm naturally good at fighting, and I enjoy fighting a lot. But I still have to work most of the week to pay the bills. How far could I go by 25 if I came back and went hard at it? Maybe 2 or even 3 classes when I can, but work still taking up a majority of my time.

Pic not me, but my gym.

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🧵 Olympic Fencing?

Anonymous No. 115460

Not sure if this is supposed to go on /xs/ or /sp/, but what do you think of the sport? All I see on here is HEMA.

I'm trying to get into it and I'm looking to pick up some gear. I probably want to fence Epee. Any recommendations? The club has gear, but a lot of it is gross and sometimes not working, especially for left handed stuff.

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🧵 Thoughts on Combato, Death Dealer's Manual?

Anonymous No. 115396

Is this shit just cope? I read a little about this, seems like bullshit. If so is there anyway to learn something that will allow me to kill people bare handed. I also got experience with judo and wrestling, almost 10 years. I know about guns, but I was hoping for something that would improve my overall lethality.