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🧵 Videos and books

Anonymous No. 135517

If people keep insisting that you can't learn fighting through videos (and books) then Why are so many of them?

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🧵 Mastering your kicks

Anonymous No. 135336

Itt we talk about kicks and defence against kicks.

Do you think sidekick with ball of your foot is a good idea? I've been told to use my heel but if push kick with the ball of foot works, then sidekick with ball of the foot should work as well.

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🧵 Mastering your boxing

Anonymous No. 135327

Itt we talk about boxing techniques, ask questions about boxing techniques and share boxing tips.
I've recently found this video and I have a question. Should we really be so desperate to hit the jaw? After all, you can also land your hook on the temple.

Also, where to land straight punches in self defence? Jaw is the most obvious target in a ring but I'm nowhere near as strong as pro boxers (yet) and I think I can do some damage to nose and incisors with less power than to jaw.

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🧵 Bjj doesn't always win because of grappling superiority

Anonymous No. 135248

It wins because grapplers learn some striking and wrestling before going to mma while some strikers think striking is enough to win a fight.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 135201

What are some cool ways to end up a fight more quickly?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 135029

Your opinion on freestyle skiiers?

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🧵 /esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 134858

old bread >>132593

Please stop snowing edition

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🗑️ 🧵 /Slap/ Slapping

Anonymous No. 134845

Extreme professional slapping. Would you consider this a sport?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 134840

Has anyone ever tried snowskating? Is it any fun? How would you recommend getting into it?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 134839

What's the most violent and extreme martial art I can learn?

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🧵 Spoonfed streaming links

Anonymous No. 134804

Don't have ESPN+ or any friends, am I going to get to watch the fights tonight bros?

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🧵 Pereira with a pizza

Anonymous No. 134791

Pereira with a pizza

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 134764

Why is this board so obsessed with judo while most MMA fighters don't care about this art and use folkstyle or freestyle wrestling takedowns?

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🧵 im only not doing any mma becuase of fear

Anonymous No. 134582

i guess my experience with gyms is the people are pretty horrible sort of monkey like in personality and retarded so when i went i felt very unsafe and also really awkward and its the only reason i haven't done any martial arts since. i really want to learn but all the people into it seem like they are literally monkey level iq and have a massive chip on their shoulders. i don't think i will get anything different as well unless i go to a fake gym

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 134331

What do people on this board think of airsoft? I have had a pretty fun time with it, all things considered, but I understand how it can be seen as cringe seeing as its infested with operator larping tacticool Timmies who think that shooting plastic pellets at each other makes them Navy Seals or something.

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🧵 Aikido Rips

Anonymous No. 134201

>what is a aikido rip?
it is when u perform a aikido move that rips off there hand or arm or head
>how is aikido rip performed?
it is when u perform a aikido move with speed and exact movement that super charges the move
>how does super charging work
it is like a whip u can swing it back and than swing it forward and u can do it faster and faster but when u rip u pull on it like cracking the whip
>what is the most common body part 2 get aikido ripped?
mostly the hands can get ripped off
>is aikido rips possible in mma?
yes it has always been a possibility and something that would end any mma match. unfortunately mma has watered down rules and essentially banned aikido from mma
>what happens if it does not rip off?
it will dislocate and shatter into bone peaces. it is a factor of the opponents weight and tendon str and how u do the technique
>but how do aikido rips work in mma if aikido does nto work in mma?
first, aikido is banned in mma for its brutality. second, aikido rips can be done offensively. imagine a person just standing. u can do a aikido shuffle at his wrist grab on the way down and then on the way up twist it then pull really hard

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 134193

What's the most painful thing you've ever experienced during a fight?

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🧵 I started climbing yesterday

Anonymous No. 134178

My hands skin is fucked, it hurts and i cant climb as much as yesterday because of it. What should i do ?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 134150

This is that Russian guy from UFC, why does he have a school shooter on his t-shirt?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 134074

Hey you, what's your go to boxing stance and why?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 134013

>BJJLet think the opponent will grapple with them instead of simply punching them in the nose


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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 133999

Skateboarding is not extreme

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 133964

Is stinking real bad to throw off your opponent a valid tactic in combat sports involving grappling? Are there any rules against that?

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🧵 /xs/ Soccer Team Match

Anonymous No. 133921

I know that we’re a smaller board, but we have a team in the computer controlled football match between 4chan boards AS OF THIS POST. If you’re interested in watching, you can go check out implying rigged. We’ll once again try to topple our former board friends /pw/ to try and lay claim to the heart of /asp/.