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🧵 What do you think of Cejudo?

Anonymous No. 187072

A few monts ago there was an O'Malley vs Sterling fight. After that, O'Malley said he has just beaten the bantamweight GOAT and as far as I remember Rogan thinks the same.

But I, as a Cejudo fan, don't believe them. In fact, Cejudo lost to Sterling but first it was split decision, second Cejudo haven't fought for 2 years cause he was "retired". Moreover, he won one of his fights against Demetrious and knocked out Dominic Cruz who also beat Demetrious.

So what do you think about this? Who's the bantamweight GOAT?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 187065

What's the best martial art to defend yourself from this?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 187007

This fight would immidiately end all the "size vs skill" debates

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🧵 /sumo/ - Off-Basho General

Anonymous No. 186986

Altomafuji edition



>All the sumo links and how to watch live:

>Previous thread:

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 186976

>Strenght matt-ACK

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🧵 /gtg/ Grappling Technique General

Anonymous No. 186929

This will be a thread for people of all grappling disciplines (judo, wrestling, BJJ, etc.) to come and discuss or ask about technique. Here, we can avoid the retarded debates and help each other out with youtube links, instructional suggestions, troubleshooting ideas, etc.

Any serious grappler likely has questions from outside their main discipline. A judo guy starting BJJ might have some questions, or a BJJ guy trying to get better at wrestling.

This is NOT a self defense circlejerk thread, or a A vs. B circlejerk thread. Start with something like
>years of experience
>technique question or problem

I train at one of the most popular gyms in the world right now and I'm an instructional addict. I'll do my best to point people to the right resources.

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🧵 Belt System Alternative

Anonymous No. 186914

Belt systems were cool at first but they are easily corrupted and nowadays they have become a joke in most styles that actually use them.

How would you fix and/or replace the belt system?

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🧵 Boxing Gear

Anonymous No. 186873

Im starting boxing classes, and Im wondering which boxing gear you guys recommend. I had bad experience with Venum when I did BJJ

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🧵 Are Olympics legit

Anonymous No. 186793

Saw demoralising facebook comments with thousand of likes of agreement saying that olympics's atheletes all use enhancements and supposedly 44% of them use peptides, "best chemist wins", and that in this day and age its possible to go around the testing

Is this true now or no?

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🧵 Boxing belts

Anonymous No. 186791

Why are championship belts in boxing so shit? They all look horrible. Every other combat sport has belts that look 100x better. Even indie wrestling promotions have way better-looking belts. Why won't they change them?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 186786

>I'm taller and fatter so I'll obviously wi- AAACCCKKK

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 186752

If 100 random men and 100 random women were chosen to fight in mixed sex mma with legal groin shots, how many women would win?

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🧵 /ESG/ - Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 186692

Knee Jerk Reactionary Edition
Ur never 2 old 2 sk8, Ur never 2 fat 2 sk8, U can only be 2 much of a pussy 2 sk8
Last Thread: >>184292

Tips for beginners:
Qsnacks Top 10 for last week:
Video I Survived 500 Days Filming The Worst Skate Video Ever:
Scumco is going out of business they have $55 decks with free domestic shipping:

Whats do you prefer for a chill sesh? Bowl, Curb, Mini Ramp, Mellow Tranny? Brews and/or bud? Alone or with others?

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🧵 Usyk vs Fury - Undisputed Heavyweight champion

Anonymous No. 186669

Alright /xs/bros, who do you guys think wins this? It's been delayed a few times but it should HOPEFULLY be happening in May. I hope it at least happens this year.

When this fight was first announced I favored Fury but as time as gone on I find myself leaning towards Usyk. However I don't think Usyk will be able to stop Fury; he will win by decision if he does win.
The winner will not only be undisputed but undefeated as well. First undisputed HW champ since Lennox Lewis.
So who you got?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 186664

We want men's strawweight, men's super heavyweight, women's atomweight and women's lightweight

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 186645

Why is wristlock simultaneously considered an aikido shit that doesn't work and a dick move too dangerous for white belts?

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🧵 BJJ or Judo?

Anonymous No. 186607

I want to take up grappling.
Should I learn BJJ or Judo?

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🧵 Airsoft as a hobby?

Potential Airsoft Guy No. 186588

What are the pros & cons of buying expensive equipment to play airsoft as a hobby? The Doom Guy/Eternal helmet is $400+, but idk if it's worth buying or even safe.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 186521

I skateboard goofy but snowboard regular
My experience with skateboarding is 15+ years but I've only snowboarded a couple times
Is that weird?

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🧵 Should I learn Muay Thai?

Anonymous No. 186520

I’m curious about starting Muay Thai as a hobbyist, but I have a couple questions first:

1. Is Muay Thai worth learning if you’re about 5’9”, 160 pounds? I’m a skinnyfat dyel and am fully aware I need to bulk up a bit.

2. Will I feel more confident defending myself as a hobbyist? I’m not interested in competing since I’m 30 and need my brain for work, but I’d like to feel like I could handle myself (or at least put up a fight) in case I got jumped or something.

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🧵 We need to make Skateboarding this again

Anonymous No. 186489

Modern skateboarding fucking sucks. Everyone skates like a robot: same tricks, same style (both clothing and trick execution), everyone at the skateparks are way too serious and tryhard. Nobody carves or has any real style, just the same in-line tight truck 5 approved tricks tried endlessly in a row.

How do we make skateboarding like 1988-1992 again? Bright day glo colors, giant ass fish boards with rails, tricks that are whatever the fuck you felt like doing that day and who fucking cares if you drag a hand or a toe as long as you surf out of it. People used to all have a sense of humor and goof around and improvise halfway through a trick, not stand around like soulless autistic robots and give up if the autism flip didn't land perfect in the sperg grind. And for the love of fuck, they listened to ROCK and METAL, not this horseshit faggot ass trap music rap bullshit.

Skateboarding used to be rad as fuck and whatever gay shit it is today isn't worth being around. I don't see any tricks around today that weren't being done back then, it just had more pizzaz then.

Like, watch this part and tell me you aren't 1000x more amped to skate than some bullshit dropped today:

Fuck modern skateboarding, make skateboarding rad again.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 186472

>he doesnt know about intelligence agency control of martial arts knowledge

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🧵 Why are boxing fans like this?

Anonymous No. 186453

I don't know any martial art with so annoying fans. They're always trying to convince everyone that boxing is the only effective martial art and anything else is for girls or gays.

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🧵 What sport is this?

Anonymous No. 186437

Is this a surfboard with reins? Anybody know?