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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 167040

Are dutch and japanese kickboxing the same, except japanese kickboxers tend to have karate background?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 166956

How many pounds should I lift if I box? I know weightlifting is historically frowned upon in boxing, but nowadays it’s more acceptable if it’s lighter and mid tier weights and not bodybuilder tier. How much is too much?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 166847

So let me get this straight, people who want to learn boxing/kickboxing/Muay Thai for self defense are told to go train those striking arts. People who aren’t stupid will ask, “will my brain get damaged over time from sparring?” Someone will say, “just spar light and don’t compete”. But then, you might ask, how useful is striking for self defense if you only spar light? The answer is usually “not very much” or “it’s great for getting in shape”. So, striking isn’t that effective for self-defense unless you’re sparring hard occasionally, in which case you’re gradually damaging your brain, even if it’s a small amount. Do you just accept you’ll have to spar hard occasionally for your striking to be effective for self-defense? Doesn’t seem very sustainable as you get older.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 166829

Are there any people who are ,say, amateur K-1 champions and go around joining Mcdojos\ninja no-touch combat dojos\"realistic combative" schools etc, to beat up the top students and the master?
would this be being a bully or bringing people down to earth and helping them, so they dont use their mcdojo stuff IRL and thus get killed?
I think there's a chinese guy called mad dog or dog something, that does this
>it seems he sucks as MMA tho? but he became viral for some time

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🧵 Karate

Anonymous No. 166778

Why can't karate just put on gloves, a mouth guard, and, if they wanted to boxing headgear, spar like everyone else?

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🧵 People laugh at bridgerweight

Anonymous No. 166750

But it actually makes more sense than all these weightclasses with "super" or "jewnior" in its names, none of which existed 70 years ago.
If heavyweight boxers will continue turning into mutants as fast as they've been doing it from Marciano to Fury, 10 years from now you'll see bridger in all promotions and 50 years from now you'll see an additional division at 250 lbs.

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🧵 Horn saving fighters from submission or TKO

Anonymous No. 166691

How would you solve this problem? Personally I would abolish breaks. To prevent infinite stalling, referee would tell fighters to stand up if there's no big ground and pound or sensible submission attempts on the ground for 2 minutes. I've also heard ideas not to stop the round if it seems like there's gonna be finish soon or to start a round from the same position the provious round ended in.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 166687

In an ideal world, what did he say?

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🧵 /kg/ - Karate General

Anonymous No. 166676

previous >>126367

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🧵 Fight against bored

Anonymous No. 166578

Any ideas on what can distract me from existance? Could be an extreme sport or eating carolina reapers while sitting in church.

I spent the last 7 years of my life diving into wingsuiting. Skydiving -> base -> wingsuit base. I have put housands of hours into this, extreme budgeting, living similar to a homeless person, all for wingsuits.

But I hit the point where progression is basically suicide and I decided to stop. Now that i have tried to stop I am becoming numb, apathetic for existance again.

Anyone have any ideas that are not explicitly air sports like paragliding, speed flying, skydiving or ws base? Could be a completly alternative method for flooding the brain with endorphins.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 166572

Would it be possibly, with enough training and conditioning, to pierce human flesh with one finger? I found this video of some korean guy punching holes in fruit and stuff with his fingers, (assuming it isn't a hoax, that board breaking bit looked pretty suspect) but human flesh is a different thing altogether, right?
>the video

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🧵 /mtb/ mountain bike general

Anonymous No. 166558

DT SWISS editon

>FAQ on buying a bike that nobody reads anyway:
>> What good bike can I get for under $500?
>a stolen bike. Possibly a newer used entry level hardtail but don't expect it to survive rock gardens, jumps, or drops. Or an older mtb which won't be as good as newer ones and will still have a front derailleur, but it'll be good enough.
>> What good bike can I get for under $1000
>Good used hardtail, new entry level hardtail
>> What good bike can I get for under $2000?
>New Hardtail, decent used full suspension
>> What good bike can I get for under $3000?
>Used full suspension, decent entry level full suspension but prepared to put more money into it.
>> What are the excellent value brands?
>Marin, Commencal, Canyon, Polygon, YT, Propain, Kona, and many more. Sometimes the expensive brands have an excellent value bike
>> What are the differences between an XC, Trail, Enduro, and Downhill bikes?
>XC bikes are for going up fast, go down not as fast. Trail bikes are for going up and down. Enduro bikes are for going down fast, and slower up. Downhill bikes are for going down really fast, needs a ski lift, truck, or the rider pushing it to go up.
>Link to previous thread

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🗑️ 🧵 A 1906 photo of a filipina baby tied to a wooden post in New Yorks human zoo.

Anonymous No. 166492

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 166457

I did abit of sanda before covid. I went to join back up recently only to find out that a new guy runs the place and now does shaolin kung fu there. He mainly focuses on form and not so much sparring which is kinda a red flag. So I'm looking at boxing (because I lost my leg stretch) or muay thai

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🧵 Why do they all do this

Anonymous No. 166408

>watch literally any youtube channel of skier who spends a lot of time in pow
>when they're on literally anything that isn't deep pow
>straight forward, speedcheck, straight forward, speedcheck...
>upper body flopping from side to side, not remaining vertical, skis far apart, sometimes in backseat on hardpack while attempting to carve
>youtube comments act like every guy who does this is good at skiing because they found a cool looking place to film
Do people like this just never learn to carve? Or have I not experienced a "true" backcountry/pow ski? I get that you can't carve super well on pow-oriented skis, but when I wear them I only run into the "holy shit these skis are going to kill me" problem when I absentmindedly start trying to do carving shit at speeds that only really work on FIS spec skis anyway.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 166329

MMA matches should start with both fighters wearing full street clothing
i.e. t-shirt, jeans with belt, and laced sneakers
You can take your clothes off if you want, but only after the match has begun
What do you think?

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🧵 Best Punch to Knockout?

Anonymous No. 166234

Does anyone know the best way to knock someone out without killing them? I only know basic punches and aren't intimidating in the slightest, but I want to be able to defend myself. Any specific punch or area to disable whoever I'm fighting?
>Pic semi related, I heard jaw punches are good, also the song kicks ass

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🧵 Downhill skiing

Anonymous No. 166074

I got these skis at a sale for $5. Older but fit great minus the back part of the binding is broken (pic related).
I looked up salomon 347 bindings with no luck of really any kind. Is there a part I could buy to fix it because it's only that back latch part that is broken. I don't really wanna buy new bindings (nor do I know where to start, I've only rented downhill maybe 1-2/yr).

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 166049

Fellow /x/philes. I finally found the truth!
The earth is non-euclidian shaped.
The universe is a fourth dimensional hologramm.
Santa exists.

Birds are not real.
Snow don't exist.
All mosquitoes are bots.
We landed on the Sun in 1845.
Air don't exist.
Clothes are a psyops.
All insects are different evolutions of cockroaches.
Dinosaurs don't exist.

This board is ruled by a secret society that worship Shrek, the green. Shills, glowies, CIA agents, janitors, Nigerian digital slaves and traps. Dragon dildo masters.
One gay philosophy is inverting 4chan.

They make you think you are arguing with underages.
They make you think you are banned.
They make you think there's a report button.

The tranies are behind cuckoldism, depotism, futurism, communism, wokism, Stalinism, Nazism, imperialism, flat-earthism, morfism, luciferianism, feminism, succubism, niilism, racism, socialism, sexualism, sadism, schism, astrologism, furryism, social decay and degration.

They despise and want to destroy:
- IPv4.
- Jewish memes.
- Good quality animes.
- Waifus.
- Comfy threads.
- Wired headphones.
- Anonymous Fraternity.
- UI Dark themes.

Hence these civilizational concepts are under relentless assault to make way for their homosexual dominance sponsored by Big Tech companies led by satanic channer moderators and Infinity engine developers after a fake reddit invasion know as 4Normie Project.

ALL of these conspiracies hinges on the original, mother of all psyops and hoaxes: "Traps aren't gay".

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🧵 Reminder:

Anonymous No. 166029

A good 1-2 is literally all you need. That's it.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 166021

How can I get a bike and jump off a cliff with it? (Cause extreme sport)

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🧵 It's unbelievavable how pathetic UFC heavyweight is

Anonymous No. 166011

>a light heavyweight legend several years past his prime bulked up to heavyweight by eating more McDonald's, beat the least terrible heavyweight fighter in 2 minutes and became the champ
>now he will smash a 41 yo former champion who's considered GOAT of the division even though he lost to a guy who would be a middleweight if he wasn't fat
>then he will retire and so should Stipe or he will end up like Silva
>so who will become the next champion? Gane who couldn't do anything against Jones besides a dickkick?
>the previous champ had the hardest punch in the world and not very much skills besides that
>he pissed Dana off to dodge Jones
Now let's go 15 years back
>a 45 yo guy was the champion
>he got knocked out by a pro wrestler

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 165970

Wouldn't this shit technically fuck up any Judoka? Just grabbing them and spinning around like that part in SM64 when Mario defeats Bowser by throwing him by his tail in a big spin move. What's the counter for this? If a big nigga came up and just did this, what's the defense?

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🧵 Why are mma weightclasses so misogynist?

Anonymous No. 165948

Boxing, judo, bjj, taekwondo. All of these have weightclasses for large women. Only mma doesn't because most promotions seem to believe in a misogynist claim that women can't be both over 145 lbs and fit. Why not just add women's lightweight (155 lbs) women's welterweight (170 lbs) and women's heavyweight (+170 lbs)?