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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 137897

Who is the Terry Davis of skateboarding?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 137783

Unironically one of the most extreme sports out there is cave diving. Cavebros- where yall at?

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🧵 Sandbag Training for Judo

Anonymous No. 137772

Does anyone use sandbag for Judo or BJJ training? Mostly the former. I don't have the money to purchase a power rack, weights, and barbell to do any barbell lifting. However, I do have 200 lbs. of tube sand and a canvas fitness bag.

My question is: How effective is sandbag training for overall strength training and how well does it translate in Judo.

(I know this may be more for /fit/, but /fit/ is frankly horrible and filled with coomerbait. So I'm trying here.)

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🧵 /asg/ Airsoft General

Anonymous No. 137673

Welcome To Hell Edition

Old Thread: >>133225

Keep strictly real-steel related topics in >>>/k/, gun and gear porn's cool as long as you don't spam.

If you have a useful guide or want to rework one for the OP, post it and someone will add it to the next one.

>Updated Newbie pastebin

>/asg/ retailer guide

>Legal comprehensive, crosscheck with your local laws to be on the safe side

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 137633

Post yourself in fighting stance

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🧵 /cg/ - Climbing General #11

Anonymous No. 137578

uoıʇıpǝ uʍop ǝpısdn

>Should I start climbing?
Yes. It's a good workout, and it satisfies the instinctual part of you that always asks "I wonder if I could get on top of that?". Find a climbing gym near you and give it a go. Focus on bouldering at first. Going alone is perfectly fine.

>How do I start toproping?
You have to learn how to belay. Almost every climbing gym has toproping courses if they have toprope walls. You will also need a belay partner--this is easier to find than you think. Just chat with other boulderers or approach someone alone on the auto-belay.

>How do I start bouldering outside?
Buy a crash pad and look for nearby boulders on mountainproject (or your regional equivalent). Don't be stupid and always have a descent plan. Prepare to be humbled.

(Eternally remembered as /bog/)

Old thread >>130882

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🧵 Untitled Thread

i want to learn both, help me No. 137566

what should i go first, BJJ or Judo?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 137509

Do you prefer boxing or mma?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 137497

I've been doing muay thai for a while now, what's the likelihood of losing your teeth while training? This one guy I was paired up with today didn't hold back and it felt like he'd break my bones if I slipped up blocking.

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🧵 A small tip for those who wanna start taekwondo

Anonymous No. 137482

Don't do it and learn muay thai instead. It can teach you how to rise you your legs high too but it can also teach you how to fight.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 137449

>watching The Alpinist
>movie about free solo climbing
>introduces a bunch of famous free solo climbers at the beginning
>ALL of them died climbing
>the two climbers the movie is about died climbing

this sport is ridiculous. EVERYONE who made a name for themselves in it fucking died due to climbing aside from Alex Honnold

Why would anyone do this?

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🧵 buhurt

Anonymous No. 137418

Does aqnybody know the name of the helmet on the left??

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🗑️ 🧵 ITT: cooking while being a caregiver

Anonymous No. 137309

Yesterday, I decided to satisfy yet another random urge to cook a nice meal. It was:
1 cup of dried, whole brown lentils
3 cubed Yukon Gold potatoes with the skins
2 cups of some mushroom and chicken bone broth I had sitting around for like the last two years (surprisingly its use-by was this coming April)
1 cup of water
A sprinkling of salt

I raised it to boiling then simmered it in a saucepan for about 20 minutes, and near the last few put a bit of Italian seasoning in it. Frankly, it wasn't winning in looks, but man did it taste good with some onions sauce and sausage I had cooked the day before.

Anyway, my grandmother with dementia got up in the night, filled the pot full of water with the stew still in it, placed in on the floor, and then went back to bed. I got four bowls out of it, anyway.

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🧵 Martial arts books

Anonymous No. 137304

What are your favourite books on history, philosophy and practice? any martial art.

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🧵 "Teaching" Self-Defense

Anonymous No. 137281

I didn't know where to post this, so I'm posting it here because it talks the most about Judo and self-defense.

I'm a black belt in Judo, could I get away with freelancing as a at-home women's self-defense teacher or is it a bad idea? I would be charging 60 bucks an hour.

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🧵 /sumo/ - Off Basho Sumo General

Anonymous No. 137266

/v/ Edition

2023 Schedule :
Current banzuke:
Current pastebin:

previous sumo thread: >>131263

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 137220

Why doesn't skim boarding get any attention on this board?

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Hard Ticket to Ha....webm

🧵 /esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 137206

Some damn fine videos dropped this past few weeks.

Love that mall video in particular. Why the fuck aren't there more dead mall skate videos anyway? They all seem like they're prime skate spots.

Old thread: >>134858

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 137125

Would it be wise to come back to martial arts after an ACL + meniscus repair?

>sparring with partner in MT class
>practicing takedowns; I throw a teep, partner catches my left leg, tries to take me down
>right leg immediately locks and then everyone hears the loudest *snap*
>I'm now laying down on the floor, right knee looks like a balloon and it's now the second time I snapped my ACL, first time I tear a meniscus
>get surgery, rehab and retire from martial arts
>current year +8
>Almost 23. Have been doing mostly cardio (swimming 3x week) some weightlifting (2x week) for almost three months now,
>not related to any recovery or rehab plan, it's just I wanted to take better care of my body
>although I'm decent at swimming, and I like weightlifting at my home gym, I still miss doing martial arts

I'm also stuck between either coming back to Muay Thai (reasoning being i might've forgotten everything after all this time) or trying something like judo (originally this was the plan 5 years ago, but I had that little accident). Any recommendations?

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🧵 How to beat a judoka?

Anonymous No. 137105

Would the standard way of beating people (punches, kicks to the tigh, oblique kicks if allowed) be effective?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 137000

Why do people in street fights do the whole body slam or double leg takedown? Is it really THAT good of a move that even the most untrained guy can perform it with relative ease and pretty much the fight 90% of the time?

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🧵 BareKnuckle Heavy weight Championship

Anonymous No. 136989

does anybody has a streaming link for the BareKnuckle Heavy weight Championship of tonight?

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🗑️ 🧵 twink death is brutal

Anonymous No. 136970

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🧵 BJ’s and J’s

Anonymous No. 136755

They will refuse to start from standing because you strength mog them and you will be told you are going too hard even if you aren’t actually using your full strength and get butthurt that weight classes exist and will be passive aggressive and fake their humility because they are insecure that someone that’s big and lifts and young can close the skill gap significantly to the membership and instructionals they’ve paid thousands for over the years. But the submissions are super legit just rolling in puddles of sweat and mounting middle aged men and smelling their ammonia or moldy Hawaiian salami and pineapple cheese pizza scent isn’t fun and is pretty gay. Also you pay $130 a month for this, $250 on the high end and sometimes more. I think I will try Judo because it’s great combined with strength and focuses on takedowns and dominating on your feet and less gay and unsanitary and less likely to get staph, ring worm, and mat herpes and letting men mount you.