

🧵 impress me

Anonymous No. 898621

give me your most thought provoking question



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Anonymous No. 898586

What’s the point in doing 3d modeling as a hobby? I don’t understand why people would put themselves through so much work just to create something that doesn’t look as good as what a professional can do. Professionals in the industry spend most of their time doing this type of stuff because it is their job, but a hobbyist has a much more limited amount of time, and would never be able to catch up to a professional and make something as high quality. Why do hobbyists torture themselves so much?



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Anonymous No. 898573

What is the best program to start 3d modeling?



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Anonymous No. 898564

How the fuck do you do this in blender?

Image not available


A cybertronic bis....png

🧵 DALL-E 2

Anonymous No. 898519

So this AI model can make pretty damn convincing images with nothing but text inputs (see filename). The output isn't perfect, especially zoomed in details, but overall it's not half bad.
>"hey anon, generate this image of a robot bison, and make sure to fix up any problems the AI makes!"
Is this what working in the 3DCG industry will be like in the future?



🧵 3D realistic hair

Anonymous No. 898492

I see these images all the time.
First sculpted in zbrush and then, that same realistic hair appears """magically""" rendered using another program, maya for example.

How is it done? Is there any software which lets you convert these meshes to fibermesh?
These are not hair cards. If its done with xgen, why would you need that level of detail with the sculpture?



🧵 3DS Max vs Blender - Hard Surface

Anonymous No. 898488

Somebody told me Blender is much better than 3ds max for hard surface modelling. Is this true? Should I install Blender?



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Anonymous No. 898483

I thought marvel had good vfx. What happened?



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Anonymous No. 898450

Saw this on Sketchfab. Is it that I don't know something, or the topology shouldn't look this way?



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Anonymous No. 898420

>I'll give my client a topological disaster if I deem it so
Why are blendlets like this?



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Anonymous No. 898406

Look at my 3D rigging autism.




🧵 Fixing Jaggy lines between walls?

Anonymous No. 898382

How do I fix these jaggy lines between my assets? They don't go away in either Unity or Blender. It goes away if I combine these two in blender but the lines don't disappear otherwise.



🧵 It's over.

Anonymous No. 898381


Look of what AI is capable of doing now. Then think about what it was capable of 5 years ago and then imagine how good it will be 5 years from now.



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 898301

So, I'm a beginner at animating things. I face the same problems like in this video aka stiff animations. How do I fix it?
Tips and tricks please.



🧵 I have a problem, and I'm not sure how to fix it

Anonymous No. 898284

Hello, I am a shitposter/streamer of Hellgate London, specifically the 2038 fan run server. I've been trying to find a way to put the models into some kind of viewer beyond the game itself, as right now the server has been running since 2015 and the dev team haven't either bothered or could not pull the models out and edit them at all. This means that all the game has is models from 2006, if not earlier.

I've spoken with two of the former devs, Bill Roper (who had no idea about file formats) and Phil Shenk who was the art director of the project. Both of whom either don't know or haven't found anything on the weird ass format. Now the screen shot I have is of our current files but run through Hammer and for the life of me, I can't get that fucker to run. I'm desperate because the dev team is burnt out, and when in the past modelers were offering they either turned it down due to monetary concerns, or a distrust of the people offering.

I work as a tester and I'm starting to consider quitting because I am tired of being told no about anything. If I can pull the files into either Hammer or Blender I could actually add new things to the game without the requirement of shitloads of coding which I suck at. Models appear to be in .xml, .am, and .hkx formats but everything I've tried so far gets me a dead end. So I'm asking if anyone can help. Thank you.



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 898276

Is Octane secretly the best renderer that's unusable for production because it has a reputation for being unstable.



🧵 Will I lose interest if I keep going?

Anonymous No. 898270

Hi 3d bros... I've been practicing 3d to get a job in the film/gaming industry as a 3d artist. But I have a bit of a predicament about how I see games now. The more I practice the more I feel like it's very artificial and not that amazing anymore because I keep thinking of how they've done the models and environment. I see the polygons that wasn't even remotely noticable before. (picrel) It feels like that magical feeling of being immersed in a video game is slowly fading away because I know how the magic behind it.

I love video games, watching animated films and cinematic intros/trailers/cutscenes. Will I lose interest in them If I keep learning 3d? What do you think bros? :c



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 898269

I rigged this model adimitedly in a shitty way. I saved and when I open again, it was like this.
Can I fix this? Or do I have to do it again? (Yes it is Pekora)



🧵 Model

Ribbium No. 898221

Well guys im im trying to get into the games industry as a creature artist and this is something i made for a university module. Dont hold back, please give me criticism on the modelling and provide links to reading or video material that could help improve



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 898127

3D retards are like....

mmm, you can't use Vroid and Vroid related apps like Vroid poser to produce 3D art.



3d horsse.jpg

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 898119

how do i model a 3d horse ?

Image not available



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 898089

Does /3/ possess the skills to model horses



🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 898022

Why is the Houdini Donut so much worse than the Blender Donut?




🧵 /anti-Chris/

Anonymous No. 897962

You can only post in this thread if you have made ANY 3d progress today.
I converted an smd to mdl (without textures or collisions and it was way underscaled, but progress)