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🧵 /DGG/ Disc Golf General #3

Anonymous No. 118367

/DGG/ Disc Golf General
My close personal friend Paul McBeth edition
Season is closing out if you live in a shit state sub edition

>What is disc golf?
Its golf but with frisbees or discs. Generally played at parks that have free courses.
>What do I need to get started?
A disc and some shoes to walk around comfortably. (You should probably also bring some water anon and maybe download UDisc for a scorecard, or print / make your own)
>I'm new what disc should I buy?
Pretty much any decent disc will get you out and playing. You don't need to buy a starter set immediately, instead buy a putter and approach disc as its a pretty easy to throw disc for a beginner and then buy more discs from there.
>Are there courses around me?
Almost certainly, check for a pretty comprehensive list of courses and recommendations as to what ones near you are good.
>I bought a starter set and cant throw these things straight or far at all!
Go onto youtube and lookup guides idiot. Also learn to throw your putter first. It's most likely the easiest disc to throw in your bag and just because it doesn't fly as fast as a fairway or driver disc, It'll probably fly farther as It WILL fly straighter.

Most people you meet out on a disc golf course are gonna be pretty chill guys who'll either help you out if u get a disc stuck in a tree, or even give u a quick tip if you're new.

Post personal course, rounds, lies, discs and stuff

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🧵 Is road racing an extreme sport?

Anonymous No. 118343

Is road racing an extreme sport?
>an amateur who can get the certs can do it
>people regularly die doing it
Is zooming at 200mph through narrow roads with curbs, lamp posts and trees extreme enough?

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🧵 /ratg/ Rough and Tumble General

Anonymous No. 118197

Discuss the ancient and barbaric fighting sport of American Rough and Tumble or Gouging general:

It doesn't get any hardcorer than this.

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🧵 Who wins this fight?

Anonymous No. 118110

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🧵 Minmax a fighter

Anonymous No. 118056

Give a theoretical MMA fighter three martial arts.
Decide the martial arts to serve a single role as efficiently as possible.
Others point out the weaknesses, suggest combinations of martial arts that would be more efficient at serving the same role, and discuss what the fighters would be like practically.

Primarily grappling, the purpose is to counter and grapple the opponent rapidly and powerfully. Sitting guard and Seizo stances can be swapped between if one of the two stances is established too. I figure it'd work out like getting the opponent to the floor and delivering nasty followups that are hard to deal with.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 118016

Dark, vengeful energy emanating from this glare.
Is Carlsen to blame for what happens next, or was he justified?

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🧵 just took my first mma class

Anonymous No. 117874

>wrestling mma class
>never fought before
>get paired up with 2 year bjj guy because of my weight and height
>go a couple times drilling a move
>cunt throws me across the room
>this sort of thing continues
>he realizes i suck and starts going slow
>im still trying to get an idea of how any of this shit works
>he's visibly annoyed at me but trying to hide it
>im pretty demoralized
i dont think i want to go back guys honestly i knew i would suck but i didn't expect to get thrown about that much and really learn much at all in the first go. it doesn't seem very friendly atmosphere either kind of like i was intruding on peoples time or something

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 117816

Basic brand information for beginners:
> (embed)
Shoe reviews:
Submit a shoe review:

Old thread: >>116761

Post yfw skating.

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🧵 Taekwondo tournament

Anonymous No. 117719

So I have been doing taekwondo since Spring of 2021 and i'm now a blue belt entering my first tournament. I haven't been training like I should and only have a week please give me some of the best advice you can give because I want to win this tournament or come close. Also what training should I do to help?

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🧵 Standing still in a boxing match

Anonymous No. 117706

How can i improve my resistence during a boxing match? I'm usually the type of guy who cant keep fighting after throwing 4 punches because has to take a long breath to be at least half good to continue. How can i improve myself so i can avoid this manlet thing?

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🧵 /mtb/ Mountain Bike General

Anonymous No. 117687

Amateur Engineer Edition:

> What good bike can I get for under $500?
a stolen bike. Possibly a newer used entry level hardtail but don't expect it to survive rock gardens, jumps, or drops. Or an older mtb which won't be as good as newer ones and will still have a front derailleur, but it'll be good enough.
> What good bike can I get for under $1000
Used hardtail
> What good bike can I get for under $2000?
New Hardtail
> What good bike can I get for under $3000?
Used full suspension
> What are the excellent value brands?
Marin, Commencal, Canyon, Polygon, YT, Propain, Kona, and many more. Sometimes the expensive brands have an excellent value bike
This is a handy guide. Not comprehensive but a good guide for american riders. Europeans and Asians have access to other brands.
Previous Thread: >>110612

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🧵 What do?

Anonymous No. 117632

How the hell am I suppose to learn ju jitsu when the nearest dojo is 40 miles away and public transport won't go that far.

Would the instructor be hard up enough for cash to come get me I wonder, or am I stuck having to learn Taekwondo because it's locally available?

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🧵 Martial Arts is based

Anonymous No. 117605

I very glad /xs/ basically became the martial arts board. Of course we like all extreme sport here but still, feels good man.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 117345

Is the armwrestler physique the most aesthetic one? (Big forearms,huge biceps and lats)

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🧵 First Comp (BJJ)

Anonymous No. 117337

I'm going into my first amateur comp tomorrow. However, Im 2.2 pound overweight!
What should I do tonight?

My plan
>> Clean my room
>> Simple workout (full body) 20 - 30 minutes
>> Sauna


>>Sauna one more time before weight ins
>> Eat simple carbs dor the fight

I'm actually kinda sleepy right now. So... Should I just sleep and do everything tmr n fight? Or do everything tonight, sleep n fight?
Or is there a better way?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 117219

do a kickflip

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 117143

For string walking what is the exact amount to space you need to move your finger relative to the meters away your shooting? Is there a formula? Or at least a set known distance for each amount of meters? No I don’t have a finger tab with notches on it. How do they even know where to put the notches?

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16th century tomboy.jpg

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 117089

/HEMA/ General - 16th Century Waifu Edition

>What is HEMA?
HEMA stands for Historical European Martial Arts, sometimes also called Historical Fencing.
It's reconstructing how to fight with swords, daggers, polearms and other weapons based on old European fighting treatises

>What does it look like?
Inside the World of Longsword Fighting -
Back to the source -
Martin Fabian Sparring -

>Where can I find these treatises?

>Where can I find HEMA clubs near me?

Last thread: >>104955

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 117064

What is a reasonable belt progression for taekwondo?

I never did martial arts myself, but my daughter has been doing TKD for a couple of years now. We moved about a year ago and it seems like the new place she's going is doing belt tests really fast. She's testing for a new belt every 2-3 months which gives me a little bit of a McDojo vibe, but I don't have enough experience to really know.

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🧵 Whats a good sport for a guy in his 20’s

Anonymous No. 117049

Didn’t play sports as a kid, what sport can you take up later in life and still be decent

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🧵 Taekwondo

Anonymous No. 117037

Opinions on Taekwondo? I know it's not considered a good martial art for self defense, but I guess it's good as a sport.
WTF or ITF? Which one has less injuries? Which one is more fun to do?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 116997

>"I have question for you Khabib, For people who want to get into the fighting industry and start somewhere, what advice do you recommend especially for Female?"
>"For you, I have a very good advice , Be a fighter inside your home"
Unfathomably BASED

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 116984

I'm thinking of practicing a striking martial art (I have to decide whether it's taekwondo, muay thai, boxing, etc), but I'm a pussy and I worry about getting my teeth knocked out, I had some trouble with my gums in the past, but I would say it shouldn't be a problem now.
Would you recommend one martial art over other if I worry about stuff like this? Like, is Taekwondo less intense than Muay Thai, for example?
Either way I think I'll use at least a mouthpiece for sparring, maybe headgear to avoid cauliflower ears, idk. And I don't mind being the only one using them, but I think I would rather not be the only one. Are there some martial arts where people are more likely to use protective gear?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 116971

/milking/ general