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🗑️ 🧵 T3d format is wanted, can you help us? (Opensource project. t3d is ASCII)

Anonymous No. 956521

.t3d format is wanted:

Can you help us please? We gathered various resources there that describes the format and code.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956513

"hi guys my name is 3DProMasterHD and today i will be giving you a simple and easy tutorial on how to accomplish a very basic task in blender!"

>video duration: 5 hours (part 1 of 9)

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956496

seems like midjourney is killing concept artists slowly and maybe in just a few years (less than 5) they will create an ai that can generate fully rigged 3d models in 5 seconds, what do u guys think about this? does it feel odd to train and create 3d artwork hoping for a job at this point?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956405

I'm quite the n00b when it comes to blender and 3D modelling in general
For an early project I'm attempting to rig a model somewhat inspired by this picture here
Problem I'm having though is the deformation always looks jagged and like total ass
Is it just difficult to rig something with a body like a potato?
Or am I missing an obvious trick?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956343

Is there any software or website where I can create a 3d avatar like picrel that does not have copyright?
I want to use in a personal blog, so I don't want to have problems with copyright in the future.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956297

Bros, I'm moving away from Blender and I want to start learning Autodesk software. I'm only interested in making assets and renders. Which should I pirate, Maya or 3DS Max?

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🧵 can you make game UI's using 3d software instead of 2d software?

Anonymous No. 956180

rather than use photoshop, can I use something like Maya instead to whip out a nice ui then render the elements? Or is this extremely inefficient/retarded?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956159

Hi anon.
Would you like to tag along while I attempt to create this model?

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🧵 3DCoat

Anonymous No. 956151

What are your guys opinion on it? Any 3d Coat users here?
I'm really tempted to try it, but the horrible interface and lack of tutorials is really putting me off. Can we get a /3/ consensus on here?

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🧵 material nodes: different shader for flat vs. curved faces

Anonymous No. 956113

I want the curved outside of the cylinder to be red, and the flat top and bottom faces to be blue.
How do I acheive this using only material nodes? No geometry nodes, please.

I think, what I'm basically looking for is using whatever magic is hidden behind the "Auto Smooth" checkbox, just in a slightly different way.

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fucking nonsense.png

🧵 Geometry nodes are terrible and blender devs were on crack when they made it

Anonymous No. 956072

>Other program: Code something, turn it into a loop, repeat
>Blender: wEll ayckshually nodes are MaTh bAsEd
Why is there no fucking for loop
Why is the flow of operations so convoluted
Their shit is fucking retarded, why was it so hard to design a regular stack like every other node-based program on earth?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956058

how do i accomplish something like this:

kinda new to 3D modeling, using blender.
what kind of methods should i use? i don't know where to start

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956043

AI literally wont replace 3D artists, it will literally save hours and months of work, lmao.

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🗑️ 🧵 Could we have .t3d file format support?

Anonymous No. 955986

So … could you join our project and help us with more model formats? We just want .t3d for now. A “simple obj like” text format. We allready have an .obj parser (and bsp parser and all that too)
So maybe it wouldn’t be too impossible with help? We took a crack at it allready today and got some vertex info in the game from it…

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🧵 Mods please update your thread.

Anonymous No. 955982*/

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🧵 anyone know of a working crack for maya 2024?

Anonymous No. 955974

anyone know of a working crack for maya 2024?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 955918

ok here's the plan... I'm gonna pick up Koikatsu STUDIO and download characters and like... I don't know.. make them wear funny costumes and do poses and tell a story by using screenshots (like some porn guys do on pixiv) because I can;'t animate and stuff like that.

I don't know how to do any of that though, but is it possible? can I like, put other assets into koikatsu like for example guns, a tank or some shit. I just want to make funny stuff for fun

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 955833

>the year is 2025
>launch 3DS
>have to provide Autodesk an entire plan of my house, including which room my children sleep in
>open material map
>boot again
>crashes at boot screen
>start working
>realize I'm missing the "use right mouse button" plugin
>purchase a $700 subscription for it (it's cheaper if I buy a 25 year plan)
>finish project, save it to the cloud
>go to presentation
>try to access the file
>cannot access servers, as I remodeled my house and I need to provide Autodesk with an up to date floor plan
>next day
>get access to file again
>it's corrupted
>at least it's not Blender

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 955816

Blendlets, I fucking kneel. I have never been treated as badly as a consumer as I have by paid 3D software.
>Zbrush phones home and does license checks while the program is active
>If you lose internet it almost instantly kicks you out
Fuck Zbrush and FUCK MAXON

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 955792

perfect specular photogrammetry is now SOLVED.
its literally over for 3d modellers.
next: transparent surface photogrammetry.
3d modellers worldwide will be put on suicide watch.

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🧵 Programming

Anonymous No. 955766

Would there be any possibility of using this ( ) to somehow get unreal levels to load on our opensource engine (It's in C, but it's very C++ like)? ( ) (darkplaces fork)

I looked at the code and it looks insane daunting (your viewer), how did you make it?
In our engine one just goes to model_brush.c adds a file handler, and then model_shared and points to that handler. But this one is so involved.

It's like wheels within wheels and we'd never beable to ever adapt it. :(
Since we don't have it in our head.

The best we were able to do recently is get obj files working as proper maps.


(2mb, our source code (GPL))
./make nexuiz
./nexuiz -xonotic

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🧵 Does /3/ use any of there?

Anonymous No. 955733

Are they of any use besides sdandard mouse and ekybard?
The only producer I've found is 3DConnection. Anything else on the market?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 955725

How long to reach this level?

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🧵 Help needed

Anonymous No. 955688

hey guys so for the past few months the idea of sculpting / being a 3D artist is really glamorous for me but I've a few questions as I'm a complete noob
1-can I make a good career of it ?
2-what are the possibilities of landing a remote work? because I'm in a country where any form of being a 3D artist is considered a dead end since there is no market for it here
3-should I even bother learning if I intend to teach myself using tutorials etc..
4-what budget display tablet should I buy ?
5-can my PC(GTX 970/6700K/Ram16G) handle the software I'm going to use like zbrush/blender ?