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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 123833

Anons, I want full ninja traditional history, the best you have, their exercises, their habits, their movements and tradition, diet ALL. I know they had some special techniques for everything, I read books about their meditation techniques and quiet movement techniques. Any recommendations for books/ links/pdf ? I am taking all

((please don't post I want educate myself for real )

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🧡 /esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 123829

>that 35 year old guy skating by himself on a sunday morning filming himself on a tripod doing manual tricks edition

Basic brand information for beginners:
> (embed)
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Old thread: >>122751

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🧡 /xs/ the Football Team

Anonymous No. 123813

Hey /xs/ faithful, we are a small but gnarly board. And a Digital football team representing us and our shitposting is playing today against /cm/. If interested, you can check out implying rigged dot org right now. As always, if you want *your* sport’s thread represented, put in how.

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Bruce Lee

Anonymous No. 123474

Why do retards still believe that this short weak faggot chink was some kinda great fighter?

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🧡 Paul Vunak

Anonymous No. 123358

Is this guy legit or some bullshido grifter?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 123207

>Levan said that Devon Larratt was easily #2 in the world when he faced him at KotT 4 and that nobody else could have beaten Devon on that day but him
WTF /xs/, you told me that Devon Larratt was just a meme Arm Wrestler?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 ggnngg n

rius7898 No. 123144


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🧡 Dojo choice

Anonymous No. 123127

Moving to a new city soon and and want to learn a martial art there. Mostly joining for self-defence, fitness and fun. Can anyone help me decide? There's only four in the area:

Advanced Tactical Combat:
>Doesn't really say what martial art, get the impression it's basically just Krav Maga with a few extra bits
>Trainers seem well qualified, everyone has at least 10+ years experience in various martial arts, and experience teaching military/police
>Accredited by British Combat Association, OCFM and British KAPAP Association (dunno if these actually mean much?)
>Sound cool but not sure if they're legit or a mcdojo

>Biggest dojo in the area
>Offer Gi and No-Gi classes
>Owner has over 15 years experience, the head trainer has about 5. All of them are certified by Gracie Barra Europe
>Regularly send teams to tournaments, hold mini in house tournaments too
>Has a beginners class

>Not much info about their actual courses/team on the website, except that they teach kickboxing and recently refurbished their dojo
>Offer lessons three times a week, one of them is contact sparring
>Regularly send a team to compete at WKA and other tournaments, they also train the national team there
>Say beginners are welcomed to any of their classes

Muay Thai and MMA:
>Offer lessons in both, as well sparring in separate sessions
>Two trainers have over 10 years experience, are active amateur MMA fighters, have placed high in a couple of tournaments and regularly go to Thailand to train and fight
>Trained in boxing, muay thai, jiu jitsu, and judo
>They have MT a beginners course starting in January, 6 weeks, 2 lessons a week.

I'm leaning to the MT/MMA one at the moment, at least for the beginners course. Afterwards, I'll maybe keep doing MT and the BJJ depending on how much free time I have.

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🧡 Verbal 'martial arts'

Anonymous No. 123075

There's been boxing, judo, mma, muaythai, swordfighting guns-
Do you mean to say there's no verbal equivalent to martial arts, despite all the years of human speaking? insults, comebacks, rhetoric, slander, manipulation, criticism- abuse, domination- how about your best comebacks/insults you've witnessed/used-how many times have you walked away, thought 'I wish I said something/that!' - which if you trained would have won.
Can't find many resources on this topic
>monkey island insult sword fighting
>"Verbal judo" used for a different purpose

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🧡 Systema

Anonymous No. 123004

MMA Gym is teaching 'Systema'

Is it a meme? Does anyone have any expiernce with 'systema'?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Dog attack

Anonymous No. 122901

How would you fight off a dog in unarmed combat? What are some techniques?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 122861

>tfw too old to start skating

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🧡 road trip extreme

Anonymous No. 122826

THE DATE: Post cellphones, but pre self-driving-cars.

THE PLAN: The vehicle is packed, the destination is set, now you(ses) just have to get there.

THE HITCH: You have to get there without sleeping.

THE PUN: Intended.

What do you do? How far can you go before you will fall asleep? Will you use drugs to keep you awake? Keep in mind that local laws are still in effect, speeding rolls one D20(jk). Ignore time zones(no cheating).

IRL my furthest distance driving without sleep is 2,750ish miles(4425km). I nearly dosed off once but the bumpy line brought me right back just 400 miles from the destination. Crazy trip, I almost saw two truckers go into the ditch on that trip, one actually did.

Remember: its the last mile that counts.

You have one week to prepare for this journey. What's your strategy, driver?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 122782

Is there some type of thing or place where you can just spar with other random people, just along as u dont really injure the guy u could both do anything u want, not like "fight club" but something where u both can walk away just tired and sweating but still fine

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 122762

Can women box?

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🧡 /cg/ - Climbing General #9

Anonymous No. 122759

Peak performance edition

>Should I start climbing?
Yes. Get a friend, find your closest gym, go there and rent some shoes. Start with bouldering. Usually two colored tape-marks set the start of the route and the color of the tape is difficulty. Route is the same-colored grips up until the topmost grip (not edge of wall). There's usually a difficulty chart around the gym somewhere. Two hands on the last grip = you've sent it, congratulations.

>How do I start toproping?
You have to learn how to belay. Almost every climbing gym has toproping courses if they have toprope walls. Same grip-color system as with the bouldering, but here it's more common with each route having a specific grade instead of being within a range of grades. The grading system differs internationally and for style see here for more info:

>I just bought a BeastMaker 2000β„’, will I finally git gud?
No, you'll just fuck up your tendons. Google "Eva Lopez fingerboard routine" to learn how to use a fingerboards safely.

(Eternally remembered as /bog/)

Old thread >>107234

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🧡 /esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 122751

Basic brand information for beginners:
> (embed)
Shoe reviews:
Submit a shoe review:

Old thread: >>121659

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 122710

>thought this was the best board to ask this, because any good thread on /b/ is drowned out.

What in general is the most effective martial art against boxing? Something that would be the best general defense against a boxing style of fighting. To keep it short why I'm asking, there's a party in a few days where we're having a kind of MMA match with gloves and headgear. Almost everyone there will probably expect me to fight this specific person spent a few months training in a boxing gym. They have a slugger style of boxing, relying on their heavy frame to take hits and to deal heavy hits. It will just be a friendly match.

I personally am not much of a fighter, especially not a striker. Any fight that I have gotten in, I rely primarily on submissions and joint locks to make them stop trying to beat the shit out of me. That is essentially my one and only strong suit. Any martial art that is particularly effective against boxing, or at least advice against a slugger type boxer? Any is appreciated.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 122634

>walk into fighting gym
>its just a glorified cardio class

why are they all like this?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 122608

what is the chess elo equivalent in combat sports

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🧡 American gym culture

Anonymous No. 122515

>be me
>did some extensive training in MT and Boxing in Thailand and the Philippines respectively
>decide to get back into many years later because I've become a fat fuck
>start looking for a boxing or MT in the US
>boxing gym flat out tells me he refuses to tell me prices or anything about his gym unless I come in personally
>MT gym is some white guy larper that says I need to do a two hour personal interview with before he decides if I can join or not. everyone is also supposed to learn thai language, the right way to bow and show respect, participate in thai culture lessons and larp as Thais and other weird shit
>gets mad when I say they never made me do anything like that in actual Thailand and I just want to hit the bag
>mma gym is normal but also just a normiecore cardio gym. Also expected to do an intro to mma bullshit class about safety or something. Very limited on what they let beginners do in the gym

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🧡 Mauy thai and boxing

Anonymous No. 122488

Ive been doing Mauy Thai for a little less than a year and love it. But I've been thinking about joining a boxing gym to sharpen my hand offense, however I don't want to ingrain bad habits that'll get me knee'd/kicked in the head/body/legs. What should I do?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 122464

The best lb per lb martial artist in the world has a background in.. Rugby League and Greco-Roman wrestling. Traditional martial arts are a lie sold to dorks & dweebs. Athleticism from hard full contact sports beats all.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 122373

>both finalists in the first two UFCs were Dutch

coincidence? i think not