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🧵 Well, /xs/?

Anonymous No. 149432

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🧵 /judo/ Judo General

Anonymous No. 149261

Thread for IJF Judo (other jacketed wrestling styles NOT welcome)

>Discussion starter
What's the biggest upset you've seen in Judo? Did they rematch?

>IJF World Tour Schedule 2023
June 23-25 - Ulaanbaatar Grand Slam
August 4-6 - Hungary Grand Slam
August 18-20 - Zagreb Grand Prix
September 22-24 - Baku Grand Slam
October 20-22 - Abu Dhabi Grand Slam
December 2-3 - Tokyo Grand Slam



Previous thread: >>143764

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🧵 /esg/ eternal skateboarding general

Anonymous No. 149215

Anon got bullied into refusing to make threads anymore. KYS edition.

Reminder do land your daily heeflip.

old >>145512

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 149156

Would it be better to train a certain martial art first to have a good base before training mma/ a complementary style? Or just train mma from the get go?

I want to have a specialization, but at the same time, I think it would be better if I just focus on being good overall, and transitioning or cross training may be hard.

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🧵 Mouthguards microplastics/bpa?

Anonymous No. 149138

Does using a mouthguard, make you ingest microplasics/other harmful chemicals? Are there non plastic alternatives?

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🧵 Muay Thai Sparring as newb

Anonymous No. 149101

I’ve been to one Muay Thai class (free trial,) and was weirded out by the padwork and shadow boxing especially.

I don’t like it and I’m confused as fuck when shadowboxing.

Can I just skip straight to sparring? They have sparring classes time blocks and shit. I’m used to bjj or wrestling where you actually do the sport.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 149082

i want to play airsoft but i have no friends or car

i want to play airsoft but i have no friends or car

i want to play airsoft but i have no friends or car

i want to play airsoft but i have no friends or car

i shouldn’t need to be a chad and a millionaire just to have fun!!!

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 148983

Do you think you could beat prime Tank Abbott with your superior knowledge of 2023 MMA?

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🧵 trouble finding class partner in Muay Thai

Anonymous No. 148857

this is probably going to sound super dumb, butI just started muay thai about a week ago, im usually the only woman in my classes (there sometimes are two girls who spar together) but otherwise I have trouble finding someone to partner with, and im paired with the super fucking aggressive guy because no one wants to be paired with him. Im a major autist and im not too sure what to ask people since a lot of people there seem to know each other well, and i think a lot of the men might be uncomfortable sparing with a woman who is also a newbie. any tips to be more approachable and how I can talk to people better?

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🧵 The effect of shoes in street fights

Anonymous No. 148827

Most ppl say that kicks don't work in street fights but no one takes in consideration the shoes

Harder shoes or boots make the kick very deadly or not?

I wonder if someone can take a bodyshot kick and still stand from someone with shoes

I would even say something else, most ppl use jeans and it can be used against you for grappling purposes, jeans don't rip apart that easily they work like belts in bjj or judo so you could be grabed

What do you think?

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🗑️ 🧵 Oblique kick

Anonymous No. 148785

I used to think oblique kick is supposed to hit the knee and kicking the tigh is a miss or an act of mercy but then I saw how Rountree broke Bukauskas' knee with an oblique kick to his tigh. Does it mean the tigh is the best place to kick or is this just as good or almost as good as kick to the knee?

Also, do you think oblique kicks should be banned?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 148726

How to beat a shorter but stronger opponent?

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🧵 Sumo Wrestling = Ultimate Martial art

Anonymous No. 148623

Sumo wrestlers literally all other fighters there's simply no way you can get past their massive pushing power and tree trunk leg strength, I don't care what art you train or how long you've been training, You are just a KITTEN compared to the average mighty sumo wrestler.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 148619
Sambobros... we got fucking humiliated

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 148455

Any jetsurfers here? I want to get one but am a third worlder who can't empty his entire savings account for a European model. Chinese board Waste of money?

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🧵 Why running away advocated so much in the Martial Arts community?

Anonymous No. 148416

I'm tired of seeing smug redditors and quora posters getting upvotes for just telling people to be cowards and thinking they're so fucking clever. What is so damn intriguing about being a coward and running of your problems instead of facing them solving things like a warrior would?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 148354

Toby Price
Real name, no gimmicks

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 148230

Why does every martial artists or self-defense guru shill for Muay Thai? What makes it so special comparatively to other striking arts?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 148143

>motocross is so dead there isn't even a thread for it on /xs/
its so over

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 148114

Man this board is blackpilling me as a manlet, and I’m not even that short (5’9.5”). Should I even bother learning how to fight for self defense or would my best be pointless?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 148071

what martial art would be best suited for me
>220 lbs
>want to develop discipline
also, is it possible to learn through videos from my house? there isn't anything near me that offers the opportunity to learn a martial art like dojos and stuff.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 148033

If you believe in God, explain the existence of ugly people.

What is the point?

Looked at myself in the mirror today and I had to ask myself (ugly guy) the same question: why does God make ugly people?

And before you say "Your parents are ugly don't blame God" 1: They aren't 2: Even if they were we could blame God at some point.

I don't really see the point of doing anything at all.

It's all about looks.

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🗑️ 🧵 /BJJ/ - BJJ General

Anonymous No. 147993

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General
No Steroids Allowed edition


Belt Checker

Previous thread

Thread question: What's your weakest area, and what are you doing to improve it?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 147954

An Aikido master would easily be able to win a battle again a bear or a lion, because he would be able to redirect the force of the animal's attacks back towards the animal.