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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16291570

>Last few days of community college
>Going from a campus that was just 2 buildings to one with 40,000 students
Any tips and tricks?

>Why did you go to community college?
It was 5 minutes away from my home.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16291512

Would it be possible to very accurately measure our solar system's/suns oscillation, if there are any? and maybe recursive with all the planets?
Me thinks its like bobber in water

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16291476

How would you make a toilet that never has splashback on your butt? And it has to be passive or automatic without having any effort by the user.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16291462

The most intelligent human being who ever existed.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16291454

how would you calculate the amount of strengh/force you need to lift sephiroths katana and clouds blade? Is the katana harder to hold because it's longer? If so whats that called exactly?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16291419

Should a desire to become a genetic dead end be considered a mental illness?

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🧡 The UK is set to get its coldest summer in 24 years

Anonymous No. 16291356

Why is this summer so cold?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16291345

β€˜why does time move forward but never backward?’

time does move backward but we dont notice it because we can only be conscious when time moves forward.
Time moves at different speeds too but we dont notice it because the ratio of how fast things are happening and how fast we process things stays the same. it sounds like pseudoscience but i swear it makes sense if you think about it

pic unrelated

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🧡 Quantum nonsense

Anonymous No. 16291308

Scientists themselves are the ones who have popularized mystical misunderstanding of quantum mechanics.
This is not only a form of disinformation, but also gatekeeping. Because it means it becomes much harder to learn the fundamentals of QM without actually digging deep into the papers.
Take for example this guy
His explanation is deeply wrong on two accounts:
- You CAN actually observe the path taken with up to 98% certainty before losing the interference pattern (
- "Unplugging the detector" can still cause the pattern to collapse, depending what you mean by that. Whether it collapses or not has nothing to do with whether humans are observing it. If you simply unplug the screen that the scientist is looking at, the interference pattern will stay absent. (Heisenberg 1958, Physics and Philosophy)
Then there is nonsense like this
Why are PhDs engaging in this nonsense? Do they actually not understand QM, is it wishful thinking combined with sunk cost fallacy, or are they doing it simply for the money? I think the first video might be a case of doing it for the money, while Penrose is doing it because of wishful thinking that humans are special, and now he's too deep in it to backpedal without looking like a fool.
Is there any physicist who actually believes the conscious observer nonsense in current year and is not bending the truth for their own personal gain? I'd like to know.
Why isn't this kind of behavior called out more frequently by respectable scientists? Is it because of fear?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16291295

>all current wormhole visualisations are in two dimensions with the two dimensions folded onto eachother to represent the curvature of spacetime in a higher dimension
>all non-normalfags not seduced by pseudo-science know there are only three dimensions, not four or more
So my question is, how can a wormhole be visualised in three dimensions, without introducing a fourth? Surely it would be possible to represent in any 3D CAD or modelling software.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16291287

There's a weird misconception about an authority that the degree gives you. Like, you will watch some YouTube video and the comments will be like "he's not historian, how can he talk about this stuff", but, do they know how the things are in universities? Most of the people in my group in uni are fucking retards. There's like 1 guy who actually knows something. the rest don't even try. Recently I had to teach a guy what ethernet cable is and where to put it(computer science degree). You really would be more safe trusting an autist on YouTube who has a true passion for the subject, than an official graduate in the subject.

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🧡 I don't get it

Anonymous No. 16291275

Isn't the result supposed to be -75?

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🧡 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16291261

VIPER edition

previous: >>16288620

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16291209

NASA Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity edition

previous >>16288620

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16291198

How would an interstellar civilization be affected by galaxies colliding?

This is a legitimate question I've never had answered.

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🧡 Terrestrial Chlorophyll Index

Anonymous No. 16291162

Why is chlorophyll lower near the Ukrainian battlefield?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16291095

Why wasn't the new world filled with some unthinkable alien like creatures given it's separation from the old world

Bison are just bovines, a lot of snakes, monkeys and jaguar felines. Don't get me wrong it's definitely different, it's just that I expected more.

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🧡 Growing larger brains

Anonymous No. 16291075

If we perform a craniotomy on a young human like an infant whos brains are still growing. Replace it with a much larger 3D printed skull. Will the brain grow larger and baby grow up with superior intelligence?

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🧡 Penn State Chemistry professor charged with 55 more counts

Anonymous No. 16291065

>this is what a scientist looks like

Dr. Themis Matsoukas, PhD, who was famously caught fucking a dog in a Pennsylvania public park last summer has been charged with 55 more counts of similar crimes and could end up spending the rest of his life in prison

An award-winning Penn State professor arrested in a sickening bestiality case faces more charges after videos emerged of him allegedly engaged in lewd acts in a park β€” including inserting a tree branch and lollipop in his butt.

Themis Matsoukas, 64, was already facing charges of open lewdness, indecent exposure, sexual intercourse with an animal and animal cruelty after police said he’d been seen on video involved in sexual acts with a pet collie.

The chemical engineering professor begged troopers to kill him β€” while saying the sex acts helped him β€œblow off steam,” according to an initial criminal complaint in June.

Matsoukas has now been hit with an additional batch of similar charges for other alleged acts from 55 videos found on his electronic devices seized on a search warrant, Fox 43 reported.

They included videos of the professor naked apart from a ski mask, according to an affidavit obtained by Onward State.

He was captured on video masturbating on a picnic table, in a lake at the park and on Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) vehicles, according to the affidavit.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16291046

new economic index:
>"It's lack of pussy that fucks countries up."
Corporal Josh Ray Person

I propose a new economic index to validate a country's health. I call it the Female Hotness Index. The basic idea is to OBJECTIVELY measure the average attractiveness of a country's women. The idea I have so far is basic and unexplored, but I hope as academics improve my proposed method it could become a great indicator of economic turmoil and potentially future war. Many libs seem worried about our world getting hotter but I am worried about it getting uglier. By measuring the female hotness index every year we can propose changes in the system to make women more hawt like mandatory fasting or genetic engineering. Furthermore decreasing war and overall unhappiness. My hope is to make sure every incel's looksmatch is a G-cup underweight girl.

oh do not think im just proposing. I've carried out the intial research just now. Using the above data I have cooked up an equation that will objectively measure how hawt a countires women is.


Every cup size is plus one to the boobs variable.
for example D would be boobs value of 8
AA-A would be a boobs value of 2
we do this to determine how larg the boobies are. who said flat is justice? not me.
to get the wight variable we subtract average bmi by 18.5. this gives us how far the average women is from being underweight.
The formula goes liek...
Hotness = (boobs**2) / ((average_bmi - 18.5)**2)
to get a country's hotness score

Please discuss, some values may be wrong. i am not an gay united nations economicist. composite indexes are not my speciality.
i do have ideas of improving the index based on the percentage of asian women in the country, or the percentage of women among the ages of 11 to 25. Or penalizing with the amount of africans or immigrants in the nation. one issue, i have no clue on how to statically determine a woman's facial attractiveness. DISUCUSS!

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🧡 The DSM is completely unscientific and a fraudulent set of books

Anonymous No. 16291006

Psychiatry exposed - James Davies PhD:
>DSM 5 archives - Sealed for 20 years - >Committee members signed confidentiality agreements
>No biological evidence for disorders in DSM
>Lack of scientific research justifying diagnoses

People involved:
>Donald Klein - jew (1st IC DSM3)
>Robert Spitzer - jew (2nd IC DSM3)
>Henry Pinsker - jew/Beth Israel Medical Center
>Renee Garfinkel - jew/Jerusalem Based
>David Kupfer DSM 5 - ethnic status unknown
>Alan Francis - DSM 4 - Asperger -
>Renee Garfinkel

>Matters decided by vote - voting isn't a scientific activity
>"We took over because we had the power"

Complete lecture:

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16290993

Can evolution be forced?
Lets say we take like 10 million people (for reference thats the population of countries like Sweden, Greece, Portugal and a few others)
and we force them to spend more time in the water, teach them how to hold their breath, how to swim fast underwater, how to look for food etc and we do this for millions of years, could we create a race of water humans?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16290979

What roles do tornadoes play in the ecosystem? Are there any "benefits" to them?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16290978

Chemistry is boring as hell.