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🧵 Hi, I need help with rotations please?

Anonymous No. 954156

So, I'm trying to model a bunch of spherical chambers and their doors.
I understand that in order to rotate the door's swing away from the chamber, I have to set the origin point to the side as a hinge (rotate along Z axis)
But if I set the origin point to the CENTER(origin to geometry) or just the midpoint, and then rotate along the Y Axis first (a circular rotation before rotating along the z axis), I get this abomination instead.

I'm still learning and it doesn't work with global rotations either.
Basically it's facing at upwards angle which I don't wanna change. Can you guys help me out with what I should be doing? Where should the origin be so I don't get this problem?

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🧵 3D animation w/ after effects?

Anonymous No. 954108

Does anyone know how to animate something like this? Looking for tutorials but not quite finding what i need.

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🧵 Is this the right way to comment on sketchfab models?

Anonymous No. 954080


Asking for a friend

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🧵 texture images

Anonymous No. 954071

>hunting for texture images on google
>find a good one
>save image
>it's a fucking webp format
Either that or it's payed AND stupidly overpriced textures. Finding good textures is hard man. I struck gold when I came across some ukrainian guy's free textures website, then those fucking russkie shitheads invaded and the site went down. It's a curse, God doesn't want me to have nice textures

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 954010

what is the best software for animation modo 3dmax maya cinema4d softimage ? Based on you guy's experiment, I'm Learning for making games and I have experient in animation.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 953986

What is the simplest object I should be able to model in order to prove to an employer that I should be hired?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 953967

I sort of like the idea of 3D and building stuff but have zero interest in animation, is there something I can do or this isn't my thing

I think what I might like is building places or something like that, I don't have drawing skills either to make characters

I'm torn between this and a programming career because I want to work with my computer but I don't know if I would really like to stare at code all day plus I want something with a bit of creative leeway idk. I'm sort of lost in life, sorry to bother

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3D model icon.png

🧵 Help

Anonymous No. 953944

I hate to be an inconvenience, but may you please give a recommendation?

I am just looking for a simple 3D model of a jacket I can download to edit

Thank you

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 953923

How do you even reach this levels of skills.

I started to learn blender in 2014 and I'm nowhere near close this level of autismo.

Like I literally would have to learn to make an autismo super autistic rig with drivers and other advanced shit with custom library of facial blend shapes.

And I would had to basically record my own video reference.

Like, how the fuck do you even acquire the skills to pull this off?

Are there secret youtube tutorials on japanese to learn to make this?

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🧵 How are tiling window managers for workflows that require mice?

Anonymous No. 953918

Is a tiling window manager worth it for non front end devs?
To me, it does seem appealing. But.
So far I've only seen it be recommended by people who seem to be either web developers or unemployed Linux enthusiasts.
I get that it makes them faster. But what about video game devs, 3d graphic designers?
Is it worth it for someone who often uses Blender and Godot 's workflow?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 953891

Why isn't the Blender Foundation interested in the promotion and adoption of Open standards?

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🧵 Settings for fight scenes

Anonymous No. 953858

I'm gonna be making a fight scene in these up coming days (cake station fight contest) and I don't know what to do for the setting. I feel like whenever I have my animations on whatever setting it just looks so goooofy. I don't have the prompt for the fight yet but how do y'all decide where to choreograph your animations? Do y'all use assets? How do you keep everything in a similar type?

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🗑️ 🧵 Making some cel shader but...

Anonymous No. 953822

This is one of many setups I have but this one is giving me some headaches with the gloss, no, it would be pointless to not use it, that's the thing, so, does a texture or a node can tone it down or mask it when needed?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 953791

Can I use 3D software to animate still AI generate images? Someone told me I could use Blender, is it true or do I require other type of software.

pic related was generated with this AI below.

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🧵 Thoughts on Plasticity?

Anonymous No. 953763

Apparently it works similar to CAD and removes all problems with topology other 3d modeling programs have.

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🧵 What software was used for silent hill 2?

Anonymous No. 953712

in this video, they show the software that was used for the 3d models. do any of you know what it is?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 953637

You are kenough

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🧵 Modelling pipes- How do I make three directional and four directional pipes

Anonymous No. 953623

Hi, I've been practicing and I can't for the life of me find out a proper way to make a three/four direction pipe junction.
I can make a normal pipe and a curved pipe with the help of the spin tool.
Can someone here show me how I could make the other pipe junctions please? I'm willing to learn!

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🧵 my work

Anonymous No. 953612

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 953604

>main character is kissing a beautiful woman
>turns out he's dreaming and in reality a dog is licking his face

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 953515

bros, i need help, please post here any tips, plugins or resources for weight painting in maya
this shit just goes over my head, i cant into weight painting, pls help

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bag o money.png

🧵 Career Advice

Anonymous No. 953474

Hello fags, I'm a 3d modeller, animator, rigger ect with about 7 years of experience just working on my own projects.
Did fiverr for a while but some pajeet scammers asked for my services and then gave me a bad rating despite doing what they asked and basically removed my listings from the algorithm. So i quit that a few years ago and have just been wage cucking and working on my own projects again.

When i apply to jobs on ArtStation or workwithindies i never get a response.
Even though the stuff in my portoflio is decent enough, had a few interviews and failed the tests because they had some retarded instructions that didnt make any sense, even after i asked for clarification. then they failed me and only then were able to give me feedback on what they actually wanted.
so idk if im just unlucky or if this is what everyone else is dealing with.

What have you guys found success in?

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🧵 Envoy from /vt/ here

Anonymous No. 953463

Thoughts on this abomination?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 953425

2.0 is "out". GAME CHANGER.

Your thoughts?